
1.济南大学水利与环境学院 济南;2.江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所/农业部长江下游平原农业环境重点实验室 南京;3.盐城工学院环境科学与工程学院

Impacts of straw return on the community structure and functional activity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in paddy soil

1.School of Water Conservancy and Environment,University of Jinan;2.Institute of Agricultural Resource and Environment,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Agricutural Environment Laboratory of the lower Yangtze River Plain of Ministry of Agriculture of China;3.School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Yancheng Institute of Technology

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    固氮微生物是驱动稻田生物固氮的重要引擎,而秸秆还田引起土壤高C/N可影响土壤中固氮微生物多样性和功能。水稻根际被认为是土壤微生物最活跃的区域之一,秸秆降解可导致氧气快速耗竭促进厌氧固氮过程,但水稻生长也可能泌氧抑制固氮微生物活性,然而,在复杂植稻体系中关于秸秆还田对水稻土固氮微生物群落结构与功能活性的影响方面的研究仍十分匮乏。本研究采用根际袋法研究了不同量秸秆还田(0%、1%、2%)对两种类型水稻土(高砂土和黄泥土)根际与非根际区固氮微生物丰度、群落结构以及固氮酶活性的影响。结果表明:与秸秆不还田相比,2%秸秆还田下高砂土非根际区nifH基因丰度显著增加了约86.2%,两种类型土壤根际区nifH基因丰度均显著增加了 154%~179%,而与非根际区土壤相比,两种类型稻田根际区土壤nifH基因丰度均有所提高,尤其是2%秸秆还田下显著增加了68.3%-101%。主成分分析(PCoA)表明,两种类型稻田非根际与根际土壤固氮微生物群落组成显著不同。此外,土壤固氮酶活性对秸秆还田的响应与固氮微生物并不总是一致的。与秸秆不还田相比,高砂土非根际区固氮酶活性在1%秸秆还田下并无显著变化,而在2%秸秆还田下显著提高了约33.4%;两种秸秆还田下高砂土根际区固氮酶活性则显著降低了约18.3%~37.2%;与高砂土所不同,黄泥土非根际和根际区固氮酶活性在1%秸秆还田下显著提高了8.69%~20.4%, 而在2%秸秆还田下均有所降低。综上所述,根际通过优化土壤环境,提高了根际土壤固氮微生物丰度及其酶活性,而秸秆还田主要通过提高土壤有机碳和碳氮比,提高了土壤固氮微生物丰度,改变了微生物群落多样性,而土壤固氮酶活性对秸秆还田响应因土壤类型、还田量的不同而有所差异。


    【objective】Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are crucial for biological nitrogen fixation in paddy fields. Returning straw to these fields increases the soil carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C/N), potentially impacting the diversity and functionality of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms. The rice rhizosphere, a highly active microbial zone, experiences rapid oxygen depletion from straw decomposition, which promotes anaerobic nitrogen fixation. Conversely, the growth of rice may release oxygen, thereby potentially inhibiting these microorganisms. Research on these intricate interactions within rice cultivation systems remains limited.【Methods】 In this study, the rhizosphere bag method was employed to explore the impact of varying straw return levels (0%, 1%, 2%) on the abundance and community structure of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, as well as on nitrogenase activity in the rhizosphere and bulk soil of two distinct paddy soil types (high sandy soil and yellow mud soil).【Result】The results indicated that, compared to no straw return, a 2% straw return significantly increased the abundance of nifH genes in the bulk of high sandy soil by approximately 86.2%, and in the rhizosphere of both soil types by 154% to 179%. In both types of paddy fields, the abundance of nifH genes in the rhizosphere soil was higher than in the bulk soil, particularly under the 2% straw return condition, with increases ranging from 68.3% to 101%. Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) revealed significant changes in the composition of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in the bulk soil of both soil types compared to their respective rhizospheres. Additionally, the community compositions of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the rhizosphere were distinctly separated from those in the bulk soil. The response of soil nitrogenase activities to straw return was inconsistent with that of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Under a 1% straw return, nitrogenase activity in the bulk of high sandy soil showed no significant change, but increased by nearly 33.8% with a 2% return. Conversely, nitrogenase activity in the rhizosphere of high sandy soil decreased significantly by 18.3% to 37.2% under both straw return conditions. In contrast, in yellow mud soil, nitrogenase activity in both the rhizosphere and bulk soil significantly increased by 8.69% to 20.4% under a 1% straw return, but decreased under a 2% return.【Conclusion】In summary, the rhizosphere enhances the abundance of soil nitrogen-fixing bacteria and their enzyme activities by optimizing the soil environment. Meanwhile, straw return primarily increases soil organic carbon and the carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio, thereby boosting the abundance of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and altering microbial community diversity. The response of soil nitrogenase activity to straw return varies depending on the soil type and the amount of straw returned.


CHEN Pei, CHENG Yu, ZHAO Ying, WANG Ning, Li Shi-wei, XUE Li-hong. Impacts of straw return on the community structure and functional activity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in paddy soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-02-02
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-10
  • 录用日期:2024-11-22