



Changes of Community Diversity and Assembly Processes of Culturable Potassium-Solubilizing Bacteria in Soil under Different Enrichment Strategies

1.Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;2.State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences;3.Soil and Fertilizer & Resources and Environment Institute, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Fund Project:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program, Key Program, Major Research Plan)

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    解钾细菌(potassium-solubilizing bacteria, KSB)具有独特解钾优势,被视为生态农业可持续发展的核心植物促生菌。为充分发掘环境中的解钾细菌资源,本研究探究了多种富集策略下土壤解钾细菌群落特征变化。采用解钾细菌富集培养基(KM),并以细菌富集培养基(BM)作为对照,通过液体(L)与固体(S)培养法,连续传代三次(1st、2nd和3rd)富集培养供试土壤中细菌或解钾细菌,收集每一代次可培养微生物富集物,再运用高通量测序技术分析土壤本底和富集物中16S rRNA基因,评估不同富集策略下可培养细菌或解钾细菌占土壤本底细菌群落的比例、组成和多样性变化规律。结果表明:培养基BM和KM富集的细菌多样性显著低于土壤本底,且KM富集的细菌多样性显著高于BM。在L-KM和S-KM中共检测到细菌17门、38纲、91目、145科和267属,在门水平占土壤本底细菌比例最高,约为29.31%。培养基L-KM富集的细菌分类单元数在各水平上都高于S-KM。在门水平,L-KM中的优势门为Firmicutes、Proteobacteria;S-KM优势门为Actinobacteriota、Proteobacteria。在属水平上,通过连续三次传代富集了生理代谢特征具有明显差异的类群,其中L-KM中优势属为Aminobacter、Chelatococcus、Cupriavidus、Hydrogenophilus、Microvirga、Paenibacillus、Phenylobacterium,S-KM中优势属仅Cupriavidus属与L-KM相同,其他优势属主要是Burkholderia、Luteibacter、Massilia、Pseudomonas、Ralstonia等。与已知解钾菌数据库比对发现,KM中仅富集50个已知属,未知解钾细菌占比81%以上。利用零模型反演连续不同培养基传代富集的细菌群落构建过程,发现确定性过程主导了细菌从土壤悬液至培养基的第一代次群落结构变化,而以遗传漂变为主的随机性过程则主导了代际间的细菌群落演替。上述结果表明培养基成分和形态是影响可培养解钾细菌群落的主控因子,但连续传代富集不会导致群落结构同质化和单一化。不同富集策略下可获得较多的已知和未知解钾细菌属,丰富了现有解钾细菌种质资源库,为解钾细菌资源进一步开发和利用提供借鉴。


    【Objective】Potassium-solubilizing bacteria (KSB) are considered key plant growth-promoting bacteria for the sustainable development of ecological agriculture due to their unique advantage of potassium solubilization. To fully explore the resources of potassium-solubilizing bacteria in the environment, the changes in the characteristics of soil potassium-solubilizing bacterial communities were investigated in this study under various enrichment strategies. 【Methods】By using a potassium-solubilizing bacteria enrichment medium (KM),with a bacterial enrichment medium (BM) as a control, the study employed liquid (L) and solid (S) culture methods to continuously enrich and culture potassium-solubilizing bacteria in the test soil samples through three consecutive passages (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). The culturable microbial enrichments from each passage were collected, and high-throughput sequencing technology was used to analyze the 16S rRNA genes in the soil background and the enrichments. This analysis aimed to evaluate the proportion of culturable bacteria or potassium-solubilizing bacteria in the soil background bacterial community, as well as the community composition and diversity patterns under different enrichment strategies. 【Results】The results indicated that the bacterial diversity enriched by both media BM and KM was significantly lower than that in the background soil and the bacterial diversity in KM enrichments was significantly higher than that in BM enrichments. A total of 17 phyla, 38 classes, 91 orders, 145 families, and 267 genera of bacteria were detected in both L-KM and S-KM enrichments, with the most significant proportion at the phylum level accounting for approximately 29.31% of the soil background bacteria. The number of bacterial taxa enriched with L-KM medium was higher than S-KM at all levels. At the phylum level, the dominant phyla in L-KM were Firmicutes and Proteobacteria while in S-KM, the dominant phyla were Actinobacteriota and Proteobacteria. At the genus level, groups with distinct physiological and metabolic characteristics were enriched through three consecutive passages. Among them, the dominant genera in L-KM were Aminobacter, Chelatococcus, Cupriavidus, Hydrogenophilus, Microvirga, Paenibacillus, and Phenylobacterium. The only genus in S-KM that overlapped with L-KM was Cupriavidus, while other dominant genera included Burkholderia, Luteibacter, Massilia, Pseudomonas, and Ralstonia. Compared with known potassium-solubilizing bacteria databases, only 50 known genera were enriched in the KM medium, while unknown potassium-solubilizing bacteria accounted for over 81%. Using null model inversions to analyze the bacterial community assembly process during continuous passaging enrichment under different media, it was found that deterministic processes dominated the changes in community structure from the soil suspension inoculation to the first-generation media, while stochastic processes, mainly genetic drift, governed the intergenerational bacterial community succession. 【Conclusion】These results indicate that the composition and form of the medium are the main factors influencing the culturable potassium-solubilizing bacterial community, but continuous passaging enrichment does not lead to homogenization and simplification of the community structure. A relatively large number of both known and unknown potassium-solubilizing bacterial genera can be obtained under different enrichment strategies and used to enrich the existing resource bank of potassium-solubilizing bacteria. This can provide valuable insights for further development and utilization of these bacteria.

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    发 布

Zeng Tao, Ba Mengya, Xia Weiwei, Zhang Yaohong, Cai Yuanfeng, Chen Xiao Fen, Jia Zhongjun. Changes of Community Diversity and Assembly Processes of Culturable Potassium-Solubilizing Bacteria in Soil under Different Enrichment Strategies[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-23
  • 最后修改日期:2024-12-02
  • 录用日期:2025-03-06