



Effect of Soil Acid Reduction and Fertilizer Cultivation Under Conditioner Application: Meta-analysis Based on Acid Soil Improvement Studies in China
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    【Objective】 This study aimed to accurately evaluate the effect of soil conditioner application on acid reduction and fertilizer cultivation of acidic soils in China. 【Method】 This study conducted a meta-analysis of 127 published literature, and identified the effects of acid soil conditioner application on soil acidity, soil fertility, and crop yield. 【Result】 The results showed that the acid reduction effect of the conditioner in extremely acidic soil (pH≤4.5) was the best. After application, the soil pH increased by 14.39%, and the reduction rates of exchangeable Al and exchangeable acidity reached 68.61% and 69.90%. The pH and basicity of the conditioner itself were the main factors affecting the acid-lowering effect of the conditioner, among which the lime conditioner had the best effect. It was observed that the soil pH increased by 18% and the exchangeable acidity decreased by 75.81% after application. The nutrient content of the conditioner itself and the amount of the conditioner were the main factors affecting the soil fertility after the conditioner application and the application of organic fertilizer had the best effect on the improvement of soil available nitrogen and available phosphorus (60.16%, 135.30% respectively). Also, biochar amendments had the best effect on the improvement of soil-available potassium and organic matter (75.52% and 76.02%). The application of amendments can reduce soil acidity and increase soil fertility to increase production, and biochar amendments had the best effects of increasing production, reaching 78.23%. 【Conclusion】 For managing acidic soils, it is recommended to apply high pH and high alkalinity amendments such as lime and biochar. For acidic soils with low organic matter content, it is recommended to apply high-alkalinity organic fertilizer, biochar and other amendments while biochar and mineral amendments are recommended for acidic soils with high organic matter content. For weakly acidic soil, it is recommended to apply common organic fertilizer. Nevertheless, it is necessary to further strengthen research on the combined application of inorganic and organic amendments to obtain a better effect on acid soil improvement.


明润廷,万方,那立苹,吴海程,王薇,谭文峰,伍玉鹏.改良剂施用下的土壤降酸培肥效果——基于中国酸性土壤改良研究的Meta分析[J].土壤学报,2025,62(2):400-410. DOI:10.11766/trxb202311050456 MING Runting, WAN Fang, NA Liping, WU Haicheng, WANG Wei, TAN Wenfeng, WU Yupeng. Effect of Soil Acid Reduction and Fertilizer Cultivation Under Conditioner Application: Meta-analysis Based on Acid Soil Improvement Studies in China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2025,62(2):400-410.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-11-05
  • 最后修改日期:2024-02-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-23