



Hot Moments and Hot Spots and the Associated Influencing Factors of Denitrification along Farmland Soil Profiles in Southern China

1.Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.School of Environment, Nanjing University

Fund Project:

Supported by the National Key Research and Development Plan of China (No. 2021YFD1700800) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. U20A20113, 42177303).

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    反硝化过程是农田土壤剖面中硝态氮(NO3?-N)的主要消纳途径,可以将NO3?-N转化为N2,从而降低NO3?-N的剖面累积风险。然而,由于研究方法的限制,以往的研究主要关注NO3?-N在土壤剖面的累积规律或在表层土壤中的转化,对其在整个土壤垂向剖面中的消纳过程关注较少,反硝化过程的发生速率和绝对量并不明确。此外,剖面土壤中是否存在反硝化过程的发生“热时”(hot moments)和“热区”(hot spots)尚不清楚。为评估中国南方典型农田剖面土壤的硝态氮消纳能力,探究反硝化的“热时”和“热区”效应,选取太湖地区的水稻-麦轮作农田(稻田)、设施蔬菜地(菜地)和葡萄园(果园)作为研究对象,利用膜进样质谱法(Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer,MIMS)和RoFlow系统(Robotized continuous flow incubation system)分别对土壤剖面(0-300 cm)的淹水层和非淹水层进行近似原位培养,监测一周年反硝化速率。结果表明:三种种植模式下剖面土壤反硝化速率均存在“热时”和“热区”,稻田的反硝化“热时”主要发生在10月(稻季),速率为17.6±1.0 nmol N g?1 h?1;菜地和果园的反硝化“热时”则主要发生在3月,速率分别为44.2±2.5 nmol N g?1 h?1和45.3±7.5 nmol N g?1 h?1;稻田土壤反硝化“热区”发生在表层土(0-20 cm),平均速率为3.4±0.4 nmol N g?1 h?1;菜地和果园的反硝化“热区”主要发生在20-100 cm处,平均速率分别为11.7±1.3 nmol N g?1 h?1和9.4±2.3 nmol N g?1 h?1;这些反硝化“热区”中的硝态氮去除率均达到了90%以上,三种种植模式下土壤剖面300 cm处几乎没有NO3?-N残留。相关性分析结果表明土壤NO3?-N含量是反硝化过程的主要限制因子。我们的研究表明,太湖地区三种种植模式下农田土壤剖面具有较高的反硝化速率,且存在明显的反硝化发生的“热区”和“热时”,能够有效消纳土壤剖面中的NO3?-N。上述研究结果深化了对农田土壤剖面硝态氮消纳过程的认识,对于正确评价南方高氮投入区农田土壤硝态氮的累积风险和去除能力具有重要意义。


    【Objective】Denitrification is the primary pathway for removing NO3?-N in agricultural soil profiles, converting NO3?-N into N2, and reducing the risk of NO3?-N accumulation. However, due to methodological limitations, previous studies have mainly focused on the accumulation patterns in soil profiles or the transformation of NO3?-N in the surface soil, with less attention to its removal throughout the entire soil profile. Thus, the rate of denitrification and absolute amount of nitrate removal capacity along the soil profile remain unclear. Furthermore, the existence of “hot moments” and “hot spots” for denitrification in soil profiles is still unknown. 【Method】To evaluate the NO3?-N removal capacity of typical farmland profiles in southern China and to explore the hot moments and hot spots of denitrification, paddy fields (rice-wheat rotation), vegetable fields, and vineyard in the Taihu Lake region were selected for this study. Near in-situ incubation of flooded and non-flooded layers of the soil profile (0-300 cm) of these fields was performed using the Membrane Inlet Mass Spectrometer (MIMS) and Robotized continuous flow incubation system (RoFlow) over a year.【Result】Our results showed that the soil denitrification rate exhibited distinct hot moments and hot spots across the three planting patterns. Denitrification hot moments in rice fields were primarily observed in October during the rice season, with a rate of 17.6±1.0 nmol N g?1 h?1. The denitrification hot moments of vegetable fields and orchards mainly occurred in March, with rates of 44.2±2.5 nmol N g?1 h?1 and 45.3±7.5 nmol N g?1 h?1, respectively. The hot spots of denitrification in the paddy field occurred in the topsoil (0-20 cm) with an average rate of 3.4±0.4 nmol N g?1 h?1. The denitrification hot spots of the vegetable field and orchard mainly occurred at 20-100 cm, with average rates of 11.7±1.3 nmol N g?1 h?1 and 9.4±2.3 nmol N g?1 h?1, respectively. Also, the removal rate of NO3?-N in these denitrification hot spots exceeded 90%, and almost all NO3?-N in the soil profile was removed under the three planting patterns. Correlation analysis results indicated that the soil NO3?-N content was the primary limiting factor for denitrification. 【Conclusion】Our study reveals that the farmland soil profiles under the three planting patterns in the Taihu Lake area exhibit high denitrification rates with distinct denitrification hot moments and hot spots, effectively removing NO3?-N from the soil profile. These findings deepen our understanding of the NO3?-N removal process in farmland soil profiles, holding significant implications for accurately assessing the cumulative risk and removal capacity of NO3?-N in high N input areas of southern China.


Zhou Han, Wang Xiaomin, Wei Zhijun, Ma Xiaofang, Zhang Yumeng, Shan Jun, Yan Xiaoyuan. Hot Moments and Hot Spots and the Associated Influencing Factors of Denitrification along Farmland Soil Profiles in Southern China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica, DOI:10.11766/trxb202401020003,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-02
  • 最后修改日期:2024-03-19
  • 录用日期:2024-06-21
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-07-12