

Evolution of pH in topsoils of typical Chinese croplands under long-term fertilization
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    探索长期不同施肥措施下农田耕层土壤的pH演变,为进一步揭示农田土壤酸化的机制及其预防措施提供依据。收集了我国典型农田6个长期(18~30a)施肥试验(祁阳红壤、进贤红壤、重庆紫色土、公主岭黑土、哈尔滨黑土常量施肥和高量施肥)的历史观测资料,对耕层土壤pH在不同试验阶段(每6a)和施肥措施(对照不施肥(CK)、单施化学氮肥(N)、磷钾配施氮肥(NPK)和有机肥配施化肥(NPKM)间的差异性进行检验,并计算土壤酸化速率。结果表明,试验期间,对照CK处理的耕层pH略有降低,平均土壤酸化速率为0.013 pH a -1;N处理的1~6a,祁阳红壤、公主岭黑土和哈尔滨黑土常量施肥试验的耕层pH较对照显著降低0.32~0.55个单位,至最近6a,所有试验的耕层pH较对照显著降低0.64~1.46个单位;NPK处理的耕层pH在试验1~12a明显低于N处理;NPKM处理的耕层pH却较NPK处理高0.30~0.53个单位,pH变化趋势与NPK相似。处理间成对T检验表明,长期施肥农田的土壤酸化速率大小顺序为:N > NPK > NPKM ≈ CK,N和NPK处理的土壤酸化速率分别为对照的4.6倍和3.2倍。基于湿润或半湿润地区排水良好的旱作或水旱轮作农田分析了农田土壤酸化过程。尽管存在地域差异性,长期施肥农田耕层土壤的pH演变存在对施肥措施的共性响应特征。


    The aims of this study were to explore the evolution of pH in topsoils under long-term different fertilization regimes, and further to understand the mechanisms and methods against soil acidification in croplands. We collected historical data on six 18–30 years long-term fertilization experiments in typical Chinese croplands of red soil in Qiyang and Jinxian, purple soil in Chongqing, black soil in Gongzhuling and Harbin with conventional and high fertilization rates, and then analyzed the differences in soil pH and acidification rate among experimental stages (six years each) and treatments, i.e., no-fertilizer control (CK), sole chemical nitrogen fertilizer (N), chemical nitrogen plus phosphorous and potassium fertilizers (NPK) and NPK fertilizers amended with manure (NPKM). Results show that under control, topsoil pHs declined somewhat and acidification rates averaged 0.013 pH a -1. Under the N treatment, topsoil pHs of the experiments in Qiyang, Gongzhuling and Harbin with conventional fertilization rate were lowered by 0.32–0.55 units at the initial 6 years and all the experiments by 0.64–1.46 units at the recent 6 years as compared with those under control. Topsoil pHs under the NPK treatment were obviously lower than those under the N treatment over the 1–12 years experimental period. However, topsoil pHs under the NPKM treatment were 0.30–0.53 units higher than those under the NPK treatment, and the two had a similar pH evolution curve. Paired T test between the treatments shows that in terms of soil acidification rate, the treatments followed the order of N > NPK > NPKM ≈ CK. The mean soil acidification rate under the N and NPK treatments was 4.6 and 3.2 times, respectively as high as that under control. Taking well-drained upland or upland-paddy rotation croplands in the humid or semi-humid zone as examples, the processes of soil acidification in the croplands were analyzed. The evolution of pH in topsoils of croplands was characterized as a common response to fertilization, regardless of certain regional differences.


孟红旗,刘 景,徐明岗,吕家珑,周宝库,彭 畅,石孝君,黄庆海.长期施肥下我国典型农田耕层土壤的pH演变[J].土壤学报,2013,50(6):1109-1116. DOI:10.11766/trxb201211070459 Meng Hongqi, Liu Jing, Xu Minggang, Lü Jialong, Zhou Baoku, Peng Chang, Shi Xiaojun, Huang Qinghai. Evolution of pH in topsoils of typical Chinese croplands under long-term fertilization[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2013,50(6):1109-1116.

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  • 收稿日期:2012-11-07
  • 最后修改日期:2013-07-18
  • 录用日期:2013-07-23
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-08-28