



Effects of Different Management Measures on Paddy Productivity and Phosphorus Balance in the Taihu Lake Lake Basin

1.Jiangsu Normal University;2.Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences;3.Nanjing Agricultural University

Fund Project:

The Jiangsu Funding Program for Excellent Postdoctoral Talent (No. 2022ZB533); The Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Fund (No. 2022ZB533)

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    为探究不同管理措施对稻田生产力和磷平衡的影响,选取太湖流域典型水稻区作为研究对象,探讨不同磷肥施用量(P2O5 0、45、90 kg·hm-2)和灌溉方式(淹水、轻度落干、重度落干)对水稻产量、吸磷量、土壤磷损失及磷平衡的影响。两年田间试验结果表明:与不施磷相比,施磷处理可提高产量,增产幅度为2.20%~11.5%。与P2O5 45 kg·hm-2处理相比,P2O5 90 kg·hm-2处理降低了磷肥农学效率和磷肥利用率,分别平均降低34.9%和29.4%。与不施磷处理相比,施磷处理显著增加了土壤有效磷(Olsen-P)和活性磷组分(Resin-P、NaHCO3-Pi和NaOH-Pi之和)含量,分别增加19.1%~62.4%和36.5%~101%。此外,施磷处理显著增加了稻田土壤磷流失,增加幅度为79.1%~292%。而相较于淹水,轻度落干和重度落干处理可显著降低稻田磷损失,分别平均降低27.0%和35.6%,尤其是径流量,分别降低31.5%和41.3%。P2O5 90 kg·hm-2处理可维持稻季磷平衡,而由于土壤磷的高有效性及Olsen-P高于20 mg·kg-1时,施用P2O5 45 kg·hm-2即可满足水稻需求。结构方程模型分析揭示了Olsen-P和NaOH-Pi是水稻产量的主要影响因子,而Resin-P是磷损失的主要影响因子。因此,推荐采用轻度落干灌溉方式,并根据作物需磷量和土壤磷含量来确定合适的施磷量,及当土壤Olsen-P高于20 mg·kg-1时,P2O5 45 kg·hm-2施磷量即可满足水稻需求,以此实现作物产量最大化和磷素流失最小化。研究结果为太湖流域稻田养分管理和面源污染防控提供了科学依据。


    【Objective】This study aimed to evaluate the impact of various phosphorus (P) fertilizer application rates and irrigation methods on rice yield, P uptake, P loss, and P balance in the Taihu Lake Basin. The goal was to optimize nutrient management and mitigate non-point source pollution by assessing the effects of different P levels and water management practices on rice paddies. 【Method】The research applied a two-year field experiment with three P application rates (P2O5 0, 45, and 90 kg·hm-2) and three irrigation strategies: continuous flooding, mild dryness, and severe dryness. Soil and rice samples were collected at harvest. Soil P fractions were analyzed using sequential extraction, and rice yield and P uptake were measured from grain and straw. Runoff and leachate samples were obtained to assess P loss. 【Result】Compared to the control treatment (no phosphate fertilizer), applying P fertilizer increased rice yield by 2.20% to 11.5%. The P2O5 90 kg·hm-2 treatment reduced P agronomic and P use efficiencies by an average of 34.9% and 29.4%, respectively, compared to the application of P2O5 45 kg·hm-2. P application significantly increased the soil Olsen-P and available P fractions (the sum of Resin-P, NaHCO3-Pi, and NaOH-Pi) by 19.1%~62.4% and 36.5%~101%, respectively, while also enhancing P loss from paddy fields by 79.1% to 292%, compared to the control. In addition, the mild and severe dryness strategies significantly reduced P loss, with average decreases of 27.0% and 35.6%, respectively, particularly in runoff, where reductions were 31.5% and 41.3%, compared to flooding. The P2O5 90 kg·hm-2 treatment maintained a P balance for the rice season, while the application of P2O5 45 kg·hm-2 was sufficient to meet rice demands due to the high availability of soil P and Olsen-P higher than 20 mg·kg-1. Structural equation modeling indicated that Olsen-P and NaOH-Pi were the main influencing factors for rice yield, while Resin-P was the main influencing factor of P loss. 【Conclusion】Moderate P fertilization at P2O5 45 kg·hm-2 effectively increased rice yield with minimal P loss. Mild dryness irrigation and appropriate P application based on crop P requirements and soil P levels are vital for maximizing crop yields while minimizing P loss. The findings provide a scientific basis for nutrient management in paddy fields and the control of non-point source pollution in the Taihu Lake Basin.


Chen Guanglei, Yue Ke, Yuan Jiahui, Zhu Yiyong, Kai Lei. Effects of Different Management Measures on Paddy Productivity and Phosphorus Balance in the Taihu Lake Lake Basin[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-03
  • 最后修改日期:2025-02-08
  • 录用日期:2025-03-10