





Evolution Characteristics of the Conversion Threshold of Different Potassium Forms in Two Typical Paddy Soils

1.School of Geography and the Environment,Liaocheng University;2.Special Agricultural Resources in Tuojiang River Basin Sharing and Service Platform of Sichuan Province,College of Geography and Resources Science,Neijiang Normal University,Neijiang;3.State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing

Fund Project:

Science & Technology Fundamental Resources Investigation Program

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    在过去的几十年里,我国稻田钾肥施用量远低于氮肥和磷肥,加剧了稻田钾素亏缺和养分失衡。这主要是由于我国可溶性钾肥自给率低且主要依赖于进口致使钾肥施用成本高导致的。在当前错综复杂的国际形势下,过分依靠国际钾肥市场不但会大大增加农业成本,也关乎我国粮食安全。因此,降低我国稻田对可溶性钾肥的依赖十分必要。由于水稻土中的富钾矿物具有独特的释钾机制,在未来的农业生产中要对水稻土矿物钾给予足够的重视。但水稻土发生过程中不同形态钾转化阈值的演变特征和影响因素尚缺乏系统研究,这大大限制了水稻土矿物钾转化模型的建立与发展。为此,本研究选取“富钾”的紫色水稻土和“贫钾”的红壤性水稻土,通过时间序列,研究其发生过程中不同形态钾(包括水溶态钾:WK;交换性钾:EK;非交换性钾:NEK;矿物钾:MK)转化阈值的演变特征和影响因素,以期为降低稻田对可溶性钾肥的依赖提供理论支撑。对“富钾”的紫色水稻土而言,传统稻作在0~20 a之内能引起耕作层WK和EK总量明显降低(约降低28%),之后WK?EK和EK?NEK之间的转化阈值相对稳定于61±4和106±9 mg·kg-1之间。对“贫钾”的红壤性水稻土而言,WK和EK的总量在0~100 a之内也会大幅度降低并达到很低的水平(约降低30%),之后WK?EK和EK?NEK之间的转化阈值相对稳定于32±4和64±4 mg·kg-1之间。在水稻土发生过程中,水稻土钾赋存形态和转化阈值与黏粒和粉粒中的富钾矿物密切相关。层状硅酸盐富钾矿物的释钾机制可以在“富钾”的水稻土发生过程中长期保持稳定。对红壤性水稻土尤其是种稻超过200 a的红壤性水稻土而言,有必要以可持续和钾平衡的方式增加其钾肥的投入,避免农田出现负钾平衡。在稻田中使用富含层状硅酸盐富钾矿物的粉屑作为传统钾肥的替代品具有巨大的潜力。


    【Objective】In the past few decades, soil potassium has received less attention than nitrogen and phosphorus, despite that potassium loss in farmland is a common issue due to large crop demand and the relatively small application amount. Soluble potassium resources are relatively unabundant in China. The low self-sufficiency rate and high reliance on imports led to the high cost of potassium fertilizers. Due to the importance of potassium in crop production and the cost and environmental consequences of applying potassium fertilizer, it is worth paying attention to mineral potassium in future agricultural production. It has been found that there is a unique potassium release mechanisms of layered silicate potassium-rich minerals in paddy soils. However, there is currently a lack of systematic research on the changes and influencing factors of different potassium transformation thresholds during the formation of paddy soils, which greatly limits the establishment and development of potassium transformation models for these soils. 【Method】This study selected "potassium-rich" purple paddy soil and "potassium-poor" red paddy soil, and investigated the evolution characteristics and influencing factors of different potassium transformation thresholds during their formation through time series analysis. The aim was to provide theoretical support for reducing the dependence on soluble potassium fertilizers in rice fields. 【Result】 For "potassium-rich" purple paddy soil, traditional rice cultivation in the early stages (within 0-20 years) significantly reduced the total amount of water-soluble potassium and exchangeable potassium in the plow layer (about a 28% decrease). After this period, the transformation thresholds between water-soluble potassium and exchangeable potassium, and between exchangeable potassium and non-exchangeable potassium, remained relatively stable, with thresholds stabilizing between 61±4 and 106±9 mg·kg-1, respectively. For "potassium-poor" red paddy soil, the total amount of water-soluble potassium and exchangeable potassium also decreased significantly in the early stages of rice cultivation (within 0-100 years), reaching very low levels (about a 30% decrease). Subsequently, the transformation thresholds between water-soluble potassium and exchangeable potassium, and between exchangeable potassium and non-exchangeable potassium, stabilized, with thresholds remaining between 32±4 and 64±4 mg·kg-1, respectively. 【Conclusion】During the formation of paddy soils, the potassium forms and transformation thresholds in these soils are closely related to the potassium-rich minerals in clay and silt particles. The potassium release mechanisms of layered silicate potassium-rich minerals can remain stable over a long period during the formation of "potassium-rich" paddy soils. For red paddy soils, especially those with over 200 years of rice cultivation, it is necessary to increase potassium fertilizer input in a sustainable and potassium-balanced manner to avoid negative potassium balance in the fields. There is great potential in using gravel-rich layered silicate potassium minerals as an alternative to traditional potassium fertilizers in paddy fields.

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    发 布

HU Congyue, HAN Guangzhong, YANG Jinling. Evolution Characteristics of the Conversion Threshold of Different Potassium Forms in Two Typical Paddy Soils[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-06
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-18
  • 录用日期:2024-11-18