

Effects of Water Management on Selenium Accumulation in Rice Grains and Bacterial Community Diversity in Rhizosphere Soil
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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.31672238) and the Research Program of Basic Research and Frontier Technology of Chongqing City in China (No.cstc2017jcyjAX0425)

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    采用盆栽试验方法,研究不同水分管理方式对水稻根际土壤硒组分、籽粒硒积累以及根际土壤细菌群落多样性的影响。结果表明:在水稻的各生育期,好氧和干湿交替较淹水灌溉一定程度上提高了土壤pH和氧化还原电位(Eh),土壤水溶态和可交换态硒含量增加,从而提高了土壤硒的有效性。水稻成熟后,不同部位的含硒量由高到低依次为根(1.38~2.22 mg·kg-1)、叶(0.55~0.85 mg·kg-1)、茎(0.53~0.61 mg·kg-1)和籽粒(0.15~0.53 mg·kg-1)。水稻籽粒含硒量以干湿交替灌溉最高,淹水灌溉最低,二者含硒量差异达显著水平。干湿交替灌溉的水稻产量显著高于常规淹水灌溉,且较淹水灌溉提高了7.83%,较好氧灌溉提高13.51%。水稻根际土壤优势菌为变形菌门、绿弯菌门、拟杆菌门、酸杆菌门、Patescibacteria和芽单胞菌门,变形菌门是不同水分管理方式下水稻根际土壤中丰度最高的细菌,水分管理措施显著影响其丰富度,干湿交替和好氧灌溉中变形菌门的丰富度明显高于淹水灌溉。从纲水平看,Gammaproteobacteria的丰度与土壤有效硒含量呈正相关,故Gammaproteobacteria丰度的增加可能是土壤硒生物有效性增加的另一个重要原因。综上,干湿交替灌溉不但能提高水稻产量和稻米硒含量,且较正常淹水管理节约用水,在水稻生产中,是一种优先推荐的水分管理方法。


    [Objective] For this paper a pot experiment was conducted to evaluate effects of water management varying in pattern on composition of soil selenium, bacterial community diversity in rhizosphere soil and Se accumulation in grains of rice, and further to explore mechanism of water management affecting the absorption and accumulation of selenium in rice, so as to provide considerable theoretical and practical support to effective regulation of selenium transfer from rice field to agricultural products, to meet the demand of human for selenium nutrient and health.[Method] The experiment was designed to have three treatments in water management treatments, that is, (I) flooded irrigation(F); (II) aerobic irrigation(A); and (III) alternation of flooded and aerobic irrigation (AFA), and three replicates for each treatment. Starting from D20 (20 days after rice transplanting), soil pH and Eh were measured every 12 days. The selenium in the rhizosphere soil was fractionated at the tillering stage, heading stage and maturity stage of the crop. Content of selenium in rice roots, stems, leaves and grains as well as yield of the crop were measured at maturity. Before rice harvest, the fresh soil in the rhizosphere bag was retrieved and placed in a bag, which was then sealed and stored at low temperature (-80℃) for high-throughput sequencing analysis.[Result] Results show that at all the rice growth stages, Treatments A and AFA were higher than Treatment F in soil pH and Eh to a certain extent and in content of soluble and exchangeable selenium as well, thereby in availability of soil selenium. In terms of selenium content, the organs of a rice plant exhibited an order of root (1.38-2.22 mg·kg-1) > leaf (0.55-0.85 mg·kg-1) > stem (0.53-0.61 mg·kg-1) > grain (0.15-0.53 mg·kg-1). Treatment AFA was the highest in selenium content in rice grains, while Treatment F was the lowest. The difference between the two was obvious. Treatment AFA was significantly or 7.83% higher than Treatment F and 13.51% higher than Treatment A in grain yield. The dominant species of bacteria in the rhizosphere soil of rice were Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria, Patescibacteria and Gemmatimonadetes, with Proteobacteria being the most abundant one in rice rhizosphere soil in all the treatments. Obviously water management had a significant impact on richness of the bacteria. Treatments AFA and A were significantly higher than Treatment F in richness of Proteobacteria. On the level of class, abundance of Gammaproteobacteria was positively related to content of available Se in the soil, so the increase in the former may be deemed as an important reason for higher bioavailability of selenium in the soil.[Conclusion] Comprehensive analysis shows that alternation of flooded and aerobic irrigation can not only improve yield and selenium content of rice grains, but also save water for irrigation as compared to normal flooding irrigation. Therefore it can be recommended as preferential water management method in rice production.

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    发 布

王瑞昕,杨静,方正,张思宇,周鑫斌.水分管理对水稻籽粒硒积累及根际土壤细菌群落多样性的影响[J].土壤学报,2021,58(6):1574-1584. DOI:10.11766/trxb202004090050 WANG Ruixin, YANG Jing, FANG Zheng, ZHANG Siyu, ZHOU Xinbin. Effects of Water Management on Selenium Accumulation in Rice Grains and Bacterial Community Diversity in Rhizosphere Soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2021,58(6):1574-1584.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-04-09
  • 最后修改日期:2020-06-28
  • 录用日期:2020-09-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-12-10
  • 出版日期: 2021-11-11