





Comparison of Digital Soil Mapping Methods in Plain and Hill Mixed Regions

Huazhong Agricultural University

Fund Project:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program, Key Program, Major Research Plan)

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    构建适宜性土壤-景观关系模型是提高数字土壤制图精度的关键。由于平原-丘陵区域的多尺度复杂地形,如何充分考虑土壤-景观关系模型建立的主要环节来准确预测其土壤类型空间分布需要进一步探讨。本研究以湖北省麻城市乘马岗镇北部为研究区,将其划分为平原和丘陵2个地形单元,以28个环境变量为辅助因子,评估决策树(Decision Tree, DT)、随机森林(Random Forest, RF)、梯度提升树(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree, GBDT)和极端梯度提升(Extreme Gradient Boosting, XGBoost)在各地形下进行推理制图的精度,基于因子重要性排序筛选变量,通过对比整体与按地形分区制图的精度,探索提高平原-丘陵区域土壤类型制图精度的途径。结果表明:不同地形条件下,最优推理制图方法不同。RF在整体和平原区域制图效果较好,XGBoost在丘陵区域制图效果较好。通过变量筛选能够有效提升推理制图总体精度和Kappa系数,整体区域提升效果最好(分别提升了4.96%和0.06),平原区域提升效果最差(分别提升了1.43%和0.02)。相比较于整体制图,按地形分区制图精度最高,总体精度和Kappa系数分别为73.05%和0.69。在平原-丘陵混合区域,综合考虑制图方法优选、环境变量筛选以及制图方式能有效提升土壤类型推理制图精度,为复杂地形区域土壤类型推理制图提供了实践案例和技术支持。


    【Objective】Digital soil mapping is a burgeoning and efficient method to express the spatial distribution of soil. Based on a data mining algorithm, this method establishes a soil-landscape relationship model to infer soil mapping by using raster data as an expression and computer-assisted. The key to improving the accuracy of digital soil mapping is constructing a suitable soil-landscape relationship model. However, the commonly used methods of digital soil mapping cannot meet the application requirements of soil mapping given the complicated nature of terrains consisting of plains and hills. How to fully consider the main links of the soil-landscape relationship model to accurately infer the spatial distribution of soil types needs further discussion. 【Method】The northern part of Chengmagang town, Macheng City, Hubei province was selected as the study area. It was divided into two terrain units, plains and hills. Based on the 28 environmental variables, Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) were used to select optimal mapping methods for each region. Then, the optimal variables combination was selected according to the factor importance ranking of each region. Moreover, the optimal mapping methods were used to establish a soil-landscape relationship model linking soil types to the optimal variable combinations, upon which soil type mapping was inferred for each region. Soil-type mapping results for plain and hilly areas were combined as the soil-type mapping result of the terrain region. Finally, the mapping accuracy of the whole region was compared with the terrain region to further explore ways to improve the accuracy of soil-type mapping in Plain and Hill Mixed Regions. 【Result】Under different terrain conditions, the performance of each inference mapping method was different as well as the optimal inference mapping method. The performance of RF and XGBoost was superior to other algorithms. Specifically, the RF performed better in whole and plain regions while the XGBoost was the best algorithm in the hill region. The model accuracy was further effectively improved through variable screening, with the maximum increase of overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient being 4.96% and 0.059 in the whole region, respectively. However, the model accuracy improvement was not obvious in the plain region, with the increase of overall accuracy and kappa coefficient being 1.43% and 0.018, respectively. Also, the increase in overall accuracy and kappa coefficient was 2.82% and 0.03 in the hill region. Compared with the whole mapping method, the inference mapping method based on terrain zoning had the highest accuracy, and the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient were 73.05% and 0.69, respectively. Meanwhile, the plain region required more remote sensing factors to participate in inference mapping compared to the whole and hill regions. 【Conclusion】The inference mapping accuracy in plain and hill regions can be effectively improved by optimizing the mapping method, selecting environment variables, and adopting appropriate mapping way. This study can provide some references for the screening of environmental variables, the selection of mapping algorithms, and the construction of mapping ways of inference mapping in plain and hill regions. It provides promising and practical examples and technical support effective for promoting the improvement of the accuracy of inference mapping in complex terrain areas.


MENG Ke, HUANG Wei, FU Peihong, LI Wenyue, FENG Ling. Comparison of Digital Soil Mapping Methods in Plain and Hill Mixed Regions[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-21
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-16
  • 录用日期:2024-12-04