



Temporal dynamics and fraction accumulation characteristics of black soil organic carbon under long-term continuous straw return

1.Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.School of Information Engineering, Harbin University

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    秸秆还田是提高农田土壤有机碳(SOC)含量的有效措施,为了研究长期秸秆还田条件下黑土SOC的动态变化规律,本文基于典型黑土区18年长期玉米-大豆轮作定位试验,对无肥(NF)、化肥(NPK)和秸秆还田配施化肥(NPKS)3个处理下耕层(0~20 cm)SOC 随时间的动态变化进行了研究,同时采用物理和化学分组方法,探讨了秸秆还田对 SOC组成的影响。结果表明:(1)与初始(2004年)土壤相比,NPKS处理使SOC含量显著增加了12.97%,年均增加0.18g kg-1,NF处理SOC含量显著降低了3.9%,而NPK处理无显著变化。(2)NPKS处理下的SOC含量与年份以及累计碳投入呈显著正相关,但从不同时间段来看,2004-2015年NPKS处理的SOC含量与累积碳投入呈显著正相关,2015-2022年二者无显著相关性,说明连续秸秆还田导致的SOC提升主要发生在前11年,11年后SOC达到了平衡。(3)NPKS处理使土壤游离态轻组碳(fLFC)、闭蓄态轻组碳(oLFC)、重组碳(HFC)、胡敏酸碳(HAC)、富里酸碳(FAC)和胡敏素碳(HMC)含量分别增加了47.77%、34.77%、11.18%、13.00%、6.32%和11.71%。秸秆还田增加了fLFC和oLFC两个活性组分的比例,降低了HFC的比例,但HFC对SOC增量的贡献超过了80%,是SOC长期固存的核心组分。此外,秸秆还田提高了土壤的HA/FA比值,使土壤有机质的腐质化程度提高。综上,长期连续秸秆还田可有效提升黑土有机碳含量,但连续秸秆还田11年后,SOC会达到新的平衡而不再持续增长;尽管活性组分的提升比例高于稳定性组分,但稳定组分对维持SOC的稳定性和数量方面仍起着关键作用。


    【Objective】Straw returning is an effective measure to increase the amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) in agroecosystems. The objective of this study was to study the temporal dynamic of SOC in Mollisols during long-term straw return. 【Method】Based on an 18-year long-term field experiment using a maize-soybean rotation cropping system in the typical black soil region,the temporal dynamic of topsoil (0-20 cm) organic carbon was studied under three treatments: no fertilizer (NF), mineral fertilizer (NPK), and mineral fertilizer with straw return (NPKS). Furthermore, physical and chemical fraction methods were applied to study the effect of straw return on SOC pools. 【Result】The results showed that: (1) Compared with the initial (2004) soil, the SOC content significantly increased by 12.97% in the NPKS treatment, with an annual increase of 0.18 g·kg-1, and the SOC content significantly decreased by 3.9% in the NF treatment, while no significant change was found in NPK treatment. (2) There was a significant positive correlation between SOC content and year and the cumulative carbon input in the NPKS treatment. In particular, a significant relationship between SOC and cumulative carbon was observed from 2004 to 2015 under NPKS, while not from 2015 to 2022, indicating that the increase of SOC caused by straw return mainly occurred in the first 11 years, and after 11 years, the SOC reached a state of equilibrium. (3) The NPKS treatment increased the carbon content in free light fraction (fLFC), occluded light fraction (oLFC), the heavy fraction (HFC), humic acid (HAC), fulvic acid (FAC), and humin (HMC) by 47.77%, 34.77%, 11.18%, 13.00%, 6.32%, and 11.71%, respectively. Straw return improved the C proportion in labile fractions (fLFC and oLFC) and decreased the proportion of HFC, but the contribution of HFC to SOC improvement was more than 80%. Thus, the stable HFC was a key component for the long-term sequestration of SOC. In addition, straw return increased the ratio of HA/FA, consequently, increasing the humification degree of soil organic matter. 【Conclusion】Long-term continuous straw return can effectively improve the content of SOC and its fractions in black soil, but after 11 years of continuous straw return, SOC will stop growing and reach a new equilibrium. Although the labile SOC was elevated at a higher percentage than the stable SOC,the stable SOC still plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and quantity of SOC.

    发 布

Zhang Jiaqi, wangcui, Wang Mingming, Pan Fengjuan, Hao Xiangxiang, Sui Yueyu. Temporal dynamics and fraction accumulation characteristics of black soil organic carbon under long-term continuous straw return[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-04-29
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-30
  • 录用日期:2024-12-23