

Multiple Fertilization Model Controls Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Promote Maize Phosphorus Absorption
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 41977098), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20191510)and the National Key R D Program (2022YFD1900600).

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    利用丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)从农田生态系统获取养分,是红壤作物吸收土壤磷(P)素的有效途径。针对我国南方红壤生物功能退化、P生物有效性低、作物产量低等问题,如何调控作物根际AMF群落,优化其与宿主的互惠共生关系,是突破红壤区作物P摄取瓶颈的关键。结合红壤旱地生态间作与有机(秸秆、猪粪、生物肥)无机肥料配施的4种多样化培肥措施,基于作物产量和红壤磷素活化水平,筛选最优培肥模式,并进一步利用扩增子高通量测序和显微观察等技术,解析红壤旱地最优培肥措施调控AMF群落组成,揭示优化的AMF群落激发宿主玉米磷素摄取机理。结果表明:相较于玉米单作配合常规化肥(Mo+NPK),花生/玉米间作结合秸秆/生物肥的有机无机配施(In+NPKSB)使红壤旱地全磷(TP)提高29.07%、有效磷(AP)提升1.35倍,且增强了玉米根内AMF群落科水平间的联系。该措施AMF定殖率是传统化肥措施的2.24倍,玉米根际酸/碱性磷酸酶(ACP/ALP)活性提高32.18%和41.66%,玉米生物量提高34.98%,产量提高67.27%。研究证实红壤旱地花生/玉米生态间作结合秸秆/生物肥有机无机配施的培肥措施可通过优化玉米根内AMF群落组成,促进土壤P活化,为在红壤旱地因地制宜推广可持续农业发展的集成应用提供理论依据。


    【Objective】 The use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to obtain nutrients from agricultural ecosystems is an effective way for red soil crops to acquire soil phosphorus (P). Given the problems of biological function degradation, low phosphorus bioavailability, and low crop yield in red soil in southern Southern China, how to regulate the AMF community in the rhizosphere of crops and optimize the mutualistic symbiotic relationship with the host is the key to breaking the bottleneck of crop phosphorus uptake in the red soil regions.【Method】 In this study, four diversified fertilization measures were combined with ecological intercropping in red soil dryland with organic (straw, pig manure, bio-fertilizer) and inorganic fertilizers, and the optimal fertilization mode was screened based on crop yield and phosphorus activation level in red soil. Further, we used amplicon high-throughput sequencing and microscopic observation techniques to analyze the effect of optimal fertilization measures in red soil dryland on the composition of the AMF community. Also, a deduction of the mechanism through which the optimized AMF community stimulates the host maize phosphorus uptake was performed.【Result】 The results showed that the organic-inorganic application of peanut/maize intercropping combined with straw/biofertilizer (In+NPKSB) increased total phosphorus (TP) and available phosphorus (AP) by 29.07% and 1.35 times in red soil dryland compared with maize monocropping combined with conventional fertilizers (Mo+NPK). Moreover, the relationship between AMF family levels in maize roots was enhanced.The AMF colonization rate of this measure was 2.24 times higher than that of the traditional fertilization measures, the activities of acid/alkaline phosphatase (ACP/ALP) in the maize rhizosphere were increased by 32.18% and 41.66%, and maize biomass and yield was increased by 34.98% and 67.27%, respectively.【Conclusion】 The study confirmed that the fertilization measures of peanut/maize ecological intercropping in red soil dryland combined with the organic and inorganic application of straw/bio-fertilizer can optimize the AMF community composition in maize roots, activate soil phosphorus availability, and improve the phosphorus transport efficiency of host roots. This study, therefore, provides a theoretical basis for promoting the integrated application of sustainable agricultural development in red soil dryland according to local conditions.


何港辉,沈一,王梓轩,卢居勐,孙波,陈晏.多样化培肥模式调控丛枝菌根真菌促进玉米磷素吸收[J].土壤学报,2024,61(2):573-582. DOI:10.11766/trxb202209070494 HE Ganghui, SHEN Yi, WANG Zixuan, LU Jumeng, SUN Bo, CHEN Yan. Multiple Fertilization Model Controls Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Promote Maize Phosphorus Absorption[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(2):573-582.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-09-07
  • 最后修改日期:2023-04-12
  • 录用日期:2023-06-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-07-13
  • 出版日期: 2024-03-15