



Response Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Soil Organic Carbon to Reduced Chemical Fertilizers or Organic Fertilizer Substitution

Shenyang Agricultural University

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Supported by Supported by national Key Research and Development Program (Nos. 2022YFD150080205 and 2023YFD150120401).

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    深入探讨化肥减施和有机肥替代对土壤有机碳的影响,对于理解农业土壤有机碳库对施肥的响应过程,并对早日实现农业减肥固碳具有重要意义。本研究运用Meta整合分析法及随机森林模型分析了化肥减施和有机肥替代下土壤有机碳含量的变化特征,系统研究了各种因子对土壤有机碳的影响程度。结果表明,化肥减施下土壤有机碳总体下降2.61%,地处温带地区(年均气温<10 ℃、年均降水<1 000 mm)有机碳损失较大,但随海拔高度变化,有机碳无显著损失。初始有机碳含量高的土壤有利于有机碳的保持。随土壤初始pH和有效磷含量的增加,土壤有机碳的损失总体呈增强趋势,有机碳含量最高可下降6.91%。而初始速效钾的影响却正好相反。化肥减施下农田和果园有机碳下降幅度相近,菜地的有机碳变化不显著。有机肥替代下土壤有机碳显著增加14.39%,地处中低海拔和年均降水<600 m的亚热带地区更有利于有机碳的积累。除低碱解氮水平外(50 mg·kg-1),不同水平初始有机碳、全氮和碱解氮含量土壤有机碳未表现出显著差异。随初始pH和有效磷含量的提高,有机碳的累积效应增强,而初始速效钾的影响却正好相反。有机肥替代下以水旱轮作和菜地利用最有利于有机碳的积累。pH和碱解氮分别是影响减施化肥和有机肥替代土壤有机碳的最重要因子。


    Delving into the impacts of reduced chemical fertilizers (RCF) and organic fertilizer substitution (OFS) on soil organic carbon (SOC) is crucial for understanding the response processes of agricultural SOC pools to fertilization and achieving sustainable agricultural development early. This study aims to explore the impacts of RCF and OFS on SOC under different climatic conditions, initial soil properties, and land use patterns. Furthermore, it endeavors to estimate the key influencing factors and clarify the natural and anthropogenic conditions conducive to SOC accumulation.【Method】After collecting and sorting out 142 published literature, we analyzed the variation characteristics of SOC content under RCF and OFS using meta-analysis. Thereafter, the influence degrees of various factors on SOC were systematically investigated by the Random Forest Model.【Result】The results revealed that SOC decreased by 2.61% on average under RCF. Notably, greater SOC losses were observed in temperate regions (with annual mean temperature < 10°C and annual mean precipitation < 1000 mm), whereas SOC losses were not significant with changes in altitude. Soils with high initial SOC content favored SOC retention. With soil’s initial pH and available phosphorus content increasing, the overall loss of SOC tended to intensify, with the highest SOC reduction reaching 6.91%, however, the effect of initial available potassium was the opposite. The declines in SOC under RCF were similar in farmland and orchards, while changes in SOC in vegetable fields were not significant. In contrast, SOC significantly increased by 14.39% under OFS, with subtropical regions at low to medium altitudes and annual precipitation < 600 mm being more conducive to SOC accumulation. Except for low levels of initially available nitrogen (50 mg·kg-1), no significant differences in SOC were observed among soils with different initial SOC, total nitrogen, and available nitrogen contents. With initial pH and available phosphorus content increasing, the cumulative effect of SOC enhanced, whereas the effect of initially available potassium was the opposite. Among different land use types under OFS, paddy-upland rotation and vegetable field utilization were most favorable for SOC accumulation.【Conclusion】Under the two fertilization systems, the climatic and environmental conditions in subtropical regions are more conducive to SOC sequestration. Compared to the subsurface soil, the impact of RCF and OFS on SOC in the surface soil was more significant. The decline in SOC of RCF was similar in both farmland and orchards, while the change of SOC in vegetable fields was not significant. In contrast, paddy-upland rotation and vegetable fields were the most favorable practices for SOC accumulation under OFS. Additionally, pH and initially available nitrogen were the most critical factors influencing the changes in SOC with RCF and OFS, respectively. These research results are of great significance for achieving carbon neutrality and sustainable development in agriculture as soon as possible.


Wu Nengxiang, Wang Ping, Liu Yalong, Wang Jingkuan. Response Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Soil Organic Carbon to Reduced Chemical Fertilizers or Organic Fertilizer Substitution[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-19
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-31
  • 录用日期:2024-12-05