



Dynamic Characteristics of Cynodon dactylon Root Growth and Its Influence on Soil Pore Evolution
Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42377320,41771266), the Three Gorges

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    狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)是生态绿化、固土护坡、植被重建和水土保持的常用草本植物,其发达的根系网络和独特的生长特性对于土壤孔隙的形成和空间重组具有重要影响。然而,目前相关研究多聚焦于其根系对土壤团聚体形成和稳定的作用,根系生长过程对土壤孔隙的动态影响尚不清楚。本研究采用盆栽试验,选取狗牙根为模式植物,西南山地丘陵区典型紫色土和黄壤为培养基质,设置紫色土单种(G)、紫色土空白(CK)、黄壤单种(YG)和黄壤空白(YCK)4种不同处理。利用微根窗技术连续采集不同处理下的土壤剖面图像,通过优化的根系提取算法和图像处理技术量化不同时期的狗牙根根系性状和土壤孔隙结构参数,结合统计分析,探究狗牙根根系生长动态及其对土壤孔隙结构演变的影响。结果表明:(1)狗牙根在紫色土和黄壤中均呈生长状态,其根系生长速率在不同土壤类型间表现为:紫色土>黄壤,紫色土狗牙根的根长、根表面积和根体积分别是黄壤培养条件下的近3倍;(2)与未种植植物的CK和YCK相比,狗牙根的生长显著降低了紫色土和黄壤的孔隙数目、孔隙度和孔隙分形维数,并且根系对土壤孔隙的降低作用随根系生长不断增强;(3)冗余分析表明,根系累计解释了40.60% 的土壤孔隙结构变异,根长、根表面积和根体积是降低土壤孔隙结构参数的关键根系性状。综上所述,通过优化的微根窗技术实现了植物根系和土壤孔隙的定点连续观测,发现狗牙根在生长期间显著降低了孔隙数目等参数,这为根-孔交互作用的原位、无损、动态研究提供了方法学支撑,也为生态脆弱区植被恢复和水土保持提供了理论依据。


    【Objective】 Cynodon dactylon is a commonly used herbaceous plant for ecological greening, soil consolidation and slope protection, vegetation restoration, and soil and water conservation. Its developed root system network and unique growth characteristics have a significant impact on the formation and spatial reorganization of soil pores. Current research has mostly focused on the role of the plant’s roots in soil aggregate formation and stability, however, the dynamic impact of root growth on soil pores remains unclear. 【Method】 This study employed a pot experiment, selecting Cynodon dactylon as the model plant and typical purple soil and yellow soil from the mountainous and hilly regions of southwestern China as the culture substrates. Four different treatments were established: purple soil with Cynodon dactylon (G), purple soil control (CK), yellow soil with Cynodon dactylon (YG), and yellow soil control (YCK). The soil profile images under different treatments were continuously collected using the minirhizotron technique. The root traits of Cynodon dactylon and soil pore structure parameters at different stages were quantified through optimized root extraction algorithms and image processing techniques. Combined with statistical analysis, the study explored the dynamic growth of Cynodon dactylon roots and their impacts on the evolution of soil pore structure. 【Result】 The results showed that: (1) Cynodon dactylon grew well in both purple and yellow soils, and the root growth rate was higher in purple soil than in yellow soil. The root length, root surface area, and root volume of Cynodon dactylon in purple soil were nearly three times higher than those under yellow soil cultivation conditions; (2) Compared with the unplanted CK and YCK, the growth of Cynodon dactylon significantly reduced the number of pores, porosity, and fractal dimension of purple and yellow soils, and the reduction effect of roots on soil pores continuously increased with root growth; (3) Redundancy analysis indicated that roots explained 40.60% of the variation in soil pore structure, and root length, root surface area, and root volume were the key root traits that reduced soil pore structure parameters. 【Conclusion】 In summary, through the optimized minirhizotron technique, continuous observation of plant roots and soil pores was achieved on site. It was found that Cynodon dactylon significantly reduced pore number and other parameters during its growth period, providing methodological support for in-situ, non-destructive, and dynamic studies on root-pore interactions, as well as theoretical support for vegetation restoration and soil and water conservation in ecologically fragile areas.

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    发 布

张靖,冉义国,马东豪,陈琳,吴英博,黄平.狗牙根根系生长动态特征及其对土壤孔隙演变的影响[J].土壤学报,2025,62(1):54-68. DOI:10.11766/trxb202310310446 ZHANG Jing, RAN Yiguo, MA Donghao, CHEN Lin, WU Yingbo, HUANG Ping. Dynamic Characteristics of Cynodon dactylon Root Growth and Its Influence on Soil Pore Evolution[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2025,62(1):54-68.

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