

Climate Change and Soil Erosion in Holocene in Xi'an Area
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41930641, 41771215), Key Laboratory of Aerosol Chemistry and Physics, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.KLACP-1904)and the State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. SKLLQG2013)

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    为了揭示西安地区全新世环境变化和黄土地层的侵蚀期,利用野外调查和化学分析等方法,研究了西安地区全新世黄土与古土壤发育时的气候变化和不同气候阶段的土壤侵蚀。通过野外调查,在西安白鹿塬区发现了黄土塬区罕见的3个层次的全新世中期古土壤,整个全新世黄土剖面可分为5层,表明黄土塬区全新世气候变化及沙尘暴活动与河谷地区一样可分为5个阶段。土层氧化物、微量元素、CaCO3含量和磁化率测定结果显示,西安白鹿塬区全新世8 500~6 000年和5 000~3 100年古土壤发育时较10 000~8 500年、6 000~5 000年和3 100年以来的黄土发育时夏季风活动强,降水量多,气候湿润,沙尘暴活动弱。中全新世8 500~6 000年间发育的S02古土壤中Fe2O3和Al2O3有一定富集,该层土壤类型相当于黄棕壤,指示当时年平均降水量较现今多150 mm左右。虽然沙尘暴活动很弱的间冰期是黄土地层理论上的侵蚀期,但是实际上这一时期的土壤侵蚀很弱。全新世黄土的侵蚀主要发生在气候冷干时期,不是发生在温湿时期。全新世中期6 000~5 000年间的黄土侵蚀率一般大于堆积率,使得广大地区全新世中期的薄层黄土在绝大多数地区受到侵蚀而消失。全新世中期薄层黄土发育时气候变冷干引起的植被退化是当时土壤侵蚀加强和出现侵蚀期的原因。


    [Objective] This paper is oriented to reveal changes in climate, monsoon and sandstorm activity in Holocene in Xi'an area, to explore impacts of cold dry climate and warm wet climate on loess erosion and to define erosion period of the loess strata.[Method] Field surveys were carried out to investigate how loess and paleosol eroded in Holocene. Of the loess and paleosol, chemical compositions were determined with an X-ray fluorescence analysis instrument, CaCO3 content with the gas volume method, and magnetic susceptibility with a magnetic susceptibility instrument.[Results] Through the field investigation of 13 sample sites points at Bailuyuan of Xian, it is found that the mid-Holocene paleosol, rarely discovered in the loess plateau in the past, can be divided into three layers, including one layers of loess and two layers of paleosol. The loess and paleosol in the entire Holocene profile can be divided into five layers. The Holocene profile in Milucun displayed apparent changes in chemical composition and magnetic susceptibility and its loess and paleosol can also be divided into five layers, of which two paleosol layers are high and three loess layers low in SiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O and K2O, and the five layers exhibit reverse trends in soil CaO. In the early mid-Holocene S02 paleosol layer, Fe2O3 content varied in the range of 56.8~62.4 g·kg-1, and in the lower part of the paleosol it has been enriched up to 8.0 g·kg-1and Al2O3up to 15.0 g·kg-1. The two paleosol layers are high in Rb, Ba, Ni, Sr and V (five trace elements) and the three loess layers are just the opposite, except in Sr. In the Holocene loess profile, CaCO3 varies similarly to CaO in content. The S02 paleosol layer is very low in CaCO3, demonstrating the feature of leaching soil being low in CaCO3. The two paleosol layers are high in low frequency magnetic susceptibility, while the three loess layers are low.[Conclusion] Various environmental indices indicate that in Beiluyuan the Holocene climate change and sandstorm activity can be divided into five stages. In the mid-Holocene, the period between 8 500-6 000 aB.P and 5 000-3 100 aB.P when paleosol was developing witnessed stronger summer monsoon activity, higher precipitation, more humid climate, and weaker sandstorm activity than the period from 10 000-8 500aB.P to 6 000-5 000 aB.P when paleosol was developing in Bailuyuan. During the five climatic stages of Holocene, the five soil layers display an order of paleosol S02> paleosol S01> loess Lx > loess L0 > loess Lt in terms of thermohumidity and a reverse order in terms of intensity of sandstorm activity. The mid-Holocene S02 paleosol developed during 8 500-6 000 aB.P experienced moderate and moderate on the strong side chemical weathering, and enriched Fe2O3 and Al2O3 to some extent, hence the soil could be sorted into a type of soil similar to subtropical yellow brown forest soil, which indicates that the average annual precipitation at that time is about 150 mm more than it is today. Although the interglacial period with weak sandstorm activity is the theoretical erosion period of loess strata, in fact, the soil erosion in the interglacial period was very weak. The Holocene loess erosion happened mainly during the period under a cold dry climate instead of under a thermohumid climate. Between the period of 6 000-5 000 aB.P in the mid-Holocene when the thin-layered loess was developing, the climate became dry and cold, thus leading to degradation of the vegetation and intensification of loess erosion. The loess in most areas of Xi'an got lost through erosion more than it accumulated during this period, and so was the case in most areas of the Loess Plateau, too, which is the main reason for the absence of thin-layered loess in the Holocene from 6 000 to 5 000 years in most areas of Loess Plateau.


周旗,赵景波,苏敏,王晓宁,马延东,楚纯洁.西安地区全新世气候变化与土壤侵蚀研究[J].土壤学报,2021,58(6):1404-1415. DOI:10.11766/trxb202002200055 ZHOU Qi, ZHAO Jingbo, SU Min, WANG Xiaoning, MA Yandong, CHU Chunjie. Climate Change and Soil Erosion in Holocene in Xi'an Area[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2021,58(6):1404-1415.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-02-20
  • 最后修改日期:2020-11-10
  • 录用日期:2021-01-06
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-01-14
  • 出版日期: 2021-11-11