



Progress and Prospect of Research on Constructed Technosols
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2021YFC1809205) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41501336)

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    城市绿色基础设施可以解决由城市化引发的诸多环境问题,但城市绿色基础设施建设所需要的大量土壤资源却很匮乏。人工技术土壤(Constructed Technosols,CT)是利用有机和无机固体废弃物创造的用于种植植物的新土壤,可通过调整组成材料和配方满足不同的植被类型、土地用途和立地条件等要求,最终回归城市,用于绿色基础设施建设。CT可同时缓解大量城市固废的处置难题和解决城市绿色基础设施建设的土壤缺乏问题,具有低碳、低成本、低影响的特点,还可产生经济效益。本文主要从CT对植物生长、碳捕获、生物多样性保护、径流污染物滤除方面的作用和人为生物调控方面介绍了CT的研究现状及在我国的应用潜力,并对CT的研究发展进行了展望,提出了一些CT研究中需要解决的问题与建议。旨在推动城市固体废物资源化综合利用和绿色基础设施低碳发展,增加城市碳固存,改善城市地区生态环境和增进人民健康福祉。


    Urban green infrastructure is an effective way to solve many environmental issues caused by urbanization. As urban soils are generally not suitable for vegetation growth, a lot of soil resources needed for urban green infrastructure construction can only be excavated and transported from the exurban farmland and/or natural topsoil to urban areas, or in another way, urban soils are planted vegetation after fertilized with organic waste. These methods tend to be costly, destructive to arable land, induce large carbon emissions, and/or have a high cumulative risk of pollution. The huge amount of soil resources needed for the construction of urban green infrastructure is very scarce and this has to be addressed urgently. Constructed Technosols (CT) is a new soil created by using organic and inorganic solid wastes (including artefacts and also seminatural sediment and excavated deep soil-like things) for growing plants, which can be adjusted to meet the requirements of various vegetation types, land uses, site conditions (roof, balcony, street, etc.) in physicochemical properties and pollutant limit standards, and finally returned to the city for green infrastructure construction. CT can simultaneously alleviate the pressure of disposal of urban solid waste and solve the issue of soil shortage in urban green infrastructure construction. It features low carbon, low cost and low eco-impact, and can also produce economic benefits. In this paper, firstly, it was briefly stated the definition, classification and construction techniques of CT. And, the research status and advances mainly in terms of roles in plant growth, carbon capture, biodiversity protection, runoff pollutant removal, and artificial biological intervention of CT were presented. Then, it was briefly described the production of solid waste in China, and according to the current research and application situation, it was proposed the application potential (such as ornamental plant breeding and cultivation, sod production and urban farming etc. in addition to the park, green buffers, green roof and brownfield remediation like things) and advantages of CT. Finally, based on comprehensive research progress, some problems in CT research were pointed out and some insights and suggestions were put forward. Meaningful research on the ecological risk of pollutants in CT, biochar (hydrochar or pyrochar) application to CT, soil heterogeneity design for plant diversity, biological regulation of CT good for human health, promotion of environmental function for CT, and role of carbon sequestration by CT were proposed and supposed. It was aimed that comprehensive reutilization of urban solid waste and more eco-friendly low-carbon development of urban green infrastructure will be able to be promoted, urban carbon sequestration will increase, and urban ecological environment and people's health and well-being will be improved.


郑瑞伦,朱永官,孙国新.人工技术土壤研究进展与展望[J].土壤学报,2024,61(1):1-15. DOI:10.11766/trxb202206200209 ZHENG Ruilun, ZHU Yongguan, SUN Guoxin. Progress and Prospect of Research on Constructed Technosols[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(1):1-15.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-06-20
  • 最后修改日期:2022-09-22
  • 录用日期:2022-11-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-11-08
  • 出版日期: 2024-01-15