

Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon Fraction Accumulation and Stability Under Different Rice-rape Rotation Measures
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    复种油菜是南方稻区促进稳粮增油的重要种植模式,研究秸秆全量还田下,稻油复种不同种植措施对土壤有机碳积累及其稳定性特征的影响,对深入解析稻田土壤碳循环、充分利用冬闲田种植油菜具有重要意义。基于田间定位试验(8年),以水稻-水稻-冬闲(稻稻闲)为对照,探究水稻–水稻–油菜(稻稻油)、水稻–油菜翻耕(稻油翻)和水稻–油菜免耕(稻油免)三种稻油复种处理下土壤有机碳及其组分积累特征。结果表明:相对稻稻闲,稻油复种各处理使有机碳含量在0~20 cm土层增加5.28%~25.13%,尤其稻稻油处理,在20~40 cm土层增幅为18.48%~43.97%,其中稻油翻和稻油免处理达到显著水平;稻油复种均显著提高了不同层次土壤中矿物结合态有机碳(Mineral-associated organic carbon,MAOC)含量。同时,在0~20 cm和20~40 cm土层中,稻油复种各处理均显著降低了有机碳中颗粒态有机碳(Particulate organic carbon,POC)的比例,提高了其MAOC的占比,且在两个土层中提高比例分别为2.31%~7.49%和1.56 %~2.66%。其原因可能是稻油复种不同程度地提高了0~20 cm土层中有机碳转化相关酶(β-葡萄糖苷酶、β-1,4-葡聚糖酶和漆酶)活性以及微生物生物量碳,进而促进土壤颗粒有机碳向矿物结合态有机碳的转化。综上,秸秆全量还田下冬季复种油菜促进了稻田土壤有机碳的积累,且提高了矿物结合态有机碳的占比,增强了土壤碳库的稳定性。


    【Objective】 Rape multiple-cropping is an important planting mode to promote grain stabilization and rapeseed increase in South China rice growing area. We explored the influence of soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation and its stability characteristics under different rice–rape rotation measures with whole-straw returning, which is of great significance for in-depth analysis of soil carbon cycle in paddy fields by making full use of winter fallow fields to plant rape. 【Method】 This study is based on an 8-year yield localization experiment. In contrast with rice–rice–winter fallow, we explored the characteristics of SOC and its fraction accumulation under three rice–rape rotation treatments: rice–rice–rape, rice–rape tillage, and rice–rape no tillage. 【Result】 The results indicated that the content of SOC in 0–20 cm soil layer was increased by 5.28%–25.12% under the three rice–rape rotation treatments, especially under the rice–rice–rape treatment. Also, the increasing rate of SOC in 20–40 cm soil layer was 18.48%—43.97%, among which the rice–rape tillage and the rice–rape no tillage treatment reached a significant level.The content of mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) from all the rice–rape rotation measures was increased significantly in different soil layers. At the same time, the ratio of particulate organic carbon (POC) to SOC was significantly decreased while the ratio of MAOC to SOC increased in each treatment from both 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm soil layer. The increasing rate of MAOC/SOC were 2.31%–7.49% and 1.56 %–2.66% in the two soil layers, respectively. Possible causes of these results may be that rice–rape rotation increased the activity of organic carbon invertase enzyme (β-glucosidase、β-1, 4-glucanase and Laccase) as well as microbial biomass carbon in 0–20 cm soil layer to varying degrees, thereby promoting the conversion of POC to MAOC. 【Conclusion】 In summary, rape multiple-cropping in winter fallow not only promoted the accumulation of SOC in paddy field, but also increased the ratio of MAOC/SOC, ultimately enhancing the stability of soil carbon pool.

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    发 布

舒业勤,彭复细,雷文硕,姜彤彤,陈玉梅,刘伟民,张振华,夏银行.稻油复种不同措施下土壤有机碳组分积累及其稳定性特征[J].土壤学报,2025,62(2):495-503. DOI:10.11766/trxb202311030452 SHU Yeqin, PENG Fuxi, LEI Wenshuo, JIANG Tongtong, CHEN Yumei, LIU Weimin, ZHANG Zhenhua, XIA Yinhang. Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon Fraction Accumulation and Stability Under Different Rice-rape Rotation Measures[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2025,62(2):495-503.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-11-03
  • 最后修改日期:2024-03-19
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-23