



Effects of Different Straw Returning Methods on the Accumulation of Plant- and Microbial-derived Carbon in Shajiang Black Soil(Vertisol)

1.Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences;2.NanJing Agricultural University;3.Longkang Farm Co. Ltd, Anhui State Farms Group;4.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science

Fund Project:

the National Key Research and Development Programs (2023YFD1900204), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41930753), and the Self-deployed Project of Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Science (ISSASIP2214)

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    土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon,SOC)是影响砂姜黑土区作物产量的关键因子之一,而秸秆还田是持续提升SOC的有效途径。不同秸秆还田方式下植物和微生物来源碳的累积特征及其相对贡献尚不明确。基于此,本研究利用连续7年的秸秆还田与耕作方式定位试验,探究不同秸秆还田方式(免耕还田、旋耕还田、深翻还田)下砂姜黑土0~10、10~20、20~40 cm土层中植物和微生物源碳的积累特征及其相对贡献。结果表明:经过7年秸秆还田,旋耕还田和深翻还田处理增加了各土层(0~10、10~20、20~40 cm)SOC含量。免耕还田处理下0~10 cm土层SOC含量较初始值增加43.3%,但在10~20和20~40 cm土层中无显著差异,SOC出现了一定的表聚现象。深翻还田促进了木质素酚在10~20和20~40 cm土层中的积累,这两个土层中木质素酚含量较旋耕还田分别增加57.3%和36.6%。同时,深翻还田抑制了木质素酚的降解,表现为10~20和20~40 cm土层中香草基和丁香基酚类的酸醛比((Ad/Al)V和(Ad/Al)S)较免耕还田和旋耕还田低。此外,与旋耕还田相比,深翻还田有利于10~20和20~40 cm土层中总氨基糖,尤其是氨基葡萄糖(GluN)的积累,然而,0~10和10~20 cm土层胞壁酸(MurN)的积累受到了抑制。真菌、细菌残体碳之比表明,深翻还田处理下10~20和20~40 cm土层微生物群落向真菌方向转变,微生物源碳的稳定性较高。综上所述,深翻还田促进了砂姜黑土10~40 cm土层植物和微生物源碳的积累和稳定,对砂姜黑土区秸秆资源高效利用及土壤质量提升具有重要意义。


    【Objective】Soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of the key factors influencing crop yield in the Shajiang black soil region, and straw returning is an effective method for continuously improving SOC. However, the accumulation characteristics of plant- and microbial-derived carbon and their relative contribution to SOC under different straw returning methods (no-tillage with straw returning, NTS; rotary tillage with straw returning, RTS; deep ploughing with straw returning, DPS) remain poorly understood. Therefore, this study aims to explore these characteristics and contributions of plant- and microbial-derived carbon in 0~10 cm, 10~20 cm and 20~40 cm soil layers of Shajiang black soil under different straw returning methods. 【Method】A seven-year field experiment was conducted using lignin phenols and amino sugars as biomarkers. Mixed soil samples were collected from depths of 0~10, 10~20, and 20~40 cm. The content of plant- and microbial-derived carbon and their contributions to SOC were calculated based on the biomarkers content. 【Results】The results revealed that, RTS and DPS significantly increased the SOC content of each soil layer, with an increase of 113% (P < 0.05). In contrast, the effects of NTS on SOC were mainly concentrated in the 0~10 cm layer after seven years, showing a phenomenon of surface accumulation in SOC. There was no significant difference in lignin phenol content between NTS and RTS (P > 0.05), however, in the 10~20 cm and 20~40 cm layers under DPS treatment, lignin phenol content increased by 57.3% and 36.3%, respectively (P < 0.05), despite a marked decrease in the 0~10 cm layer (P > 0.05). Additionally, the relative contents of Vanillyl (V) and Syringyl (S) phenols under DPS were significantly increased (P < 0.05) and the degree of oxidative degradation of lignin in the 10~40 cm layer was lower than that under NTS and RTS. Furthermore, amino sugar content showed no significant difference between NTS and RTS in each soil layer. However, under DPS, amino sugar content in the 10~20 cm and 20~40 cm layers increased by 45.6% and 35.8% in comparison with RTS, respectively (P < 0.05). The variation trend of Glucosamine (GluN) and Galactosamine (GalN) with soil depth was similar to amino sugar content, but in the 0~20 cm layer, Muramic acid (MurN) content under NTS and DPS was lower than that of RTS, with a highest decrease of 47.2%. Interestingly, DPS promoted the transformation of microbial community towards fungi, with the carbon ratio of fungal necromass to bacterial necromass in the 10~20 cm and 20~40 cm layers increasing by 177% and 58.0%, respectively, compared to RTS (P < 0.05). 【Conclusion】The substantial increase in SOC content primarily results from a significant rise in crop residue content observed in the topsoil (0~10 cm) under NTS and RTS, as well as in the deeper soil (10~40 cm) following DPS. Our findings suggest that DPS promotes the accumulation of plant- and microbial-derived carbon in deeper soil layers, increases the contribution of microbial carbon to SOC and enhances the stability of carbon pool, which is crucial for the efficient utilization of straw resources and improvement of soil quality in Shajiang black soil region.


Yu ZiZhou, Guo ZiChun, Ding TianYu, Wang YueKai, Zhang Ping, Peng XinHua. Effects of Different Straw Returning Methods on the Accumulation of Plant- and Microbial-derived Carbon in Shajiang Black Soil(Vertisol)[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica, DOI:10.11766/trxb202406010218,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-01
  • 最后修改日期:2024-07-29
  • 录用日期:2024-08-30
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-20