
1.中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院;2.中国农业大学 土地科学与技术学院





Effects of Different Organic Materials on the Stability of Saline-alkali Soil Colloid

1.College of Land Science and Technology,China Agricultural University;2.China Agricultural University College of Land Science and Technology;3.China Agricultural University College of Land Science and Technology

Fund Project:

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Research Project:“Rejuvenating the Inner Mongolia with Science and Technology”;Ordos National Sustainable Development Agenda Innovation Demonstration Zone Construction Science and Technology Support Project

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    土壤胶体稳定性在土壤养分保持、结构形成和作物生长中起着重要作用。施用有机物料是改良盐碱土的有效措施,但有机物料施入盐碱土后对土壤胶体稳定性的影响尚不清楚。通过室内土壤培养和胶体稳定性实验,探究生物炭(BC)、牛粪(CM)和玉米秸秆(MS)对不同盐碱程度土壤(非盐碱土、轻度盐碱土和中度盐碱土)胶体稳定性的影响。研究结果表明:(1)添加有机物料显著降低盐碱土胶体颗粒直径,使其与非盐碱土胶体直径相近。轻度盐碱土中,MS处理效果最为明显,胶体粒径由785.7 nm降至360.2 nm;中度盐碱土中,CM处理效果最为明显,胶体粒径由675.8 nm降至393.6 nm;(2)土壤胶体稳定性与土壤盐碱程度有关。与非盐碱土和轻度盐碱土相比,中度盐碱土胶体具有极高的稳定性,这可能与其高pH、高碱度相关。(3)不同有机物料对非盐碱土和轻度盐碱土胶体稳定性的影响较小,但CM和MS处理显著降低了中度盐碱土胶体稳定性,胶体颗粒发生聚沉。因此在中度盐碱土中,与生物炭相比,施用牛粪和玉米秸秆可能具备更加明显的改良效果。综上所述,有机物料的施用改善了盐碱土胶体的基本理化性质,优化了土壤胶体状态;与生物炭相比,牛粪和玉米秸秆因其丰富的官能团和养分,施入土壤后显著降低了中度盐碱土胶体稳定性,进而导致胶体颗粒絮凝,促进微团聚体的形成。


    【Objective】Soil colloid stability plays an important role in soil nutrient retention, structure formation and crop growth. The application of organic materials is an effective method for improving saline-alkali soil, but their effects on soil colloid stability in these conditions remain unclear.【Method】In this study, we investigated the effects of biochar (BC), cattle manure (CM), and maize straw (MS) on soil colloid stability at different salinity-alkalinity levels (non-saline-alkali, mild saline-alkali and moderate saline-alkali) through soil incubation and sedimentation experiments in the laboratory.【Result】(1) The addition of organic materials significantly reduced the diameter of saline-alkali soil colloidal particles, making it similar to the diameter of non-saline-alkali soil colloid. In mild saline-alkali soil, the effect of MS treatment was most effective, and the colloidal particles size decreased from 785.7 nm to 360.2 nm. In moderate saline-alkali soil, the effect of CM treatment was most effective, decreasing the colloidal particles size from 675.8 nm to 393.6 nm. (2) The stability of soil colloid is related to the degree of soil salinity. Compared with non-saline-alkali soil and mild saline-alkali soil, moderate saline-alkali soil colloid exhibited significantly high stability, likely due to elevated high pH and high alkalinity. (3) Organic materials had minimal effect on the colloid stability of non-saline-alkali soil and mild saline-alkali soil. However, CM and MS treatments significantly reduced the colloid stability of moderate saline-alkali soil, causing colloidal particles agglomerated. Therefore, in moderate saline-alkali soil, the application of cow manure and maize straw may be more effective than biochar for stability improvement.【Conclusion】The application of organic materials ameliorates the basic physicochemical properties of saline-alkali soil and optimizes the state of soil colloid. Compared with biochar, cattle manure and maize straw, due to their rich functional groups and nutrients, significantly reduced the colloid stability of moderate saline-alkali soil upon application, thereby inducing colloidal aggregation and promoting the formation of microaggregates.


SUN Yuliang, LI Qirui, Li Wei, Wang Xiang, SHANG Jianying. Effects of Different Organic Materials on the Stability of Saline-alkali Soil Colloid[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,,[In Press]

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  • 收稿日期:2024-08-30
  • 最后修改日期:2024-12-09
  • 录用日期:2025-02-17