



Effects of Different Microhabitat Types on Rock Dissolution in Maolan Karst Forest, Southwest China
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41661045), Guizhou Province 100-level Talent Project(Grant No. [2020]6010), and Key Program of Science and Technology of Guizhou Province (Grant No. [2020]1Z036)

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    [Objective] Karst mountain areas are generally thin in surface soil layer and fragile in ecological environment. Dissolution of carbonate rocks is the main way of soil formation in karst mountain areas. It is of great significance to study dissolution of carbonate rocks for protection of the soil environment and sustainable utilization of the soil resources in the areas.[Method] Different types of microhabitats, such as stone cavern, stone crevice, stone gully, stone groove, earthy surface, and stone surface, were selected as research objects for the study in the Maolan Karst forest, Guizhou. The method of sheet dissolution test was used to determine carbonate rock dissolution rates in these microhabitats. Spatio-temporal variation of the dissolution rate and shape of the rocks therein was observed, and relationships of dissolution rate with type of the microhabitat, soil physicochemical properties and microorganisms therein were analyzed. In the end, relationship of carbonate rock and soil formation was discussed.[Result] Results show that with the dissolution lasting from 0.5 to 2 years, the highest sheet dissolution rate of the rock appeared in stone grooves, followed by earthy surface and stone surface. And slight dissolution was observed in stone gullies, but no significant sign in stone caverns and stone crevices. In general, the rocks buried in the soil were higher than the outcropped ones in the habitat in dissolution rate. Correlation and random forest analyses show that type of a habitat was the primary factor affecting rock dissolution, and the soil moisture content and pH were factors promoting and inhibiting rock dissolution, respectively. As the dissolution process going on and on, the morphology of dissolution became more and more apparent in the microhabitats with dissolution rate changing significantly.[Conclusion] All the findings demonstrate that type of a microhabitat has a significant impact on rock dissolution in karst mountain areas.


龙健,吴求生,李娟,廖洪凯,刘灵飞,黄博聪,张菊梅.贵州茂兰喀斯特森林不同小生境类型对岩石溶蚀的影响[J].土壤学报,2021,58(1):151-161. DOI:10.11766/trxb201911040354 LONG Jian, WU Qiusheng, LI Juan, LIAO Hongkai, LIU Lingfei, HUANG Bocong, ZHANG Jumei. Effects of Different Microhabitat Types on Rock Dissolution in Maolan Karst Forest, Southwest China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2021,58(1):151-161.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-11-04
  • 最后修改日期:2020-05-26
  • 录用日期:2020-08-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-10-30
  • 出版日期: 2021-01-11