

Methods and Measures for Soil and Water Conservation in Hilly Red Soil Regions in South China: A Case Study of Xiaoyang Watershed in Ningdu
Fund Project:

National Key Research and Development Program of China (No.2017YFC0505401), and the Water Resources Science and Technology Project of Hunan Province ( Xiangshuikeji [2017]230-40)

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    水土保持区划历经70年发展日趋成熟,明确了水土保持工作的发展方向,但却难以直接指导水土保持措施布设,故本研究提出在小流域(50 km2)尺度划分水土流失防治分区。基于压力-状态-响应模型构建包含水土流失敏感性、土壤侵蚀态势、生态系统服务三个维度的指标体系。并且针对目前应用于分区的方法众多,其分区效果有待评价的问题。以江西省宁都县小洋小流域为例,使用三种聚类评价指标对三种常用聚类算法所得水土流失防治分区方案进行评价。结果表明,k-means算法最适用于小洋小流域水土流失防治分区。水土流失防治分区探讨了复杂环境特点和社会发展需求,并在此基础上提出了水土保持措施布设意见,为小流域合理配置水土保持措施提供科学依据,提高综合治理效益。


    [Objective] After nearly 70 years’ development, the strategy of zoning for soil and water conservation has gradually got matured with natural environment, socio-economic situation, type of soil erosion, and other factors in the region taken into account, thus becoming an effective tool for strategic planning. However, local management agencies now require more locale-specific schemes to guide soil management practices, and zoning of small watersheds for soil and water conservation is an effective method, very helpful for comprehensive control of soil erosion. Moreover, zoning uses an evaluation- and cluster-based approach to sort and organize spatial units according to their similarity from a technical perspective. There are many kinds of clustering algorithms applied to zoning, and each has its own characteristics that may be desirable in some applications, but undesirable in others. Therefore, it is significant to evaluate the schemes of zoning for soil and water conservation designed with different clustering algorithms. [Method] In this study, the Pressure-State-Response(PSR)model was used as a framework for establishing a tri-mensional indicator system that included soil erosion sensitivity, the soil erosion status, and ecosystem services. The Xiaoyang watershed is a small watershed typical of the hill red soil regions in South China, suffering severe soil erosion. Taking the Xiaoyang watershed as an example, evaluation and comparison was made of the schemes of zoning for soil and water conservation designed with the 3 commonly-used clustering algorithms, i.e. k-means clustering algorithm(k-means), Self-organizing Maps(SOM)and Iterative Self-organizing Data Analysis(ISODATA), in dispersion, diversity and practicability, in light with the 3 evaluation indices, i.e. Silhouette Coefficient(SC), Shannon's Diversity Index(SHDI)and Perimeter-Area Fractal Dimension Index(PAFRAC). [Result] Results show that the k-means algorithm was the most reasonable for the zoning. The final schemes were adjusted through filtering, trend-surface analyses and comparison with other schemes to ensure continuity and integrity of the zoning and in the end 5 kinds of zoning were screened out. [Conclusion] Zoning for soil and water conservation should take into account characteristics of a region so as to make a suitable arrangement for vegetation rehabilitation in terms of the surface landscape. This study provides a framework within which region-specific soil erosion measures can be planned, and it has also laid down a scientific basis for local management agencies to implement region-specific erosion control measures and improve their integrative management benefits.


王凌霞,李忠武,王丹阳,陈佳,胡晓倩,宁珂.红壤低山丘陵区水土流失防治分区方法与措施配置——以宁都县小洋小流域为例[J].土壤学报,2021,58(5):1168-1178. DOI:10.11766/trxb202003290139 WANG Lingxia, LI Zhongwu, WANG Danyang, CHEN Jia, HU Xiaoqian, NING Ke. Methods and Measures for Soil and Water Conservation in Hilly Red Soil Regions in South China: A Case Study of Xiaoyang Watershed in Ningdu[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2021,58(5):1168-1178.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-03-29
  • 最后修改日期:2020-06-28
  • 录用日期:2020-09-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-12-08
  • 出版日期: 2021-09-11