





Effects of Organic Amendments and Their Combination with Biochar on the Stability of Aggregates in Red Soil

1.College of Environment and Resources,College of Carbon Neutrality,Zhejiang A&F University;2.Agroforestry Technology Extension Centre of Lin’an District

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    通过连续6年田间试验,研究了玉米秸秆、羊粪和生物质炭单施及前两者与生物质炭配施对土壤团聚体稳定性及不同粒径中生物胶结物质含量的影响,旨在为红壤固碳培肥提供科学依据。结果表明:与对照相比,单施秸秆、羊粪显著提高了大于2 mm和 2~1 mm粒径土壤团聚体含量,提高了土壤团聚体的平均重量直径(MWD)。生物质炭单施及与有机物料配施对土壤团聚体粒径分布无显著影响,两者也无显著的交互作用。秸秆、羊粪及生物质炭单施均显著提高了大团聚体(>0.25 mm)中土壤有机碳、微生物生物量碳、总球囊霉素和多糖含量。与单施秸秆或羊粪相比,生物质炭配施分别使大团聚体中的有机碳含量显著提高了 207% 和 151%,微生物生物量碳提高了 78% 和 62%,总球囊霉素提高了 15% 和 20%,多糖含量提高了 24% 和 22%,且两者具有显著的交互作用。随机森林回归模型分析表明,不同团聚体中的易提取球囊霉素、总球囊霉素和多糖含量为显著影响 MWD 的关键因子。综上,秸秆和羊粪连续 6 年施用可通过提高大团聚体中的微生物生物量碳、总球囊霉素和多糖含量显著提高红壤团聚体稳定性;生物质炭配施可促进生物胶结物质在大团聚体中的积累,更有助于提高红壤结构稳定性和固碳培肥潜力。


    【Objective】This study aimed to elucidate the effects of different organic amendments (including corn straw, sheep manure, and biochar) application on the stability of soil aggregates and biological binding agents and to provide a scientific basis for carbon sequestration and fertilization improvement of red soil.【Method】The distribution of soil aggregates in different size and the contents of biological binding agents in aggregates were analyzed following six-year successive application of corn straw and sheep manure alone and in combination with biochar.【Result】Compared with the non-amended control, the contents of soil aggregates with particle size > 2 mm and 2-1 mm and the mean weight diameter (MWD) of soil aggregates were significantly increased by application of straw and sheep manure alone. In particular, the MWD and the aggregates of > 0.25 mm were significantly increased by 50% and 27.66% under straw amendment, while increased by 103.13% and 36.17% under sheep manure application alone, respectively. However, biochar alone or in combination with organic amendment did not affect the particle size distribution of soil aggregates. There were also no significant interactions between biochar and the organic amendment on the particle size distribution. The organic amendment had a significant effect on the soil organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon content of aggregates of each particle size. Also, the concentrations of soil organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, total glomalin-related soil proteins (T-GRSP), and polysaccharides in macroaggregates (> 0.25 mm) were significantly increased by straw, sheep manure, and biochar application alone. Compared with the sole application of straw and sheep manure, biochar co-application significantly increased the soil organic carbon content in macroaggregates by 207% and 151%, the microbial biomass carbon by 78% and 62%, the T-GRSP by 15% and 20%, and the polysaccharide content by 24% and 22%, respectively. Biochar and organic amendment had a significant interactive effect on the soil organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon content in macroaggregates, silt, and clay particles. In addition, the combined application of biochar and organic amendment had a significant interactive effect on the content of polysaccharides. Random forest regression model analysis showed that the contents of easily extractable glomalin-related soil proteins (EE-GRSP), T-GRSP, and polysaccharides in aggregates were the key factors affecting the MWD.【Conclusion】These findings suggest that long-term successive application of straw and manure could significantly increase the stability of soil aggregates by increasing the microbial biomass carbon, total glomalin-related soil proteins, and polysaccharide in the macroaggregates. The combined application of biochar can promote the accumulation of biological binding agents in macroaggregates, which is more conducive to improving the structural stability and the potential of carbon sequestration and fertilization of red soil.

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张新,邬奇峰,周燕,马晓敏,邢佳佳,彭丽媛,秦 华,陈俊辉.有机物料单施及与生物质炭配施对红壤团聚体稳定性的影响[J].土壤学报,,[待发表]
ZHANG Xin, WU Qifeng, ZHOU Yan, MA Xiaomin, XING Jiajia, PENG Liyuan, QIN Hua, CHEN Junhui. Effects of Organic Amendments and Their Combination with Biochar on the Stability of Aggregates in Red Soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-18
  • 最后修改日期:2024-09-02
  • 录用日期:2024-09-30