



Spatial Distribution of the Buried Depth and Thickness of Albic Soil Albic Layer in Sanjiang Plain and Its Influencing Factors
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    白浆层是白浆土土体内的主要障碍层次,其埋深与厚度显著影响作物生长。本文通过野外调查并结合文献检索获取不同区域白浆层的埋深与厚度数据,基于经典统计学与地统计学方法,研究了三江平原东南部(鸡东县、密山市、虎林市、宝清县)白浆层埋深与厚度的空间分布及驱动因素(气候因子、地形因子、土壤矿物和人为因素等)。结果表明:(1)白浆层埋深平均为23.7 cm,自西南向东北呈现逐渐变深的趋势(13~37 cm);厚度平均为18.5 cm,自西南向东北逐渐增加(8~35 cm),局部区域埋深与厚度呈相反规律。(2)白浆层埋深主要受到人为耕作方式的影响,翻耕相较于旋耕显著增加了白浆层埋深。(3)白浆层厚度与海拔(r=-0.355,P<0.01)、年均蒸发量(r=–0.441,P<0.01)、年均气温(r=–0.273,P<0.05)和黏粒矿物蒙脱石(r=–0.432,P<0.01)呈负相关,与年均降水(r=0.463,P<0.01)、年均湿润指数(r=0.461,P<0.01)和粗粒水云母(r=0.446,P<0.01)、石英(r=0.321,P<0.05)呈正相关。三江平原白浆土白浆层埋深与耕作方式有关,厚度主要受到气象、地形和土壤矿物等因素的共同作用,形成了“西南部浅而薄,东北部深而厚”的空间分布格局。


    【Objective】 Albic soil is one of the main soil types with low productivity in Northeast China, mainly distributed in Sanjiang Plain. The soil profile is mainly composed of three layers, the black soil layer, the albic layer, and the illuvial layer. The albic layer has the physical characteristics of high bulk density, high strength, and poor aeration and water permeability, which is easily subjected to drought and waterlogging, thus, limiting crop root growth and yield formation. Its buried depth and thickness are closely related to the penetration depth and growth performance of crop roots, which are the key indexes to quantify the productivity of albic soil. However, little is known about the spatial distribution and driving factors of buried depth and thickness of the albic layer in the albic soil in Sanjiang Plain. The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial distribution pattern and driving factors of the buried depth and thickness of the albic layer in the albic soil in Sanjiang Plain. 【Method】 Based on classical statistics and geostatistics, the albic soil in the southeast of Sanjiang Plain ( Jidong County, Mishan City, Hulin City, and Baoqing County) was selected, and the soil profile of 0-60 cm was excavated. The thickness of the black soil layer and the albic layer was obtained by visual method, and the soils of the black soil layer, and the albic layer were taken for physical and chemical analysis. In addition, the meteorological, topographic, and parent material data of each sample point were collected. A total of 62 sampling points were obtained from 51 sampling points in the field and 11 points in the literature survey. 【Result】 (1) The average buried depth of the albic layer in the albic soil was 23.7 cm, and it gradually increased from southwest to northeast (13-37 cm). The average thickness was 18.5 cm, which gradually increased from southwest to northeast (8-35 cm), and the buried depth was opposite to the thickness of the albic layer in some local areas. (2) The burial depth of the albic layer was mainly affected by human tillage methods, and plough tillage increased the burial depth of the albic layer. (3) The thickness of the albic layer was negatively correlated with altitude ( r=–0.355, P<0.01), annual average evaporation ( r = –0.441, P<0.01), annual average temperature ( r=–0.273, P < 0.05), and clay mineral montmorillonite ( r=–0.432, P< 0.01), but positively correlated with annual average precipitation ( r=0.463, P<0.01), annual average humidity index ( r=0.461, P<0.01), coarse mineral hydromica (r=0.446, P<0.01), and coarse mineral quartz ( r=0.321, P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 The buried depth of the albic horizon in the Sanjiang Plain is related to tillage methods. The thickness of the albic horizon is mainly affected by meteorological topographic factors and soil minerals, resulting in a spatial distribution pattern of shallow and thin in the southwest and deep and thick in the northeast.


董芳瑾,张中彬,蒋发辉,王健豪,王秋菊,李禄军,彭新华.三江平原白浆土白浆层埋深与厚度空间分布格局及其驱动因素[J].土壤学报,2025,62(2):362-374. DOI:10.11766/trxb202311070459 DONG Fangjin, ZHANG Zhongbin, JIANG Fahui, WANG Jianhao, WANG Qiuju, Li Lujun, PENG Xinhua. Spatial Distribution of the Buried Depth and Thickness of Albic Soil Albic Layer in Sanjiang Plain and Its Influencing Factors[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2025,62(2):362-374.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-11-07
  • 最后修改日期:2024-06-17
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-23