




国家自然科学基金项目(42090065)、国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFD1700803,2023YFD1700804)、江苏省农业自主创新项目(CX (23) 1038)

Reduction Effect of Reductive Soil Disinfestation on Soil Biological Co-contamination in Different Farmland Soils

School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University

Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42090065), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2023YFD1700803, 2023YFD1700804), Jiangsu Agriculture Science and Technology Innovation Fund (CX (23) 1038)

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    近年来,因土传病原菌和抗生素抗性基因(Antibiotic resistance genes, ARGs)富集导致的土壤生物复合污染已严重威胁农产品安全和人类健康。为探究强还原处理(Reductive soil disinfestation, RSD)对土壤生物复合污染的协同修复效果,以具有青枯菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)、ARGs和可移动遗传元件(Mobile genetic elements, MGEs)复合污染的集约化农田土壤(黑土、红壤和潮土)为研究对象,分别设置以1%的乙醇(ET)、苜蓿粉(AL,碳氮比:21.2)和糖蜜(MO,碳氮比:12.6)为有机物料的RSD处理,同时设置最大持水量(FCK)和不处理对照(CK),采用荧光定量PCR技术分析处理前后土壤青枯菌与主要ARGs和MGEs的变化,并通过相对丰度的消减率来衡量RSD处理对土壤生物复合污染的消减效果。结果表明, RSD处理能有效消减多种ARGs和MGEs,其中AL和MO处理能显著降低黑土中aadA7、aadA21、tet36、sul1、IS6100基因的相对丰度,消减率为28.4%~49.9%;而ET处理后,潮土中aadA7、msrE、tetG、tetM、tet36、intl1、IS6100和IS26基因的相对丰度显著下降,消减率达到56.2%~81.6%。同时,RSD处理能有效降低土壤中青枯菌的相对丰度,其中红壤和潮土中的下降幅度分别为88.0%~92.3%和76.1%~94.2%。相关性分析显示,土壤中青枯菌的相对丰度与ARGs、MGEs的相对丰度存在一定的偶联关系,其中潮土中青枯菌的相对丰度与大部分ARGs(aadA7、msrE、tetG、tetM和tet36)和MGEs(intl1、IS6100和IS26)基因的相对丰度呈显著正相关,表明RSD处理对潮土中的生物复合污染具有较好地协同消减作用。此外,不同土壤类型中青枯菌、ARGs和MGEs的相对丰度与土壤理化性质的相关性存在较大差异,表明RSD处理对土壤生物复合污染的修复效果差异与土壤理化性质高度相关。综上所述,RSD处理能够协同消减土壤青枯菌与ARGs和MGEs叠加形成的生物复合污染,但其协同消减作用受土壤类型和有机物料类型所影响。


    [Objective] In recent years, the enrichment of soil-borne pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) has led to biological co-contamination of soil, posing a serious threat to agricultural product safety and human health. [Method] To investigate the synergistic remediation effect of reductive soil disinfestation (RSD) on soil biological co-contamination, intensive farmland soils (black soil, red soil and fluvo-aquic soil) with co-contamination of Ralstonia solanacearum, ARGs, and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) were selected. RSD was applied with 1% ethanol (ET,), alfalfa meal (AL, C/N: 21.2), and molasses (MO, C/N: 12.6), alongside controls of maximum water holding treatment (FCK) and untreated soil (CK). Real-time PCR was used to analyze the changes of R. solanacearum, major ARGs and MGEs before and after treatment, and the reduction rate of relative abundance was used to measure the mitigation effect of RSD treatment on soil biological co-contamination. [Result] The results showed that RSD could effectively reduce a variety of ARGs and MGEs, among which AL and MO treatment could decrease the relative abundance of aadA7, aadA21, tet36, sul1, and IS6100 genes in black soil, with a reduction rate of 28.4%~49.9%. After ET treatment, the relative abundance of aadA7, msrE, tetG, tetM, tet36, intl1, IS6100, and IS26 genes in fluvo-aquic soil decreased significantly, and the reduction rate reached 56.2%~81.6%. Additionally, RSD efficiently reduced the relative abundance of R. solanacearum in soil, and the decrease in red soil and fluvo-aquic soil was 88.0%~92.3% and 76.1%~94.2%, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that there was a certain coupling relationship between the relative abundance of R. solanacearum and ARGs and MGEs. In fluvo-aquic soil, the relative abundance of R. solanacearum was significantly and positively correlated with the relative abundances of most ARGs (aadA7, msrE, tetG, tetM, and tet36) and MGEs (intl1, IS6100, and IS26) genes, indicating that RSD treatment had a good synergistic reduction effect on the biological co-contamination in fluvo-aquic soil. Furthermore, there were considerable differences in the correlation results between the relative abundance of R. solanacearum, ARGs, and MGEs and soil physicochemical properties in different soil types. This indicates that the effectiveness of RSD treatment in remedying soil biological co-contamination varies depending on soil physicochemical properties. [Conclusion] RSD can synergistically reduce soil biological co-contamination caused by the superposition of soil R. solanacearum, ARGs, and MGEs, but its reduction effect is affected by soil and organic material types.


YU Wenhao, YANG Zhiyi, ZHANG Jingqing, LIU Liangliang, HUANG Xinqi, ZHANG Jinbo, CAI Zucong, ZHAO Jun. Reduction Effect of Reductive Soil Disinfestation on Soil Biological Co-contamination in Different Farmland Soils[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-29
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-26
  • 录用日期:2025-01-03