
国家自然科学基金项目(31260504, 31560581, 31260503)资助

Changes in Organic and Phenolic acids in Rhizosphere of Interplanted Wheat and Faba Bean with Growth Stage
Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 31260504, 31560581, 31260503)

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    有机酸和酚酸是根系分泌物的主要组成部分,其在根际过程中发挥重要作用。根系有机酸和酚酸的分泌及其在根际中的含量与作物种类、营养状况、耕作方式有关。但人们对种植方式(间作)改变根际过程的研究并不多,尤其是间作条件下根际有机酸、酚酸的变化情况尚不清楚。小麦蚕豆间作是云南最常见的间作模式,它可以显著提高作物产量、提高养分利用效率,且其间作优势的形成与地下部根际效应密切相关。为了探讨间作对根际的影响,通过建立高效液相色谱(HPLC)分析方法,分析了盆栽试验条件下小麦蚕豆间作不同生育期根际有机酸和酚酸的变化特征。结果表明:在营养生长阶段(57~120 d),间作改变了蚕豆根际有机酸的含量,尤其在蚕豆分枝期(57 d)、结荚期(120 d),间作根际有机酸总量是单作的21.7倍和1.95倍,其中主要是促进了柠檬酸和富马酸在蚕豆根际的累积。在生殖生长阶段(120~169 d),间作提高了小麦根际有机酸的含量,尤其在孕穗期(120 d)、灌浆期(142 d),间作根际有机酸总量是单作的3.73倍和2.3倍;其中主要是改变了乳酸、富马酸和乙酸在小麦根际的累积。此外,间作降低了小麦根际酚酸的含量,抑制了酚酸在小麦根际的累积,但对酚酸种类没有影响;间作也改变了蚕豆根际酚酸的种类,其中主要是促进了蚕豆根际香草酸和丁香酸的累积、减少了香豆酸含量。总之,间作可能通过改变根际有机酸和酚酸的累积而改变根际过程。


    Organic and phenolic acids are the major components of root exudates, and they play important roles in rhizosphere. Studies have demonstrated that root exudates vary with species and nutrient condition of a plant and tillage. However, little work has been done on effect of planting model, especially intercropping, on root exudation, and rhizospheric process. Wheat and faba bean intercropping is a common planting model in Yunnan Province, Southwest China. A number of researchers have found that wheat and faba bean intercropping could significantly improve yields and nutrients use efficiency of the crops, and the beneficial effects of intercropping are partly attributed to the changes it causes in rhizosphere process. In order to explore effects of the intercropping of wheat and faba bean on rhizosphere, a pot experiment was conducted, and HPLC analysis was performed of the rhizospheric soils of the plants for contents of organic and phenolic acids at different growth stages of wheat and faba bean. Results show that intercropping increased the content of organic acids in the rhizosphere of faba bean at the vegetative stage (57~120 d), and especially at the branching and pod setting stages, it did the content of total organic acids in the rhizosphere up to 21.7 and 1.95 times, respectively, as high as in the rhizosphere of mono-cropping faba bean. The effect was reflected particularly on accumulation of citric and fumaric acids. Besides, intercropping also increased the content of organic acids in the rihzosphere of wheat during its reproductive stage (120~169 d), and especially at the booting and filling stages, it did the content of total organic acids up to 3.73 and 2.3 times, respectively, as high as in the rhizosphere of mono-cropping wheat. The effects were particularly apparent on accumulation of lactic, acetic and fumaric acids. In addition, wheat and faba bean intercropping decreased the content of penolic acids and inhibited accumulation of the acid in the rhizosphere of wheat, but did not have any influence on type of penolic acid. However, intercropping altered composition of penolic acids by enhancing the accumulation of vanillic and syringic acids, and reducing the content of ρ-Coumaric acid in the rhizosphere of faba bean. In conclusion, intercropping of wheat and faba bean can alter rhizospheric processes of the plants by affecting the accumulation and composition of organic acids and phenolic acids in the rhizsphere.


肖靖秀,郑 毅,汤 利,王 戈,董 艳.间作小麦蚕豆不同生长期根际有机酸和酚酸变化[J].土壤学报,2016,53(3):685-693. DOI:10.11766/trxb201508180222 XIAO Jingxiu, ZHENG Yi, TANG Li, WANG Ge, DONG Yan. Changes in Organic and Phenolic acids in Rhizosphere of Interplanted Wheat and Faba Bean with Growth Stage[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2016,53(3):685-693.

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  • 收稿日期:2015-05-12
  • 最后修改日期:2015-12-09
  • 录用日期:2016-01-08
  • 在线发布日期: 2016-02-29