



The Most Appropriate Biochar Application Rate for Improving Soil Physicochemical Properties and Crop Germination Rates
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2022YFD1900401) and the Key Research and Development Program of Xinjiang Autonomous Region(No.2022B02020-2)

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    确定改善土壤理化性质和作物出苗率的最佳生物炭施用量,可为田间管理提供依据。以新疆盐碱土为研究对象,在生物炭施用量分别为0、10、50及100 t·hm-2条件下,开展了膜下滴灌田间小区试验,对比了生物炭施用量对土壤容重、温度、有机碳等理化性质和作物出苗率的影响,并进一步分析了作物出苗率与土壤理化性质的关系。结果表明,生物炭施用量增加显著降低了0~30 cm土层的容重,棉花和甜菜的土壤容重分别降低0~0.32和0.04~0.25 g·cm-3。与不施用处理比较,100 t·hm-2的生物炭施用量显著增加了棉花和甜菜不同生育期的5 cm地温,但10和50 t·hm-2的施用量只显著增加了棉花蕾期和铃期的5 cm地温。施用生物炭增加了棉花和甜菜的土壤有机碳含量,不区分年份和生育期增幅相应为0.98~13.2和0.66~12.1 g·kg-1;苗期和收获期(不区分年份和作物)增幅分别为1.20~7.43和0.66~13.2 g·kg-1,苗期各施用量下有机碳均显著增加,部分施用量下收获期的有机碳显著增加。随生物炭施用量增加,棉花和甜菜的出苗率先增加后减小。出苗率大致随容重增加而增加,随土壤温度增加先增加后减小,最适宜作物出苗的温度为22~26℃;出苗率随土壤有机碳增加先增加后减小,但高生物炭施用量导致的土壤有机碳增加过高抑制了作物出苗。当生物炭施用量为10 t·hm-2时,棉花和甜菜的出苗率大于0.7,高于其他3种生物炭处理,因此推荐10 t·hm-2作为最优生物炭施用量。


    【Objective】Biochar has been shown to improve soil physicochemical properties and enhance crop yields. The results of previous studies on soil temperature were inconsistent, the changes of crop emergence rate under the change of biochar application rate were not analyzed in detail, and the relationship between crop emergence rate and soil physicochemical properties such as soil bulk density, temperature and organic carbon was neglected. Thus, it is important to estimate the most appropriate application rate of biochar for improving soil physicochemical properties and crop yield to provide a basis for field management. 【Method】In this paper, a salinization soil in south Xinjiang was researched and field cotton and sugarbeet growth experiments were carried out in plots under different biochar treatments (0, 10, 50, and 100 t·hm-2) and combined with drip irrigation mode under plastic mulching. The improvement extent and influences of biochar application on soil physicochemical properties and crop germination rates were detailed investigated at the biochar application rates. The relationship between germination rates and soil physicochemical properties was further investigated and compared. 【Result】The results showed that the fluctuations of daily air temperature and solar radiation directly affected the fluctuations of soil temperatures in various depths with biochar applications. The increase of biochar application amounts significantly reduced the soil bulk density at the 0-30 cm depths, in which cotton and sugar beet decreased by 0-0.32 and 0.04-0.25 g·cm-3, respectively. The application of biochar at 100 t·hm-2 significantly increased the soil temperature at the 5 cm depth at different growth stages of cotton and sugar beet, but the application of biochar at 10 and 50 t·hm-2 only significantly increased the soil temperatures of the 5 cm depth at seedling and bolling stages of cotton. During the two experimental years of 2018 and 2019, biochar application have significantly increased the soil organic carbon content of cotton and sugar beet at the seedling and harvesting stages by 0.98-13.2 and 0.66-12.1 g·kg-1 if the differences of planting year and growth periods were not considered, respectively. Also, the increase rate was 1.20-7.43 at the cotton seedling stage and 0.66 to 13.2 g·kg-1 at the harvest stage if the differences of planting year and crops were not considered, respectively, and was proportional to the application rates at the seedling stage. The emergence rate of cotton and sugar beet both increased with the increased soil bulk density, and increased first and then decreased with the increased soil temperature. The optimum temperature range for cotton and sugar beet germination was 22 to 26 ℃. The germination rate increased first and then decreased with the increased soil organic carbon contents, indicating that the excess increase of soil organic carbon content caused by high biochar application rates inhibited crop germination. When the application amount of biochar was 10 t·hm-2, the seedling emergence rates of cotton and sugar beet were greater than 0.7, which was higher than that of the other three biochar application rates. However, when the biochar application rate was greater than 10 t·hm-2, the emergence rates of cotton and sugar beet were lower than that of the treatment without biochar application. 【Conclusion】Therefore, a biochar application amount of 10 t·hm-2 is recommended as the optimal amount for cotton and sugar beet field management considering its comprehensive effects on improving soil properties and crop germination rate.

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    发 布

李毅,梁嘉平,王小芳,杨哲,樊向阳.改善土壤理化性质和作物出苗率的最佳生物炭施用量[J].土壤学报,2024,61(1):64-76. DOI:10.11766/trxb202202250080 LI Yi, LIANG Jiaping, WANG Xiaofang, YANG Zhe, FAN Xiangyang. The Most Appropriate Biochar Application Rate for Improving Soil Physicochemical Properties and Crop Germination Rates[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(1):64-76.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-02-25
  • 最后修改日期:2023-07-21
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  • 在线发布日期: 2023-08-28
  • 出版日期: 2024-01-15