






Study on the Mechanism of Increased Iron Availability by Rhizosphere Iron-Solubilizing Bacteria in Combination with AM Fungi in Calcareous Soil

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Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 32272809) and the National Pear Industry Technical System Post Expert Fund of China (No. CARS-28)

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    石灰性土壤普遍存在铁有效性低导致的植物缺铁黄化现象,严重影响农业可持续发展。筛选高效溶铁细菌并探讨其与菌根真菌(AMF)协同提高土壤有效铁含量、改善植物铁营养机制具有重要意义。以石灰性土壤和番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)为试材进行盆栽试验,分别接种Advenella kashmirensis(B1)、Arthrobacter cupressi(B2)、Klebsiella variicola(B3)、Variovorax guangxiensis(B4)和Enterobacter ludwigii(B5)5株细菌,以不接菌处理为对照(CK),筛选出高效溶铁菌株B1、B2和B3。将其与纯培养得到的AM真菌孢子(Rhizoshagu irregularis,Ri)组合,设置单独接种AM真菌(Ri)、单菌与Ri(B1+Ri、B2+Ri和B3+Ri)、菌群与Ri(B1+B2+B3+Ri)共接种处理,进一步探究单菌及菌群与AMF协同促进石灰性土壤难溶性铁的活化和促进植物铁吸收的机制。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,接种B1、B2和B3能够显著促进番茄生长,根系和地上部全铁积累量分别提高6.48倍和2.61倍(B1)、4.11倍和2.03倍(B2)、4.37倍和2.25倍(B3);新叶活性铁含量分别提高74.21%、1.33倍和1.75倍。(2)与单接AMF相比,不同共接种组合显著增加番茄生物量,各部位平均全铁积累量显著提高58.32%~119.43%,其中B3+Ri处理、B1+B2+B3+Ri处理下番茄根系活性铁含量分别提高41.47%和44.30%、新叶活性铁含量分别提高12.61%和12.77%。不同共接种组合处理显著提高AM真菌的菌根侵染率,较单接AM真菌处理提高13.35%~30.99%;根系铁还原酶活性增加9.86%~22.07%,根系LeFIT1、LeFRO2LeMYB72基因表达显著上调。与单接AM真菌相比,B3+Ri和B1+B2+B3+Ri处理下根际土壤pH分别降低0.21和0.09,土壤有效铁含量分别提高15.78%和55.23%。综上,AM真菌与3株高效溶铁细菌的协同作用可显著提高石灰性土壤铁有效性并改善植物铁营养,不同类型溶铁细菌与AMF的协同作用机制不同,为解决石灰性土壤铁有效性低的问题提供了微生物途径。


    【Objective】The low availability of iron in calcareous soil leads to serious iron-deficiency chlorosis in plants. Thus, it is important to screen highly efficient iron-solubilizing bacteria and explore their collaboration with mycorrhizal fungi (AM) to increase the available iron content and improve plant iron nutrition. 【Method】Pot experiments were conducted with calcareous soil and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) as test materials. They were inoculated with Advenella kashmirensis(B1), Arthrobacter cupressi (B2), Klebsiella variicola(B3), Variovorax guangxiensis (B4) and Enterobacter ludwigii (B5), and treatment with no bacteria inoculation as the control group (CK). Efficient iron-solubilizing bacterial strains B1, B2 and B3 were screened and combined with AMF (Rhizoshagu irregularis, Ri)as B1+Ri, B2+Ri, B3+Ri and B1+B2+B3+Ri treatments. Also, AM fungi were inoculated alone (Ri) to explore the mechanism of synergistic effect between different iron-solubilizing bacteria and AMF to mobilize insoluble iron in calcareous soil and promote iron absorption in plants. 【Result】The results showed that compared with the control treatment, inoculation with B1, B2 and B3 strains could significantly increase the tomato biomass and the total iron accumulation in root and shoot increased by 6.48 and 2.61, 4.11 and 2.03, 4.37 and 2.25 times, respectively. The active iron content in new leaves increased by 74.21%, 1.33 times and 1.75 times. Compared with inoculation with AMF alone, different co-inoculation combinations significantly increased the tomato biomass, and the average total iron accumulation in different parts of the plant increased by 58.32%-119.43%. Under B3+Ri and B1+B2+B3+Ri treatments, the active iron content in tomato roots increased by 41.47% and 44.30%, and new leaves increased by 12.61% and 12.77%, respectively. Different co-inoculation combinations could effectively improve the root architecture of the plant, and the mycorrhizal infection rates of AM fungi under different co-inoculation treatments were 13.35%-30.99% higher than those under inoculation alone. The root iron reductase activity was significantly increased by 9.86%-22.07% compared with the inoculation with AM fungi alone, and the relative expressions level of LeFIT1,LeFRO2 and LeMYB72 in tomato roots was significantly up-regulated. Compared with exclusive AMF inoculation, B3+Ri and B1+B2+B3+Ri treatments reduced the rhizosphere soil pH value by 0.21 and 0.09, respectively, but increased the soil available Fe content by 15.78% and 55.23%.【Conclusion】It was concluded that the synergistic effect of AM fungi and three high-efficiency iron-solubilizing bacteria could significantly improve iron availability in calcareous soil and enhance plant iron nutrition. However, the synergistic mechanism between different types of iron-solubilizing bacteria and AMF was different and provided a microbial approach to solve the problem of low iron availability in calcareous soil.


彭海英,邵雅东,栗晗,李培根,丁百玲,杨天杰,徐阳春,沈其荣,董彩霞.根际溶铁细菌与AM真菌协同提高石灰性土壤铁有效性的机制研究[J].土壤学报,2024,61(4):1111-1122. DOI:10.11766/trxb202212080680 PENG Haiying, SHAO Yadong, LI Han, LI Peigen, DING Bailing, YANG Tianjie, XU Yangchun, SHEN Qirong, DONG Caixia. Study on the Mechanism of Increased Iron Availability by Rhizosphere Iron-Solubilizing Bacteria in Combination with AM Fungi in Calcareous Soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(4):1111-1122.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-12-08
  • 最后修改日期:2023-06-06
  • 录用日期:2023-08-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-08-14
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-15