


西南大学创新研究 2035 先导计划 (SWU-XDZD22001)、 国家玉米产业技术体系 (CARS-02-15)和中德国际合作项目 (328017493/GRK2366)资助

Re-prediction of Phosphate Fertilizer Demand in China Based on Agriculture Green Development
Fund Project:

Innovation Research 2035 Pilot Plan of Southwest University(No.SWU-XDZD22001),National Maize Production System in China (No.CARS-02-15),and Sino-German IRTG AMAIZE-P (No.328017493/GRK 2366)

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    磷肥产业发展关乎我国粮食安全、资源利用和环境保护。近40年来由于化学磷肥的持续施用,我国农田土壤有效磷快速提升,在这一背景下基于农业绿色发展的要求,调整未来我国磷肥的需求预测十分必要。本文综合分析了我国农田土壤有效磷的变化,明确了在粮食作物上我国农田土壤有效磷平均已经达到或超出了作物生产的农学阈值(15~25 mg·kg-1),在蔬菜和果树等经济作物上土壤有效磷已经全面超过农学阈值。农业绿色发展要求在保障作物高产的同时,要充分发挥作物的根系/根际生物学潜力以提高磷资源利用效率、同时改善农产品营养品质和降低环境风险,为此,应将磷肥施用策略从培肥地力保增长调整到以农学阈值为目标的维持施磷保增产、升效率、提品质。同时,农业绿色发展需要从工艺和农艺两方面最大限度提高农业废弃物中磷资源的再利用效率。据此,考虑我国粮食和其他农产品需求,继2007年基于土壤磷肥力变化预测我国磷肥需求的基础上,本文对我国未来农业磷肥需求进行了再预测。结果表明,到2030和2050年,我国化学磷肥的需求量分别为1084万吨和742万吨。因此,在各项措施持续优化基础上,我国化肥磷的需求在短期(2030)可望下降150万吨左右,中长期(2050)可稳定回调至年消费量750万吨,较当前用量下调30%以上。


    The development of phosphate (P) fertilizer industry is closely related to China's food security, P resource utilization, and environmental protection. Nowadays, soil available P rapidly increased due to the large amount chemical P fertilizer application in the past 40 years, especially in the surface soil. It is of great significance to predict and regulate the future demand for P fertilizer in China based on the action of green development of agriculture. The integrated analyses show that in this paper, a large proportion of soil for cereal crops production in China has reached the crop agronomic P threshold (15~25 mg·kg-1), which means above this threshold there is no yield increase response with P application. In particular, the soil available P had considerably exceeded the threshold value for cash crops such as vegetables and fruit trees. Soil available P should be maintained at the agronomic threshold based on the requirement of crop root/rhizosphere biological capacity, nutritional quality and environmental risks. Consequently, it is critical to implement “crop agronomic threshold” oriented P fertilizer management system. Meanwhile, the agricultural green development needs to maximize the recycling and reuse efficiency of P in agricultural waste, which should focus on the recycling process and agronomic utilization. Accordingly, considering the demand for food and other agricultural products in China, this paper re-predicted the future demand for P fertilizer, following the prediction of China's P fertilizer demand in 2007 based on changes in soil P fertility. The consumption of chemical P fertilizer in China will be 10.84 million tons and 7.42 million tons by 2030 and 2050, respectively. Therefore, based on the continued and multiple optimized measures, the overall demand for P fertilizer in China in the short term by 2030 could reduce about 1.5 million tons, in the long term by 2050 could be adjusted to 7.5 million tons per year, more than 30% reduction from the current consumption.


张伟,陈轩敬,马林,邓燕,曹宁,肖然,张福锁,陈新平.再论中国磷肥需求预测——基于农业绿色发展视角[J].土壤学报,2023,60(5):1389-1397. DOI:10.11766/trxb202309070364 ZHANG Wei, CHEN Xuanjing, MA Lin, DENG Yan, CAO Ning, XIAO Ran, ZHANG Fusuo, CHEN Xinping. Re-prediction of Phosphate Fertilizer Demand in China Based on Agriculture Green Development[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2023,60(5):1389-1397.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-09-07
  • 最后修改日期:2023-10-08
  • 录用日期:2023-10-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-10-12
  • 出版日期: 2023-09-28