






Screening of Low-Cd-accumulating Rice Varieties and Derivation of Soil Cd Safety Threshold in Southern Jiangsu

Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41977135), the Cultivated Land Quality Improvement Project of Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China (No. ZYT2019-XC-G-010), the Cultivated Land Quality Improvement Project of Changshu City, Jiangsu Province, China (No. JSJY-Z2021D002) and the Key Research and Development Project of Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, China (No.TC2018SF06)

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    解决农田土壤镉(Cd)污染及水稻Cd超标问题是国家和地方的重大需求。通过在苏南地区多年多点的田间小区试验和大田实地调查,对当地主栽水稻品种的Cd积累性差异进行比较,并推导出土壤Cd安全阈值。结果表明,大田调查与小区试验结果一致,18个主栽水稻品种糙米Cd生物富集系数存在差异,最高相差4.7倍,南粳46、南粳3908等品种的Cd积累性较低且稳定,建议推广应用。利用物种敏感性分布法,推导出苏南地区土壤pH 5.0~6.5、6.5~7.5、7.5~8.5下保护95%水稻品种糙米不超标的土壤全量Cd安全阈值分别为0.52、0.80、1.78 mg·kg-1,均高于现行的风险筛选值(GB 15618-2018)。研究结果对于苏南地区Cd污染稻田安全利用具有重要的应用价值。


    【Objective】There are urgent requirements to solve the problem of cadmium (Cd) pollution in farmlands and rice. With the rapid economic development in Southern Jiangsu, Cd pollution in soil and rice caused by industrialization has significantly increased. The purpose of this study was to screen low-Cd-accumulating rice varieties from main cultivated varieties in Southern Jiangsu, and to deduce the local soil Cd threshold for the safe production of rice. 【Method】In this study, field plot experiments and field investigation were conducted at different sites and years. Eighteen local main cultivated rice varieties in Southern Jiangsu were selected, including 15 Japonica conventional varieties: Wuyunjing 30(WYJ30), Suxiangjing 100(SXJ100), Changnongjing 10(CNJ10), Nanjing 3908(NJ3908), Nanjing 5055(NJ5055), Changnongjing 12(CNJ12), Nanjing 46(NJ46), Changnongjing 11(CNJ11), Jiahua 1(JH1), Changxiangjing 1813(CXJ1813), Changnongjing 8(CNJ8), Wukejing 7375(WKJ7375), Zaoxiangjing 1(ZXJ1), Yangyujing 3(YYJ3), Zhennuo 19(ZN19), and 3 Japonica three-line hybrid varieties: Changyoujing 6(CYJ6), Changyou 4(CY4) and Changyoujing 11(CYJ11). The differences of Cd bioconcentration factor(BCF) in rice grains among these varieties were comprehensively compared, and the soil Cd safety thresholds at different pH ranges were deduced using the species sensitivity distribution(SSD) method. 【Result】The results showed that the order of grain Cd accumulation among tested varieties was consistent between field investigation and plot experiments. There were significant differences in Cd BCF among 18 main cultivated rice varieties, with a maximum difference of 4.7 times. The Cd accumulation in some varieties like NJ46 and NJ3908 was stably low. Based on the SSD method, the deduced safety thresholds of soil total Cd to protect 95% of rice varieties from exceeding the standard (0.2 mg·kg-1) (GB 2762-2017) under soil pH 5.0~6.5, 6.5~7.5 and 7.5~8.5 in southern Jiangsu were 0.52, 0.80 and 1.78 mg·kg-1, which were higher than the current risk screening value(GB 15618-2018). It was verified that the deduced thresholds remarkably improved the accuracy of Cd risk prediction of rice in Southern Jiangsu. 【Conclusion】Based on field plot experiments and field investigation, numerous local main cultivated rice varieties including NJ46 and NJ3908 were screened with stably low Cd accumulation capacity, stable yield and high quality, and therefore are suggested for cultivation in Cd contaminated paddy fields in Southern Jiangsu. The deduced local safety thresholds of soil total Cd to protect 95% of rice varieties from exceeding the standard were higher than the current risk screening value. The results have important implications for the safe utilization of Cd contaminated paddy fields in Southern Jiangsu.


涂峰,胡鹏杰,李振炫,张绪美,潘云俊,孔呈,孙永泉,邱一格,吴龙华,骆永明.苏南地区Cd低积累水稻品种筛选及土壤Cd安全阈值推导[J].土壤学报,2023,60(2):435-445. DOI:10.11766/trxb202108140363 TU Feng, HU Pengjie, LI Zhenxuan, ZHANG Xumei, PAN Yunjun, KONG Cheng, SUN Yongquan, QIU Yige, WU Longhua, LUO Yongming. Screening of Low-Cd-accumulating Rice Varieties and Derivation of Soil Cd Safety Threshold in Southern Jiangsu[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2023,60(2):435-445.

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  • 收稿日期:2021-08-14
  • 最后修改日期:2022-03-03
  • 录用日期:2022-05-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-05-09
  • 出版日期: 2023-03-28