



Dynamics of soil moisture and its response to rainfall in Caragana korshinskii plantation in loess hilly region

1.Northwest A&2.F University School of Soil and Water Conservation Science and Engineering;3.amp

Fund Project:

Project supported by the Special Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China

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    土壤水分的季节动态及其沿土层深度变化制约着柠条人工林的生长发育。在黄土丘陵区,降水类型及降雨量如何影响林地土壤水分含量,降水补给是否满足柠条林生长季的用水需求还不清楚。本文基于2019—2023年纸坊沟流域柠条林野外长期定位监测数据,分析了柠条林不同深度土壤水分的月动态变化,探究了植物生长季节土壤水分对不同降水类型和降雨量的响应过程。结果表明:(1)研究区降水按照降水特征可分为5类降水:小雨、中雨、大雨、暴雨、大暴雨。研究区46%降水事件属于中雨类型,暴雨虽然发生频率较低(19%),但在补给土壤水分等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。(2)土壤水分含量受到降水影响,在年内变化呈现“双峰”型变化。在柠条生长旺盛的6~7月,50~100 cm均出现了季节性干层,土壤干层出现的时间与当年的降水情况密切相关,干层在充足的降水补给会后消失。全年降水量总体上可以满足柠条生长所需。(3)降水类型是影响土壤水分入渗深度和补给量的关键因素。其中暴雨和大雨入渗深度最深,可达100~200 cm;其次是中雨,达10~70 cm;小雨仅局限于0~10 cm。暴雨的土壤水分补给量最大,平均占降水量的87.5% ,大雨(36.2%)和长历时中雨(29.7%)次之,而小雨和短历时中雨的降水量则大部分以蒸散发的形式损失。研究发现暴雨和大雨对土壤水分的补给可以能缓解50~100 cm季节性干层,而且50 cm以下的土壤在补给后能维持较高的含水状态,为柠条生长提供了有利的水分储备。本研究对黄土丘陵区柠条林可持续管理提供了理论支持。


    【Objective】The seasonal dynamics of soil water and its changes along the soil depth restrict the growth and development of Caragana korshinskii plantation. Thus, by exploring the effects of precipitation types and rainfall on soil water content in the loess hilly area, this study seeks to clarify whether precipitation replenishment could meet the water demand of the growing season of Caragana korshinskii forest, and provide theoretical support for the ecological construction of artificial Caragana korshinskii forest in the loess hilly area.【Methods】The analyses in this study are based on precipitation and soil moisture data of Ansai Lime stick forest in Shaanxi Province from 2019 to 2023. The monthly dynamic changes of soil water under Caragana korshinskii forest at different depths were analyzed, and the response process of soil water to different precipitation types and rainfall during the growing season was investigated. The precipitation data was recorded every 30 minutes, and the soil water data were repeated at three monitoring points on the slope and under the slope, with the monitoring frequency of once an hour. The soil volumetric water content at 10 depths (10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300, 500, 1 000 cm) was monitored. 【Results】(1) The precipitation in the study area could be divided into 5 types according to the characteristics of precipitation: light rain, moderate rain, large rain, heavy rain, and very torrential rain. Most of the precipitation events in the study area belonged to moderate rain type, with 59 events accounting for 46% of the total events. (2) Soil moisture content was affected by precipitation, and the annual variation of 0~100 cm soil moisture content showed a "double peak" pattern. In May to August, when Caragana korshinskii was growing vigorously, the seasonal dry layer appeared in the 50~100 cm soil layer. The occurrence time of the dry layer was closely related to the precipitation of the year, and the dry layer disappeared after sufficient precipitation recharge. (3) There was a significant positive correlation between rainfall type and soil water infiltration depth (R2 > 0.81), in which the infiltration depth of heavy rain and heavy rain was the deepest, reaching 100~200 cm, followed by moderate rain 10~70 cm, while light rain was limited to 0~10 cm. The response time of surface and deep soil of heavy rain was the shortest, followed by heavy rain, while the response process of light rain was relatively slow. Also, the soil water supply of rainstorm were significantly higher than that of other rainfall types, accounting for 87.5% of the secondary precipitation, followed by heavy rain (36.2%) and long-duration moderate rain (29.7%), while the precipitation of light rain and short-duration moderate rain was mostly lost in the form of evapotranspiration. 【Conclusion】(a) Most precipitation events in the study area belonged to the moderate rain type. The recharge efficiency of light rain and moderate rain was low, and more was loss in the form of evapotranspiration. Although the occurrence frequency of heavy rain was low, it played an irreplaceable role in replenishing soil water. (b) During the flourishing period of Caragana korshinskii growth in summer, the 50~100 cm soil layer generally had different degrees of seasonal drought, which adversely affected the normal growth of vegetation. However, the infiltration depth of heavy rain and rainstorm events reached approximately 50 cm and replenished soil water, and the annual precipitation could meet the needs of Caragana korshinskii growth.


liangjing, wangguoliang, xuxiaoyang, liuying, maojirong, zengyan. Dynamics of soil moisture and its response to rainfall in Caragana korshinskii plantation in loess hilly region[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-04-22
  • 最后修改日期:2024-08-02
  • 录用日期:2024-10-22