
国家自然科学基金项目(40730631、40801017、41071023)、林业公益性行业科研专项(200904056、200904005)、中国林科院中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目课题(CAFYBB2010001-02)、德国DFG项目(SCHW 1448/3-1)、国家林业局六盘山森林定位站和森林生态环境重点实验室联合资助

Spatial variation of soil electric resistivity of a typical slope in the Xiangshuihe watershed of Liupan Mountains, Northwest China
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    为了解坡面土壤水文特征的空间分布,采用多电极电阻仪法(ERT),于2009年5月初在宁夏六盘山香水河小流域一个长约600 m的华北落叶松人工林典型坡面上,设置了从坡顶至坡底的1条纵向样线及处于不同坡位的水平分布的3条横向样线,多点测定了多层土壤的电阻率值并分析其空间变异特征。结果表明,土壤电阻率在纵向样线上总体有较好的空间连续性及一定的空间变异性,随着坡位下降,电阻率呈现出由坡上至坡中上逐渐减小和然后又恢复性增大的过程。由于局部特殊的土壤特征、地貌及植被分布差异,使土壤电阻率沿坡面纵向变异程度大于不同坡位的横向变异程度。在土层垂直方向上,由于石砾含量和岩石比例随深度逐渐增多,电阻率表现为随深度增加逐渐增大。电阻率与土壤总孔隙度和体积含水率相关最紧密,尤其与体积含水率相关较好,说明通过测定坡面电阻率推求土壤水分等土壤特性的坡面变化是可行的。


    To understand the spatial distribution of soil hydrological characteristics along slopes, the method of multi-electrode electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was used in a study started in early May 2009 on a typical mountain slope in the Xiangshuihe watershed of the Liupan Mountains in Northwest China. The slope is 600 m long and covered with an artificial larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii) plantation. A longitudinal transect line was set up from the top to the foot of the slope and three transect lines at different slope positions to detect horizontal variation of the soil electrical resistivity. Results showed that along the longitudinal line, soil electric resistivity, on the whole, though remaining spatially continuous, varied to some extent. It decreased from the slope top to the mid slope and then restoratively increased on the slope downward. As a result of the uneven distribution of soil characteristics, surface topography and vegetation along slope, the longitudinal variation of soil electrical resistivity was greater than its horizontal variation. The electrical resistivity increased with soil depth as gravel and rock content increased with depth. A close relationship was observed between the soil electrical resistivity and soil porosity as well as the volumetric soil water content. The more close relation with the soil water content suggested that it is feasible to determine the spatial variation of soil characters such as the soil moisture through measuring spatial distribution of soil electric resistivity on slope.


段旭,王彦辉,徐丽宏,丁得有,熊伟,于澎涛.六盘山香水河小流域典型坡面的土壤电阻率空间变异[J].土壤学报,2011,48(5):912-921. DOI:10.11766/trxb201004190146 duanxu, wangyanhui. Spatial variation of soil electric resistivity of a typical slope in the Xiangshuihe watershed of Liupan Mountains, Northwest China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2011,48(5):912-921.

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  • 收稿日期:2010-04-19
  • 最后修改日期:2011-01-09
  • 录用日期:2011-01-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2011-06-13