

Characteristics of Natural Humus Modified Materials and Their Growth- promoting Effects on Maize Under Drip Irrigation
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    探讨了通过不同加工方法获得的两种天然腐殖质改性材料在滴灌条件下对玉米生长的影响。首先,通过元素分析、扫描电镜和傅里叶变换红外光谱等手段分析了天然腐殖质材料砂磨液(M1)和全水溶硝基腐殖酸钾(M2)的物理和化学特性,然后在田间试验中,通过滴灌施用不同浓度(0.2、0.4、0.6、0.8、1.0、1.5、2.0 g·L–1)和用量(650、1 300、1 950 L·hm–2)的两种材料,研究了玉米植株的株高、生物量和产量的变化趋势。结果表明:1)M1和M2在化学组成和微观结构方面有显著区别。M1的分子量较高,结构复杂;M2的分子量较低,但腐殖质活性组分含量更高。2)尽管施用M1和M2对玉米株高的影响不明显,但却显著提升了玉米的生物量和产量。特别是M2,当其浓度为1.0 g·L–1、用量为1 300或1 950 L·hm–2时,玉米植株的生物量较CK分别显著增加40.11%、40.74%,产量较CK分别显著增加25.75%、27.45%。总体而言,滴灌施用M1和M2两种材料均能有效促进玉米生长,其中M2在相同条件下表现出更大的生长潜力。综合成本等因素,建议在田间施用M2,浓度为1.0 g·L–1、用量为1 300 L·hm–2的组合。本研究为农业生产提供了新的视角和实践依据。


    【Objective】 This study aims to analyze the physicochemical properties of two natural humus-modified materials (M1 and M2) produced by different processing methods, compare the differences between the two materials, and investigate their effects at different concentrations on the growth of maize under drip irrigation conditions. The goal is to explore the most suitable application concentration and amount of humus under drip irrigation and provide new perspectives and practical bases for agricultural production. 【Method】 The content of humus and its components in M1 (natural humus sand grinding fluid) and M2 (fully water-soluble potassium nitrohumate) was determined and the physical and chemical properties of the materials were analyzed through elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Then, field experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of applying different concentrations (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 g·L–1) and amounts (650, 1 300, 1 950 L·hm–2) of M1 and M2 on the height, biomass, and yield of maize. 【Result】 The results showed that: 1) There were significant differences in chemical composition between M1 and M2. M1 had a higher content of humus, larger molecular weight, more complex structure, and stronger stability in soil. On the other hand, M2 had a lower total content of humus, a high content of fulvic acid (FA), a smaller molecular weight, and a lower degree of humification. 2) The microstructure of M1 and M2 differed. M1 had a rough and complex particle surface with uneven particle size while M2 exhibited a smoother and looser sponge-like appearance with no chaotic structure on the particle surface. FTIR analysis showed that M1 may contain more aromatic structures or carboxylate salts and silicate impurities while M2 may contain more carboxyl groups. 3) Although the application of M1 and M2 had little effect on plant height, it significantly increased the biomass and yield of maize. Especially for M2, when its concentration was 1.0 g·L–1 and the amount was 1 300 or 1 950 L·hm–2, the biomass of maize plants increased significantly by 40.11% and 40.74% and the yield increased significantly by 25.75% and 27.45%, respectively. 【Conclusion】 The application of different concentrations and amounts of M1 and M2 effectively promoted the growth of maize, with M2 exhibiting greater growth potential under the same conditions. This may be attributed to the role of humus in improving soil structure, increasing and retaining soil moisture and nutrient content, activating specific biochemical pathways, and enhancing soil microbial activity, thereby improving the nutrient absorption efficiency and photosynthetic capacity of maize plants. Considering factors such as cost, it is recommended to apply M2 at a concentration of 1.0 g·L–1 and an amount of 1 300 L·hm–2 in the field to fully exploit its effects in promoting maize growth potential and increasing yield. This provides new perspectives and practical bases for the efficient utilization of humus in agriculture.


陈卓,张丛志,张佳宝,赵炳梓,潘慧.天然腐殖质改性材料的特性及其在滴灌方式下对玉米的促生作用[J].土壤学报,2025,62(2):459-471. DOI:10.11766/trxb202312170531 CHEN Zhuo, ZHANG Congzhi, ZHANG Jiabao, ZHAO Bingzi, PAN Hui. Characteristics of Natural Humus Modified Materials and Their Growth- promoting Effects on Maize Under Drip Irrigation[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2025,62(2):459-471.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-12-17
  • 最后修改日期:2024-05-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-23