



Changes in plant- and microbial-derived soil organic carbon in three temperate mature forests

1.School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture Anhui Agricultural University;2.Shandong Agricultural University;3.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, Anhui Agricultural University

Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 32371847)

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    森林生态系统是陆地生态系统中最大的碳库,森林土壤则是陆地生态系统中最大的有机碳库。土壤有机碳(SOC)是陆地生态系统碳库的重要组成部分,而植物源有机碳和微生物源有机碳是它的重要组分,深入理解森林类型对土壤微生物源有机碳和植物源有机碳的影响极其重要。以赤松林、刺槐林和麻栎林三种温带森林为研究对象,采集0-10 cm矿质土壤,分析了土壤植物源和微生物源有机碳的生物标志物木质素酚和氨基糖的含量,以及土壤基本理化性质、微生物的群落结构与活性等。结果表明:赤松林中土壤总氨基糖、氨基葡萄糖、氨基半乳糖和胞壁酸的含量显著低于刺槐林和麻栎林,赤松林中细菌、真菌和微生物残体碳含量显著低于麻栎林和刺槐林,刺槐林和麻栎林微生物残体碳的含量分别是赤松林1.9倍和2.3倍;在刺槐林、麻栎林和赤松林中微生物残体碳对SOC的贡献分别为56.8%、57.4%和52.5%,其中真菌残体碳对有机碳的贡献也远大于细菌残体碳,是细菌残体碳的12.8~16.6倍。总木质素酚及其三类单体(V类、S类和C类)的含量也表现为刺槐林>麻栎林>赤松林,刺槐林和麻栎林总木质素酚的含量分别是赤松林的2.8倍和3倍。同时,刺槐林土壤中香草基酚类和紫丁香酚类的酸醛比值即(Ad/Al)v和(Ad/Al)s的比值显著高于赤松林和麻栎林,说明在刺槐林中土壤木质素的分解程度更高。随机森林模型预测结果显示全氮、有机碳、全磷、pH、木聚糖酶是影响土壤微生物、细菌、真菌残体碳和木质素酚的主要因子。结构方程模型表明土壤理化学性质和微生物性质是对土壤微生物残体碳和木质素含量影响较大的潜变量,在温带森林经营中,可通过提高土壤养分和微生物性质来促进微生物的生长,并且提高微生物和植物源有机碳的含量及对SOC库的贡献,进而最大程度地发挥其固碳的潜力。


    【Objective】Forest ecosystems are the largest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems, and forest soils are the largest organic carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component of the carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems, and plant- and microbial-derived organic carbon are the key components of SOC. So, an advanced understanding of the effects of forest types on plant- and microbial-derived organic carbon is important. 【Methods】From three types of temperate forests: Pinus densiflora, Robinia pseudoacacia and Quercus acutissima, 0-10 cm mineral soil was collected to analyze the contents of lignin phenols and amino sugars, which are biomarkers of soil organic carbon of plant- and microbial-derived organic carbon. Also, the basic physical and chemical properties of soil, and the community structure and activity of microorganisms were investigated. 【Result】The soil total amino sugars, amino glucans, amino galactose, and cytosolic acids were significantly lower in P. densiflora than in R. pseudoacacia and Q. acutissima, Also, the bacterial, fungal, and microbial residue carbon was significantly lower in P. densiflora than in Q. acutissima and R. pseudoacacia, and the content of microbial residue carbon in R. pseudoacacia and Q. acutissima was 1.9 and 2.3 times higher than that in P. densiflora. The contribution of microbial residue carbon to SOC in R. pseudoacacia, Q. acutissima, and P. densiflora was 56.79%, 57.41%, and 52.55%, respectively. In addition, the content of fungal residue carbon was 12.76-16.56 times higher than that of bacterial residue carbon, and its contribution to organic carbon was much larger than that of bacterial residue carbon. Furthermore, it was observed that the content of total lignin phenol and its three types of monomers (V, S and C) followed R. pseudoacacia>Q. acutissima>P. densiflora with, the content of total lignin phenol in R. pseudoacacia and Q. acutissima being 3 and 2.8 times higher than that in P. densiflora. Also, the acid-aldehyde ratios of Vanillyl-based ((Ad/Al)v) and Syringyl-based ((Ad/Al)s) in the soil of R. pseudoacacia were significantly higher than those in Q. acutissima and P. densiflora, suggesting that the decomposition of soil lignin was higher in the R. pseudoacacia.Random forest model predictions showed that total nitrogen, organic carbon, total phosphorus, pH, and xylanase were the main factors affecting soil microbial, bacterial, fungal residue carbon and lignin phenols. Following the structural equation modeling, it was recorded that soil physicochemical and microbial properties are latent variables that have a strong influence on soil microbial residual carbon and lignin content,【Conclusion】Our results indicate that microbial growth can be promoted by improving soil nutrients and microbial properties. Eventually, increasing microbial and plant-derived organic carbon content and contribution to the SOC pool in temperate forest management can, maximize its carbon sequestration potential.


Liuxinying, Taoyulan, Wangyanping, Zhaoxuechao, Yang shanwu, Wang shandi, Huang li, Li wenhui, Qingkui Wang. Changes in plant- and microbial-derived soil organic carbon in three temperate mature forests[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-13
  • 最后修改日期:2024-09-28
  • 录用日期:2024-12-05