

Dynamic Changes of Microbial Community Metabolisms Along Soil Profile in Response to Exogenous Carbon and Nitrogen Addition in Mollisols

1.State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

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    剖面是研究土壤发生发育的模式体系,然而,剖面微生物的群落生理代谢及其碳固持潜力尚不清楚。针对典型黑土表层(0~10 cm)、中层(30~40 cm)和深层(90~100 cm),利用13C标记葡萄糖与硝酸铵培养土壤,研究微生物生长繁殖合成的难溶解性有机碳(13C-SOC)、异化代谢产生的13C-CO2、激发效应、13C-碳利用效率及其氮素约束特征。结果表明:与对照水处理相比,外源13C-葡萄糖添加后,表层和中层土壤微生物数量增幅约为85.0%,底层增幅1.85倍;土壤呼吸强度增幅依次为表层(3.2倍)、中层(11.3倍)、底层(14.5倍);相对激发效应分别为43.5% <150.5% <267.0%;碳利用效率分别为34.9%、37.3%和32.9%,大约44%~50%的葡萄糖被异化代谢为13CO2。同时,微生物利用葡萄糖合成的难溶解性细胞生物质13C-SOC分别为(111.6±11.7) mg·kg-1(表层)、(119.5±13.4)mg·kg-1(中层)、(105.2±21.6) mg·kg-1(底层),但其占土壤有机碳总量的比例为:0.98%(表层)<1.70%(中层)<4.76%(深层)。氮素添加后13C-SOC呈增加趋势但未有统计差异性,且显著抑制了土壤相对激发效应。高通量测序发现,无论何种碳氮处理,表层、中层和深层土壤微生物群落分别独立聚类;葡萄糖添加条件下,表层土壤微球菌科显著增加,可能是难溶解性微生物源有机碳的主要贡献者,而类诺卡氏菌属则是中层和深层土壤微生物源有机碳的主要贡献者。尽管底层土壤微生物多样性和数量均较低,但可利用外源易利用碳快速繁殖并产生难溶解新碳,其输入总量与表层土壤几乎一致。黑土剖面土壤微生物群落差异显著但功能可塑性较强,维系了土壤生态系统稳定性。


    【Objective】 Soil profile is a model system for deciphering the formation and maturation of organic matter-centric fertility. However, the physiological metabolic potential of the soil profile microbial community and the mechanism of its transformation of labile carbon are not clear.【Method】The metabolic mechanisms of soil microbial communities under exogenous carbon and nitrogen input scenarios were investigated by using 13C-labeled glucose and ammonium nitrate to cultivate soils in the surface (0~10 cm), middle (30~40 cm), and deep (90~100 cm) layers of a typical thin-layered black soil. The insoluble organic carbon (13C-SOC) synthesized by microbial growth and reproduction, 13CO2 produced by heterogeneous metabolism, the priming effect, the efficiency of 13C-carbon utilization, and their nitrogen limitation features were determined.【Result】The increase in soil respiration intensity after exogenous 13C-glucose addition was in the order of surface (3.2-fold), middle (11.3-fold), and deep soil (14.5-fold) compared to the control water treatment; the relative priming effect was 43.5%, 150.5%, and 267.0%; carbon utilization efficiency was 34.9%, 37.3%, and 32.9%, respectively. Approximately 45%~50% of glucose was isomerized and metabolized to 13CO2. Also, the number of soil microorganisms increased by about 85.0% in the surface and middle layers and 1.9 times in the deep layer while the 13C-SOC of insoluble cellular biomass synthesized by microorganisms using glucose was 111.6±11.7 mg kg-1 (surface soil), 119.5±3.4 mg kg-1 (middle soil), and 105.2±21.6 mg kg-1 (deep soil). However, the proportion of the total soil organic carbon, in descending order was 0.98% (surface layer) < 1.70% (middle layer) < 4.76% (deep layer). Interestingly, the 13C-SOC tended to increase after nitrogen addition although it was not statistically differentiated, however, it significantly suppressed the relative priming effect. High-throughput sequencing revealed that surface, middle, and deep soil microbial communities clustered independently regardless of carbon and nitrogen treatments under glucose addition conditions. Micrococcaceae were significantly increased in the surface soil and were probably the main contributor of organic carbon from insoluble microbial sources whereas Nocardioides were the main contributors of organic carbon from microbial sources in the middle and deep soil.【Conclusion】These results suggest that the deep soil, despite its lower diversity and abundance, can utilize exogenous and readily decomposable organic carbon to rapidly colonize and produce insoluble organic carbon of microbial origin and its total new carbon inputs were almost identical to those of the surface soil. Soil microbial communities in black soil profiles developed strong functional plasticity during long-term adaptation to geo-climatic variability, which provides an important basis for the stability of soil ecosystem structures and functions.


HU Yaohua, CAI Yuanfeng, CAO Weiwei, JIA Zhongjun. Dynamic Changes of Microbial Community Metabolisms Along Soil Profile in Response to Exogenous Carbon and Nitrogen Addition in Mollisols[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica, DOI:10.11766/trxb202402040062,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-02-04
  • 最后修改日期:2024-05-28
  • 录用日期:2024-07-25
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-07-31