






Effects of Temperature and Arsenic on Growth and Arsenic Uptake of Different Rice Varieties during Seedlings Stage

Fund Project:

Supported by the Innovation and Promotion Project of Forestry Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province, China (No. LYKJ[2019]08 ) and the Open Foundation of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Agricultural Meteorology, China

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    为明确温度和外源砷对水稻生长发育的影响,选取江苏地区常见的8个水稻品种为试验材料,通过添加不同浓度外源砷[0(As0)、0.5(As0.5)和1 mg·L-1(As1)]和模拟不同温度[白天/夜晚分别为30℃/25℃(T0)和35℃/30℃(T1)],在人工气候箱内进行了发芽和苗期培养试验,并分析了8个品种水稻种子萌发、幼苗生长及砷含量状况。结果表明,外源砷对水稻的芽长和活力指数具有抑制作用,与对照(T0As0)相比,T0As1处理使不同品种水稻的芽长和活力指数分别降低13.69%~43.34%和28.14%~52.88%。 而温度对水稻种子萌发的影响与水稻品种有关。在T1处理下,盐两优1618的发芽率、芽长和活力指数均优于其他品种。温度和外源砷的共同作用显著降低了不同品种水稻的芽长(P<0.05)。与T0As0相比,T1As1使水稻芽长显著降低5.66%~43.34%。水稻根长和根系活力显著受到温度和外源砷的单一因素的影响。与T0As0相比,T0As1处理使水稻根系活力降低3.01%~58.21%。温度和外源砷的共同作用抑制了水稻根长和根系活力,其中T1As1使水稻根系活力显著降低53.80%~89.01%。不同品种水稻的苗高和根系活力在相同温度或外源砷处理下具有显著差异(P<0.05),其中盐两优888的苗高和根系活力均处于较高水平。水稻茎叶砷含量在外源砷处理下显著增加,在增温处理下却降低。与单一的砷处理相比,温度和外源砷的共同作用降低了水稻茎叶的砷含量。综上可知,温度和外源砷影响水稻的生长及砷吸收,但水稻生长状况具有明显的品种间差异,其中盐两优888和盐两优1618在增温和外源砷共存条件下的种子萌发和生长状况优于其他水稻品种。


    Temperature and exogenous arsenic are important factors affecting rice growth. Due to climate warming, rice growth is affected by a combination of temperature and arsenic in rice fields contaminated by arsenic. Clarifying the combination can provide a theoretical basis for rice management and safety production.【Method】Germination and culture experiments were carried out in the artificial climate chamber under the condition of different exogenous arsenic concentrations [0(As0), 0.5(As0.5) and 1(As1) mg`L-1] and different temperature simulations [daytime/nighttime 30℃/25℃(T0) and 35℃/30 ℃(T1)] using eight common rice varieties in Jiangsu Province. Seed germination, seedling growth and arsenic uptake of different rice varieties were analysed. 【Result】The results showed that exogenous arsenic inhibited sprout length and vigor index of rice. Compared with T0As0, T0As1 reduced the sprout length and vigor index of different rice varieties by 13.69%-43.34% and 28.14%-52.88%, respectively, and the effect of temperature on rice seed germination was related to rice varieties. Under the condition of T1 treatment, the germination rate, sprout length and vigor index of Yanliangyou 1618 were better than those of other varieties. The interaction of temperature and exogenous arsenic significantly decreased the sprout length (P < 0.05). Compared with T0As0, T1As1 decreased sprout length by 5.66%-43.34%. Also, single temperature or exogenous arsenic had a significant effect on rice root length and root vigor. Compared with T0As0, T0As1 reduced root vigor by 3.01%-58.21%. The interaction of temperature and exogenous arsenic inhibited rice root length and root vigor. Compared with T0As0, T1As1 significantly reduced root vigor of different rice varieties by 53.80%-89.01%. The seedling height and root vigor of different rice varieties had significant differences (P < 0.05) under the same treatment of temperature or exogenous arsenic, among which the seedling height and root vigor of Yanliangyou 888 were at higher levels. The arsenic concentration in rice stems and leaves increased significantly under exogenous arsenic while the arsenic concentration in rice stems and leaves decreased under the increase in temperature. Furthermore, compared with single arsenic treatment, arsenic concentration in rice stems and leaves decreased under the interaction of temperature and exogenous arsenic. 【Conclusion】From the above results, it can be concluded that temperature and exogenous arsenic affected rice growth and arsenic uptake. However, rice growth conditions and arsenic concentration were significantly different among rice varieties. The germination and growth of Yanliangyou 888 and Yanliangyou 1618 were better than other rice varieties under the condition of temperature and exogenous arsenic.


翟伊然,李仁英,张婍,祁梦如,卢炳浩,黄利东,徐向华.温度和砷对不同品种水稻幼苗生长和砷吸收的影响[J].土壤学报,2024,61(4):1156-1165. DOI:10.11766/trxb202302120058 ZHAI Yiran, LI Renying, ZHANG Qi, QI Mengru, LU Binghao, HUANG Lidong, XU Xianghua. Effects of Temperature and Arsenic on Growth and Arsenic Uptake of Different Rice Varieties during Seedlings Stage[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(4):1156-1165.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-02-12
  • 最后修改日期:2023-04-05
  • 录用日期:2023-05-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-05-09
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-15