

Characteristics of Vertical Variation of Soil Aggregates Stability and Nutrients in Shallow Karst Fissures of Karst Sloping Fields
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 41961047), Department of Science and Technology of Guizhou Province(No. Qian Ke He PingTai Ren Cai [2017] 5727-12), Department of education of Guizhou Province Key Laboratory of Soil Resources and Environmental Characteristics in Northern Guizhou (No. Qian Jiao He KY Zi [2017] 010th)

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    浅层岩溶裂隙(SKF)为植物提供生长空间、水分和养分,是石漠化地区的重要生境类型。以矩形和漏斗形SKF剖面为研究对象,采用干、湿筛分法和Le Bissonnais法,分析了不同土层土壤团聚体稳定性特征和破坏机理,测定了团聚体中土壤有机质(SOM)、碱解氮(AHN)和有效磷(AP)的含量。结果表明:SKF剖面粒径>0.25 mm的团聚体均超过90%,PAD值范围为0.01%~4.75%。干、湿筛作用下,MWD值变化范围分别为4.63~7.69 mm和1.33~4.24 mm,团聚体分形维数D范围分别为1.57~2.18和1.55~2.15。SKF土壤团聚体的稳定性随剖面深度加深而降低,矩形SKF土壤团聚体的稳定性要强于漏斗形SKF,快速湿润产生的消散作用是造成团聚体破碎的主要机制。团聚体破坏率(PAD)、团聚体分形维数(D)和平均重量直径(MWD)这三类指标均表明,SKF土壤团聚体水稳定性、通透性均较好。SKF剖面30 cm以下土层,团聚体SOM、AHN和AP含量相较0~20 cm土层大幅下降,含量范围分别为13.27±0.94~37.53±3.47 g·kg-1、71.58±3.27~198.54±22.63 mg·kg-1和0.15±0.03~0.38±0.10 mg·kg-1,土壤AP十分贫乏。SKF形态会影响SOM含量随土层深度的变化,矩形SKF 30 cm以下土层含量随深度加深而降低,而漏斗形SKF则没有显著性差异。随土层深度加深,矩形和漏斗形SKF剖面AP含量的变化趋势一致,AHN含量的变化趋势则与SKF形态之间没有明显关联。SOM、AHN和AP含量越高,SKF剖面团聚体水稳定性越强。


    [Objective] A shallow karst fissure(SKF) is a significant habitat in rocky desertification areas that provides growing space, water, and nutrients for plant growth. To explore the differences in the stability of aggregates, the primary mechanism of aggregate decomposition in different soil horizons in SKF, and the vertical variation characteristics of nutrient contents in aggregates, an experiment was performed in the karst region of southwest China.[Method] Two typical forms of SKF (rectangle-type SKF and funnel-type SKF) was selected for this study and the particle size distribution and stability characteristics of soil aggregates in different soil horizons (0-20 cm, 30-50 cm, 50-70 cm, 70-90 cm, and 90-110 cm) were explored by the dry and wet sieving method. Also, the mechanisms of soil aggregate decomposition were analyzed by the Le Bissonnais method. Furthermore, the contents of soil organic matter (SOM), alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen (AHN), and available phosphorous (AP) were determined in aggregates with different particle sizes, and the relationship between these nutrients and the stability of soil aggregates was analyzed.[Result] The aggregate fractal dimensions (D) under dry and wet sieving ranged from 1.57 to 2.18 and from 1.55 to 2.15, respectively. The stability and erosion resistance of SKF soil aggregates decreased with the depth of soil horizons, and the rectangle-type SKF soil aggregate was more stable than funnel-type SKF. The major mechanism observed for SKF soil aggregate decomposition was slaking generated by fast wetting. According to the indicators of percentage of aggregate disruption (PAD); the fractal dimension D and mean weight diameter (MWD), SKF soil aggregates have good water stability and permeability. In the 0-20 cm soil horizon, the variation of SOM, AHN, and AP contents in aggregates of different particle sizes were 38.34±6.53-90.91±10.02 g·kg-1, 208.09±24.10-373.93±38.27 mg·kg-1, and 1.98±0.96-8.13±6.45 mg·kg-1, respectively. In soil 30 cm below the surface, the contents of SOM, AHN, and AP declined sharply compared to those in 0-20 cm soil horizon, which were 13.27±0.94-37.53±3.47 g·kg-1, 71.58±3.27-198.54±22.63 mg·kg-1, and 0.15±0.03-0.38±0.10 mg·kg-1, respectively; with a very low AP content. Importantly, the particle size of aggregates was not an important factor governing the nutrient content of the aggregates. Additionally, SKF morphology had different effects on the variations in SOM, AHN, and AP contents with soil depth. SOM content below surface 30 cm horizons in rectangle-type SKF was significantly decreased with increasing depth of SKF, while no significant difference was observed in funnel-type SKF. The variation trends of AP content with increasing SKF depth were consistent in rectangular and funnel-type SKF profiles, while there was no significant correlation between the variation trends of AHN content and SKF morphology. According to the correlation analysis, higher SOM, AHN, and AP contents indicated stronger water stability of the SKF soil aggregates.[Conclusion] The water stability of SKF soil aggregates is an important factor for these soils and decreases as the soil horizons deepen, with the major mechanism of soil aggregate decomposition being slaking generated by fast wetting. Also, the morphology of SKF showed varied effects on the variations of SOM, AHN, and AP content at different soil depth.


熊佰炼,高扬,彭韬,颜雄.喀斯特坡地浅层岩溶裂隙土壤团聚体稳定性与养分垂向变化特征[J].土壤学报,2021,58(6):1472-1485. DOI:10.11766/trxb202006300351 XIONG Bailian, GAO Yang, PENG Tao, YAN Xiong. Characteristics of Vertical Variation of Soil Aggregates Stability and Nutrients in Shallow Karst Fissures of Karst Sloping Fields[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2021,58(6):1472-1485.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-06-30
  • 最后修改日期:2020-12-28
  • 录用日期:2021-03-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-04-02
  • 出版日期: 2021-11-11