






Effects of Seawater Rice Rhizosphere Effect on Soil Ammonia-oxidizing Microorganisms in Coastal Saline-alkali Soil

Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41907033 and 41977125), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (No. 2018A030307054)

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    滨海盐碱地的特殊环境严重限制了土壤氮素转化和利用。微生物介导的水稻根际氨氧化过程是盐碱稻田土壤氮循环的关键过程,但限于研究盲点和技术不足,海水稻根际效应对滨海盐碱地土壤氨氧化微生物群落结构的影响仍少有报道。据此,本研究以“海稻86”为研究对象,分别设置低盐浓度(2 g·kg-1)和高盐浓度(6 g·kg-1)两组处理进行盆栽试验。结果显示:种植海水稻70 d后,高盐和低盐处理根际土壤的pH分别下降了0.82和0.70个单位,土壤有机质(SOM)含量下降了6.41和4.46 g·kg-1,腐殖质(HU)含量提高了5.76和4.45 g·kg-1,全氮(TN)含量减少0.46和0.37 g·kg-1,表明海水稻可通过降低盐碱地土壤pH,加速有机质分解转化,提高土壤氮循环速率。水稻根际作用可显著提高土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)、微生物生物量氮(MBN)和微生物呼吸强度,并在种植第55天达到最高,在高盐处理中分别达到850.0 mg·kg-1、72.2 mg·kg-1和231.9 mg·kg-1·d-1,低盐处理中达到546.1 mg·kg-1、53.7 mg·kg-1和171.2 mg·kg-1·d-1,说明水稻根际作用对土壤微生物数量和活性的影响在55 d最强。海水稻根际效应对滨海盐碱地土壤氨氧化古菌(ammonia-oxidizing archaea,AOA)丰富度、多样性和丰度无显著影响,AOA优势菌为norank_c__environmental_samples_p__Crenarchaeota、unclassified_ k__norank_d__ArchaeaNitrososphaera。海水稻根际效应显著提升了滨海盐碱地土壤氨氧化细菌(ammonia-oxidizing bacteria,AOB)丰富度和多样性,提高土壤AOB优势菌environmental_samples_f__NitrosomonadaceaeNitrosospira的丰度。相关性分析发现environmental_samples_f__NitrosomonadaceaeNitrosospira与土壤pH呈显著负相关,与腐殖质呈显著正相关。本研究结果表明种植海水稻可提高滨海盐碱地养分循环,并且在酸性土壤中耐盐碱水稻根系效应主要影响AOB的群落结构。


    【Objective】The special environment of coastal saline-alkali land restricts the transformation and utilization of soil nitrogen. Microorganisms in saline-alkali paddy environment mediate ammonia oxidation in rice rhizosphere in a key process of soil nitrogen cycling. However, due to research blindness and outdated technology, the effect of seawater rice rhizosphere effect on the microbial community structure of ammonia oxidation in coastal saline-alkali soil is rarely reported. 【Method】In this study, the saline tolerant rice species ‘Haidao 86’ was used as the experimental material for the pot experiment. The pot experiment was conducted with low (2 g·kg-1) and high (6 g·kg-1) salt concentrations. Soil physicochemical properties and microbial biomass were measured and analyzed, and high-throughput sequencing of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms was conducted to analyze the effects of different treatments of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) community structure in the rice rhizosphere.【Result】Results showed that after 70 days of rice growth, pH of rhizosphere soil decreased by 0.82 and 0.70, soil organic matter (SOM) content decreased by 6.41 g·kg-1and 4.46 g·kg-1, humus (HU) content increased by 5.76 g·kg-1 and 4.45 g·kg-1, total nitrogen (TN) content decreased by 0.46 g·kg-1 and 0.37 g·kg-1 for low and high salt concentrations, respectively. Rice rhizosphere effect significantly increased soil microbial biomass carbon, microbial biomass nitrogen and microbial respiration intensity, reaching peak values on the 55th day of planting with 850.0 mg·kg-1, 72.2 mg·kg-1 and 231.9 mg·kg-1·d-1 for high salinity treatment and 546.1 mg·kg-1, 53.7 mg·kg-1 and 171.2 mg·kg-1·d-1 for low salinity treatment, respectively. The rhizosphere effect had no noticeable influence on the Chao1 index, Shannon index and Simpson index of AOA. At the genus level, the dominant bacteria of AOA were norank_c_environmental_samples_p_Crenarchaeota, unclassified_k_norank_d_Archaea, and Nitrososphaera. The rhizosphere effect of seawater rice significantly affected the richness, diversity and abundance of AOB in coastal saline-alkali soil. It can significantly increase the abundance of environmental_samples_f_Nitrosomonadaceae and Nitrosospira. Also, correlation analysis between the AOB community and soil environment showed that environmental_samples_f_Nitrosomonadaceae and Nitrosospira had a significant positive correlation with HU and a significant negative correlation with pH. 【Conclusion】The results of this study indicate that planting tolerant rice species can improve nutrient cycling in coastal saline-alkali land, and the rhizosphere effect of saline-alkali tolerant rice mainly affects the community structure of AOB in acidic soil.


李高洋,黄永相,吴伟健,陈艺杰,张伟健,罗舒文,李慧君,黄枫城,蔺中,甄珍.海水稻根际效应对滨海盐碱地土壤氨氧化微生物的影响[J].土壤学报,2023,60(2):587-598. DOI:10.11766/trxb202109170340 LI Gaoyang, HUANG Yongxiang, WU Weijian, CHEN Yijie, ZHANG Weijian, LUO Shuwen, LI Huijun, HUANG Fengcheng, LIN Zhong, ZHEN Zhen. Effects of Seawater Rice Rhizosphere Effect on Soil Ammonia-oxidizing Microorganisms in Coastal Saline-alkali Soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2023,60(2):587-598.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-09-17
  • 最后修改日期:2022-01-05
  • 录用日期:2022-03-04
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-03-14
  • 出版日期: 2023-03-28