






Acidification Resistance of Tobacco-planting Soils Derived from Different Parent Materials in Wuling Qinba District, China

Fund Project:

Supported by the Key Science and Technology Project of China National Tobacco Corporation (No. 110201902005), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (No. BK20191103), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41907019)

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    为探究武陵秦巴山区烟田土壤的抗酸化性能及其影响因素,分别采集区域典型母质发育黄棕壤和黄壤,比较不同母质发育土壤的酸缓冲容量差异,结合模拟酸化实验对不同土壤的潜在酸化风险进行了初步评估。结果表明,土壤初始pH和母质类型均显著影响土壤酸缓冲容量大小。除硅质岩发育黄棕壤外,酸性土壤的酸缓冲容量较相同母质发育的中性土壤低22%~81%。在中性土壤中,碳酸盐类母质发育黄棕壤和黄壤含有较多碳酸盐,酸缓冲容量分别较硅质岩类母质发育黄棕壤和黄壤高44%和16%。酸性黄棕壤和黄壤则呈相反趋势。模拟酸化结果表明,酸缓冲容量较高的土壤,在外源酸输入时,土壤pH下降较为缓慢,土壤溶液铝和交换性铝增幅相对较小,潜在酸化风险较低。12种供试土壤中,泥质岩发育的酸性黄棕壤酸缓冲容量最低,仅为11.79 mmol·pH-1·kg-1,对外源酸极度敏感,潜在酸化风险最高。在武陵秦巴山区不同母质发育土壤中,需重点关注泥质岩发育黄棕壤酸度的变化,并采取有效措施增强其抗酸化性能,降低土壤酸化风险。


    【Objective】 This study aimed to investigate the effects of parent materials and initial soil pH on the resistance of soils to acidification. 【Method】 Twelve soil samples derived from different parent materials under tobacco-cultivation were collected from Wuling Qinba District, China. The pH buffering capacity (pHBC) of the different soil samples was determined by acid-base titration in the pH range 4.0 to 7.0. Additionally, the changes of soil pH, soluble Al and exchangeable Al following acid input were investigated through simulated acidification with HNO3. 【Result】 The results showed that soil pHBC was significantly affected by parent materials and initial soil pH. Due to the depletion of buffering substances in soils by acidification, the pHBC of weakly acidic yellow-brown soils and yellow soils (11.79-45.15 mmol·pH-1·kg-1) was lower than that of neutral yellow-brown soils and yellow soils (23.74-141.53 mmol·pH-1·kg-1). Therefore, the decrease in soil pH and increase in soil active Al in neutral yellow-brown and yellow soils were slow during the simulated acidification, indicating a weak acidification potential. Among the neutral yellow-brown soils and yellow soils, the soil pHBC increased with an increase in carbonate content in soils. The soils derived from limestone and carbonate parent materials reserved more carbonate (21.14 and 1.18 g·kg-1), which led to a higher pHBC than soils derived from quartzite and siliceous parents. However, the opposite tendencies were observed in the weak acid yellow-brown soils and yellow soils. In weak acid soils, the exchangeable base cations played the major pH buffering role due to the exhaustion of carbonate. Compared with the soils derived from limestone and carbonate parents, soils derived from quartzite and siliceous parents contained more clay and organic matter, which provided more H+ exchangeable sites and was thus beneficial to buffer exogenous acid and slow down the activation of soil aluminum during acidification. Among the 12 tested soils, the acidic yellow-brown soil derived from pelite was extremely sensitive to exogenous acids due to the lowest pHBC (11.79 mmol·pH-1·kg-1). When 6 mmol·L-1 HNO3 was added, the pH of the acidic yellow-brown soil derived from pelite was lower than that of the acid yellow-brown soils derived from carbonate parents and siliceous parents (by 0.74 and 1.10 pH units, respectively). Correspondingly, the soluble Al and exchangeable Al in the acid yellow-brown soil derived from pelite were significantly higher than those in the acid yellow-brown soils derived from carbonate parents and siliceous parents. 【Conclusion】 The acid yellow-brown soil derived from pelite presented the highest potential acidification risk. Thus, it is necessary to pay more attention to the acidification trend of soils derived from pelite and improve the resistance of these soils to acidification through the application of organic fertilizer. These findings provide significant guidelines for the management of soil acidification during continuous tobacco cultivation in the Wuling Qinba region, China.


时仁勇,王昌军,闫静,来宏伟,陈振国,李德成,徐仁扣,孙敬国.武陵秦巴山区不同母质植烟土壤抗酸化性能研究[J].土壤学报,2023,60(2):367-377. DOI:10.11766/trxb202107010339 SHI Renyong, WANG Changjun, YAN Jing, LAI Hongwei, CHEN Zhenguo, LI Decheng, XU Renkou, SUN Jingguo. Acidification Resistance of Tobacco-planting Soils Derived from Different Parent Materials in Wuling Qinba District, China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2023,60(2):367-377.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-07-01
  • 最后修改日期:2021-10-25
  • 录用日期:2022-01-20
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-01-26
  • 出版日期: 2023-03-28