



Hydraulic Properties and Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Pedo-Transfer Function of Rocky Purple Soil
Fund Project:

ational Key Research and Development Program of China [2017YFD0800505]

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    紫色土中存在的岩石碎屑会对土壤的水力性质如饱和导水率、水分特征曲线产生显著影响。以两种不同母质发育的土壤(紫色页岩和紫色泥岩)为研究对象,设置0.25~2、2~5、5~10 mm三个岩屑粒径水平,0、30%、50%、70%、100%五个岩屑含量水平,采用压力膜仪法和定水头法分别测定水分特征曲线和土壤饱和导水率。利用BP神经网络,选择特定输入变量建立土壤饱和导水率传递函数PTF1和PTF2(PTF1的输入变量为岩屑含量、岩屑粒径、初始土壤容重和机械组成,PTF2的输入变量为岩屑含量、岩屑粒径、初始土壤容重、机械组成、进气压力值和S指数(土壤水分特征曲线拐点处斜率的绝对值))。结果表明:添加岩屑极大提高了土壤饱和导水率和S指数,并且随岩屑含量的增加而增加,相比之下,进气压力值随岩屑含量增加而减小,饱和导水率也随岩屑粒径的增加而增加,岩屑粒径从0.25~2 mm增加至5~10 mm,饱和导水率平均提高了2.3倍。岩屑粒径对进气压力值和S指数影响较小。PTF2和PTF1的几何平均数、几何标准偏差、均方根误差以及AIC指数分别为1.27、5.57、0.16、2.94和1.17、1.70、0.060、-53.2808,PTF2的相关值均小于PTF1,表明PTF2模型的预测效果更好。综上所述,岩屑的存在显著影响了紫色土的水力特性,使饱和紫色土导水能力增加而保水能力减弱,利用神经网络所构建的传递函数PTF2可很好地实现含岩屑土壤饱和导水率的预测。


    [Objective] The knowledge about soil hydraulic characteristics plays an important role in optimal soil water management and conservation practices, and hence is essential to evaluation of soil water storage capacity and prediction of water and solute fluxes in soil, which may affect crop yield, fate of agrochemicals, and eventually groundwater quality. Rock fragments are the main factor in rocky purple soils affecting hydraulic properties, such as saturated hydraulic conductivity and water characteristic curve.[Method] Two soils derived from different parent materials, i.e. purple shale and purple mudstone, separately, were studied in this paper. The soils were divided into groups, separately, different in rock fragment size (0.25~2, 2~5 and 5~10 mm) and in rock fragment content (0, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100%) for test. Soil particle size composition was measured with the pipette method. Microscopic morphologies of the purple shale, the purple mudstone, and the groups of soils were observed with a ZEISS EVO 18 scanning electron microscope. Water characteristic curves and saturated hydraulic conductivities of the soils were measured with the pressure film method and constant head method, respectively. Two transfer functions (PTF1 and PTF2) were established to predict saturated hydraulic conductivity with the aid of the BP neural network. PTF1 consisted of four input variables (rock fragment content, rock fragment size, initial soil bulk density, and texture), while PTF2 did of two more input variables (air entry value and S index (absolute value of the slope at the inflection point of water characteristic curve)) in addition to the four in PTF1.[Result] Results show that saturated hydraulic conductivity was significantly related to rock fragments content, S index, and air entry value. Saturated hydraulic conductivity and S index of the soil improved with increasing rock fragments content, while air entry value did reversely. Moreover, with increasing rock fragment size from 0.25~2 to 5~10 mm, saturated hydraulic conductivity increased by 2.3 times on average. Rock fragment size had little effects on air entry value and S index. The maximum error between predicted and measured values was 0.2225 and 0.1058, and the average error, 0.0756 and 0.0422, respectively for PTF1 and PTF2. The regression coefficients of PTF1 and PTF2 was 0.9416 and 0.9873, respectively. The geometric mean, geometric standard deviation, root mean square error, and AIC index of PTF2 and PTF1 was 1.27 and 1.17, 5.57 and 1.70, 0.16 and 0.060, 2.94, and 53.2808, respectively, and the correlation value of PTF2 was lower than that of PTF1. indicating that PTF2 performed better than of PTF1 in predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity.[Conclusion] In summary, the presence of rock fragments significantly affects the hydraulic properties of the purple soil, thus improving water conductivity and decreasing water holding capacity of the saturated purple soil. The transfer function PTF2 based on the neural network performs well in predicting saturated hydraulic conductivity of rock-containing soils.


高鹏飞,冉卓灵,韩珍,李江文,李兰亭,魏朝富.含岩屑紫色土水力特性及饱和导水率传递函数研究[J].土壤学报,2021,58(1):128-139. DOI:10.11766/trxb202003250399 GAO Pengfei, RAN Zhuoling, HAN Zhen, LI Jiangwen, LI Lanting, WEI Chaofu. Hydraulic Properties and Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Pedo-Transfer Function of Rocky Purple Soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2021,58(1):128-139.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-03-25
  • 最后修改日期:2020-06-27
  • 录用日期:2020-07-30
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-10-30
  • 出版日期: 2021-01-11