



Differences in Soil Carbon Sequestration Effects of Long-term Carbonization Straw Return on Soil in Acidic Red Soil Areas in Southern China

Changshu National Agro-Ecosystem Observation and Research Station,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences

Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the Supervisory Program (No.42277331), the National Key R&D Program of China (2023YFD1901304)

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    将农田秸秆转化为生物质炭还田作为南方酸红壤区土壤改良与固碳减排的潜在途径得到国内外广泛关注。依托2011年6月建立的水稻-小麦水旱轮作与小米-小麦旱旱轮作土柱试验,观测长期秸秆生物质炭施加(BC0,每季0 t·ha-1;BC11.3,每季11.3 t·ha-1)下第四纪红黏土与第三纪红砂壤母质发育的两种水稻土(QP、TP)与旱地土(QU、TU)的有机碳累积特征和有机碳官能团结构变化,分析土壤有机碳数量、结构和稳定性指标与土壤性质之间的关系,以期明确酸红壤区上秸秆炭化还田在不同土壤中的固碳效应差异。结果表明,土壤质地、水旱利用方式及二者的交互作用显著影响秸秆生物质炭处理下的土壤有机碳密度。与BC0相比,BC11.3处理11年后偏黏质土0-20 cm土壤有机碳密度增幅(QP,25.22 kg·m-2;QU,8.07 kg·m-2)高于砂质土(TP,8.67 kg·m-2;TU,7.58 kg·m-2),水稻土(QP、TP)高于旱地土(QU,TU)。13C固态核磁共振技术结果显示,相同耕作条件下,不同质地土壤有机碳官能团组分及稳定性指标均无明显差异;水稻土的烷基碳和烷氧碳比例高于旱地土,芳香碳的比例、疏水性指数和芳香度低于旱地土。秸秆炭化还田后土壤pH值显著影响土壤有机碳含量,容重、田间持水量和总孔隙度与土壤稳定性指标密切相关。上述结果说明南方酸红壤区长期秸秆炭化还田后偏黏质土壤有机碳固存量高于砂质土壤,但长期稳定性无差异;水田有机碳固存量大于旱地,但旱地更有利于土壤有机碳长期稳定性。本研究从土壤有机碳及其结构特性探讨不同土壤的固碳效应差异机制,为秸秆生物质炭资源合理利用提供科学依据。


    【Objective】 Converting agricultural straw into biochar and then returning it to the field has received widespread attention at domestic and abroad as a potential pathway for soil improvement and carbon sequestration and emission reduction in the southern acidic red soil area. 【Method】 Relying on the soil column experiments of rice-wheat (paddy-upland)rotation and millet-wheat (upland-upland) rotation established in June 2011, the organic carbon accumulation characteristics and changes in the organic carbon functional group structure of paddy soils (QP and TP) and upland soils (QU and TU) developed from Quaternary red clay and Tertiary red sandstone soils were observed under long-term straw biochar application (BC0, 0 t·ha-1 per season; BC11.3, 11.3 t·ha-1 per season). The relationship between soil organic carbon quantity, structure, stability indicators and soil properties was analyzed, in order to clarify the differences in carbon sequestration effect of biochar application on different acid red soils. 【Result】 The results showed that soil texture, land use type and their interaction significantly affected soil organic carbon density under biochar treatment. Compared with BC0, the increase in soil organic carbon density from 0-20cm was higher in partial clayey soils (QP, 25.22 kg·m-2; QU, 8.07 kg·m-2 ) than sandy soils (TP, 8.67 kg·m-2; TU, 7.58 kg·m-2 ), and higher in paddy soils (QP, TP) than upland soils (QU, TU) after 11 years of BC11.3 treatment. The results of 13C solid-state NMR showed that under the same farming conditions, there was no significant difference in the composition of organic carbon functional groups and stability indicators of soil with different textures. The ratio of alkyl carbon and o-alkyl carbon in paddy soil is higher than that in dryland soil, and the ratio of aromatic carbon, hydrophobicity index and aromaticity are lower than that in dryland soil. pH, bulk density, field water capacity, and total porosity all significantly affected the soil organic carbon content and its stability indicators after biochar application. 【Conclusion】 The above results show that the organic carbon sequestration of partial clay soil is higher than that of sandy soil after long-term straw carbonization and returning to the field in the sour red soil area of South China, but there is no difference in long-term stability. The sequestration of organic carbon in paddy field is larger than that in upland, but upland is more conducive to the long-term stability of soil organic carbon. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of carbon sequestration effect difference between different soils from soil organic carbon and its structural characteristics, and provided scientific basis for the rational use of straw biochar resources.


YANG Xin, XU Lingying, XIA Longlong, ZHAO Xu. Differences in Soil Carbon Sequestration Effects of Long-term Carbonization Straw Return on Soil in Acidic Red Soil Areas in Southern China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-21
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-14
  • 录用日期:2024-11-22