






Carbon Footprint and Economic Benefits Analysis of Rice Planting Patterns in Jiangsu Province

Fund Project:

The Jiangsu Key Research and Development Plan: Modern Agriculture (No. BE2022308-1)

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    系统分析水稻不同种植方式碳足迹及经济效益对水稻生产碳减排和发展低碳农业具有重要意义,目前在省级尺度上关于不同水稻种植方式碳足迹和经济效益综合评价的研究尚少见报道。基于江苏水稻农情调查数据,利用生命周期评价方法定量分析江苏水稻不同种植方式碳足迹及经济效益。结果表明,2016—2020年不同水稻种植方式单位面积碳足迹为11.28~14.39 t·hm–2,单位产量碳足迹为1.30~1.52 kg·kg–1,单位产值碳排放为0.49~0.58 kg·yuan–1,单位面积碳足迹、单位产量碳足迹和单位产值碳足迹从大到小依次为抛秧水稻或手插水稻、机插水稻、直播水稻。机插水稻和手插水稻生产单位面积碳足迹随年份的增加呈下降趋势。机插水稻、手插水稻和直播水稻单位产量碳足迹随年份的变化呈下降趋势。不同水稻生产种植方式碳足迹中占比最大的是稻田甲烷排放,其次为氮肥施用导致的碳足迹、稻田氧化亚氮排放和灌溉用电导致的碳足迹。氮肥和灌溉用电是影响不同水稻种植方式碳足迹差异的主要驱动因素。不同水稻种植方式总收益为2.51×103~2.75×103 yuan·hm–2,资源投入成本为1.88×103~1.99×103 yuan·hm–2,碳排放成本为0.20×103~0.25×103yuan·hm–2,考虑碳排放的净收益(NI-CO2)为0.39×103~0.64×103 yuan·hm–2。机插水稻NI-CO2低于其他三种水稻种植方式,这与机插水稻较高的总收益和较低的资源投入成本和较低的碳排放成本有关。综上所述,仅考虑碳排放,直播水稻是最为低碳的水稻种植方式,综合碳排放和经济效益,机插水稻优于手插、直播和抛秧水稻。


    【Objective】Little or no research has been done on the carbon footprint and economic benefits of different rice planting patterns at the provincial level. Thus, a systematic analysis of the carbon footprint and economic benefits of different rice planting patterns is of great significance for carbon emission reduction of rice production and the development of low-carbon agriculture.【Method】Based on the survey data of rice farming in Jiangsu Province, the carbon footprint and economic benefits of different rice planting patterns in Jiangsu Province were quantitatively analyzed by using the life cycle assessment method.【Result】The results showed that from 2016 to 2020, the carbon footprint per unit area, the carbon footprint per unit yield, and the carbon footprint per unit value were 11.28-14.39 t·hm–2,, 1.30-1.52 kg·kg–1 and 0.49-0.58 kg·yuan–1, respectively. The carbon footprint per unit area, per unit yield and per unit output value of different rice production and planting patterns were in order of broadcasted seeding rice or manual transplanting rice, mechanical transplanting rice, direct seeding rice. The carbon footprint per unit area of mechanical transplanting rice and manual transplanting rice production showed a decreased trend with the increase of years. Also, the carbon footprint per unit yield of mechanical transplanting rice, manual transplanting rice, and direct seeding rice production showed a decreased trend with the increase of years. Methane emissions from rice fields accounted for the largest proportion, followed by carbon footprints caused by nitrogen fertilization, nitrous oxide emissions from rice fields and carbon footprints caused by irrigation electricity. Nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation electricity were the main driving factors affecting the regional differences in the carbon footprint of different rice planting patterns. The total income of different rice planting patterns was between 2.51×103- 2.75×103 yuan·hm–2, the resource input cost was 1.88×103- 1.99×103 yuan·hm–2, the carbon emission cost was 0.20×103- 0.25×103 yuan·hm–2, and the net income (NI-CO2) considering carbon emissions was 0.39×103- 0.64×103 yuan·hm–2. The NI-CO2 of mechanical transplanting rice was lower than that of manual transplanting rice, broadcasted seeding rice and direct seeding rice. This was mainly caused by the higher total income and the lower resource input cost and carbon emission cost of mechanical transplanting rice.【Conclusion】In conclusion, direct seeding rice was the lowest carbon emission rice planting pattern. Considering the carbon emission and economic benefits, machinal transplanting rice was superior to manual transplanting rice, direct seeding rice and broadcasted seeding rice.


季国军,纪洪亭,程琨,刘满强,江瑜,胡正锟,张岳芳,胡乃娟,胡锋.江苏水稻种植方式碳足迹和经济效益综合评价[J].土壤学报,2024,61(4):1042-1054. DOI:10.11766/trxb202212180695 JI Guojun, JI Hongting, CHENG Kun, LIU Manqiang, JIANG Yu, HU Zhengkun, ZHANG Yuefang, HU Naijuan, HU Feng. Carbon Footprint and Economic Benefits Analysis of Rice Planting Patterns in Jiangsu Province[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(4):1042-1054.

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  • 收稿日期:2022-12-18
  • 最后修改日期:2023-02-28
  • 录用日期:2023-04-18
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-04-23
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-15