





Response of Soil Moisture Storages and Soil Carbon Stocks to Typical Patterns of Farmland Shelterbelt Systems in the Hetao Irrigation Area, China

1.School of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Forestry University;2.The University of Hong Kong

Fund Project:

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program, Key Program, Major Research Plan)

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    农田防护林作为重要的生态保护措施,探究典型林带配置对土壤水碳储量的影响,可以有效提高农田防护林体系的生态效益。本研究选取河套灌区典型配置的农田防护林系统(二行林带、四行林带、五行林带和八行林带),测定距林带距离、土壤深度、不同月份三个维度的土壤水储量(Soil Moisture Storage,SMS)和土壤碳储量(Soil Carbon Stocks,SCS),以及土壤性质、植被属性和小气候因素等生态环境因子,探究影响农田防护林土壤水碳储量的主要因素。结果表明:(1)SMS和SCS在四行林带配置下最高,分别为240.2 mm和26.7 kg·m-2;不同林带配置下的水碳储量整体情况为四行>八行>五行>二行。(2)时间尺度上,5月的SMS最高(277.7 mm),10月的SCS最高(22.04 kg·m-2)。在水平距离上,SMS随着远离林带呈现上升趋势,而SCS随着远离林带呈下降趋势。在垂直深度上,SMS随深度增加而呈升趋势,而SCS随深度增加逐渐减少。(3)农田防护林能显著降低风速、减少太阳辐射、降温、提升相对湿度和减少土壤蒸发。(4)各生态环境因子对水碳储量的影响效果依次为土壤性质>小气候因素>植被属性。本研究通过分析评价农田防护林不同林带配置下各环境因子对土壤水碳储量的影响,可为农田防护林建设提供理论依据和科学基础。


    Farmland shelterbelt systems are crucial for improving soil moisture and carbon conditions, ensuring crop production, and enhancing the quality of the ecological environment. However, while serving as a barrier to agricultural ecosystems, farmland shelterbelts also compete with crops for nutrients and moisture resources, resulting in both positive and negative environmental effects. Therefore, exploring the factors influencing the spatiotemporal variations of moisture and carbon conditions within farmland shelterbelts with typical configuration is essential to effectively enhance the ecological benefits of farmland shelterbelt systems, scientifically constructing shelterbelt forests, and improving the ecological environment. In this study, we selected typical configurations of farmland shelterbelt systems, including two-row, four-row, five-row, and eight-row forest belts in the Hetao Irrigation Area. We measured the soil moisture storage (SMS) and soil carbon stocks (SCS) across various spatial positions at different horizontal distances from the shelterbelts (0.3H, 1H, 2H, 3H, 4H, where H represents the height of mature trees) and at different depths (0-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, 80-100 cm), as well as at different temporal scales (early, mid, and late growing seasons across various months). Additionally, the study examined ecological environmental factors, including soil properties, vegetation attributes, and microclimatic factors, to investigate the key factors influencing soil moisture storage and soil carbon stocks within farmland shelterbelt systems. The results showed that: (1) SMS and SCS were highest in the four-row forest belts, with 240.2 mm and 26.7 kg·m-2, respectively, and lowest in the two-row forest belts, with 195.4 mm and 16.1 kg·m-2, respectively. Overall, the general pattern of soil moisture storage and soil carbon stocks across different shelterbelt configurations was four-row > eight-row > five-row > two-row. (2) For the temporal scale, the highest mean SMS (277.7 mm) was recorded in May, while the highest mean SCS (22.04 kg·m-2) was recorded in October. Regarding the horizontal distance, SMS exhibited an increasing trend with distance from the shelterbelt, whereas SCS displayed a decreasing trend. In terms of vertical depth, SMS increased with depth, while SCS gradually decreased as depth increased. (3) Farmland shelterbelts significantly reduced wind speed, solar radiation, and air temperature while enhancing relative humidity and minimizing soil evaporation, with the four-row forest belts exhibiting optimal microclimatic regulation and overall benefits. (4) The ranking of ecological environmental factors affecting soil moisture storage and soil carbon stocks was as follows: soil properties > microclimate factors > vegetation attributes. By analyzing and evaluating the effects of each environmental factor on SMS and SCS under different patterns of farmland shelterbelt systems, this study provides a theoretical basis and scientific foundation for constructing farmland shelterbelt ecosystems.

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LIU Liyuan, FENG Tianjiao, XIAO Huijie, JI Mingxin, LI Junran, WANG Dong. Response of Soil Moisture Storages and Soil Carbon Stocks to Typical Patterns of Farmland Shelterbelt Systems in the Hetao Irrigation Area, China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-06-28
  • 最后修改日期:2024-12-25
  • 录用日期:2025-01-22