



In situ Dissolution Kinetics of Ammonium Nitrogen Interacting with Precipitated Calcium Phosphate Determined by Atomic Force Microscopy
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No.2023YFD1901100)

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    现代农业对磷肥的过度施用导致了其在集约农田中的大量累积,且大部分以枸溶性和难溶性的沉淀态存在,因此提高沉淀态磷的有效性是磷肥高效利用的关键。目前,大量宏观的田间试验已揭示了氮肥对磷肥的活化具有促进效应。然而,微纳尺度上氮肥和沉淀态磷肥相互作用的原位研究仍然缺乏。本研究选用土壤中常见的磷酸钙矿物(磷酸氢钙(DCPD)、羟基磷灰石(HAP))作为供试材料,设置5个浓度氯化铵(0.5、5、50、500、1 000 mmol·L-1)为氮源,利用原位原子力显微镜原位观察了不同氮肥添加水平下,DCPD和HAP的表面溶解动力学。结果表明,氯化铵的添加驱动DCPD表面以三角形蚀坑的形式迅速溶解,且随着添加浓度的提高,DCPD表面溶解速率显著增强。结合DCPD表面溶解的定量表征,发现随着氯化铵浓度从0.5 mmol·L-1增至1 000 mmol·L-1,溶出磷的质量从27.00 mg·kg-1显著增至145.0 mg·kg-1。对于HAP而言,即使氯化铵浓度增至1 000 mmol·L-1,HAP表面形貌几乎不变,未出现明显溶解,且溶出磷的质量仅为5.00 mg·kg-1,与超纯水溶出磷的质量相当(3.00 mg·kg-1)。分子水平的动力学力谱结果表明,铵根阳离子和DCPD之间的相互作用力(230.6 pN)显著大于其与HAP之间的相互作用力(154.0 pN)。这表明铵根阳离子在不同磷酸钙表面的结合强度差异显著,造成矿物表面水化层不同程度的破坏,从而带来矿物表面溶解的显著差异。本研究在纳米尺度原位表征了磷酸钙表面溶解动力学,并揭示了氯化铵调控其表面溶解的分子机制,为氮磷配施增强土壤供磷能力提供了直接依据。


    【Objective】 The increase in global food demand and the consumption of phosphorus(P) fertilizer in modern agriculture have caused P accumulation in extensively managed croplands. Most of the accumulated P deposits exist in sparingly soluble or insoluble species, leading to their low availability, which is almost impossible to use directly by plants or microorganisms. Therefore, improving the utilization of soil accumulated P is not only one of the effective ways to enhance the utilization efficiency of P fertilizers but also relieves the increasing tension of P resources. At present, a large number of macroscopic field experiments have revealed the synergistic promoting effect of nitrogen (N) on P activation and uptake. However, in the N and P interaction, in-situ observation of dissolved N interacting with precipitated P has been lacking. 【Method】 Herein, Ca-P precipitates with different solubilities, namely sparingly soluble (DCPD) and insoluble (HAP), were selected as test materials. Taking aqueous solution as control, five NH4Cl concentrations (0.5, 5, 50, 500, 1, 000 mmol·L-1) were set as N sources. The in-situ dissolution kinetics of DCPD and HAP at different N levels were directly observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). AFM-based dynamic force spectroscopy (DFS) technique was employed to characterize the interaction between ammonium cations and DCPD/HAP surfaces at the molecular scale. 【Result】 The result showed that the surface dissolved immediately, accompanied by the formation of triangular etch pits, following the addition of NH4Cl. When increasing the NH4Cl concentration, the surface dissolution rate of DCPD was significantly promoted. The quantitative results further exhibited the dissolved P mass was significantly increased from 27.00 mg·kg-1 to 145.0 mg·kg-1 with the increase of NH4Cl concentration from 0.5 mmol·L-1 to 1 000 mmol·L-1. By contrast, the surface morphology of HAP almost remained constant without obvious dissolution even if the NH4Cl concentration was up to 1 000 mmol·L-1. The dissolved P mass was 5.00 mg·kg-1, which was not significant compared with the dissolved P mass of 3.00 mg·kg-1 in aqueous solution. AFM-based DFS results showed that the interaction force between ammonium cations and DCPD (230.6 pN) was significantly greater than that between ammonium cations and HAP (154.0 pN). Due to the difference in binding strength of ammonium cations on Ca-P surfaces at the molecular level, the hydration layer of mineral surfaces is destroyed at different degrees. As a result, the surface dissolution kinetics of DCPD and HAP were significantly different when regulated by ammonium cations. 【Conclusion】 This research provides method guidance for in-situ observation of nanoscale dissolution kinetics of different Ca-P minerals. It also illustrates the enhanced interface dissolution on negatively charged DCPD induced by ammonium cation to release available P, thus improving the continuous P supply capacity in soils.

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    发 布

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