

Variation of Soil Organic Carbon in Farmland of Anhui and Its Influencing Factors in The 30 Years from 1980 to 2010
Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41501226), Natural Science Foundation of the Higher Education Institutions of Anhui Province (No.KJ2015A034), the National Science and Technology Infrastructure Program (No.2008FY110600), and the Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture (No.Y412201431)

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    利用安徽省第二次土壤普查和2010—2011年土壤数据,运用GIS空间分析方法,分析安徽省1980—2010年耕地土壤表层(0 ~ 20 cm)和1 m土体中有机碳密度(Soil Organic Carbon Density, SOCD)和储量时空变化特征,并探讨了农业管理措施与SOC变化的关系。结果表明:1980—2010年全省耕地剖面的表层SOCD平均值增加了0.28 kg m-2,1 m土体中SOCD平均值减少了0.42 kg m-2。空间分布上,近30年间耕地表层SOCD在空间上呈现北增南减的趋势,增幅总体上由北向南依次减小;1 m土体中SOCD总体上中部增南部减;全省68%的耕地SOCD增加。1980—2010年全省耕地表层SOC储量增加35.30 × 109 kg,1 m土体中SOC储量增加18.12 × 109 kg;淮北平原和江淮丘陵岗地的耕地SOC储量增加,其余区域SOC储量减少。各县市SOC变化与作物根系中的有机物质含量显著正相关,表明肥料的大量使用增加了作物的秸秆和根系中的有机物质含量,增加了土壤中的有机物质的输入,促进了耕地SOC的累积。


    【Objective】Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a key index in estimating soil fertility and soil C sequestration. It is, therefore, important to study changes in SOC to accurate assessment of regional soil C sequestration potential and successful sustainable utilization of soil resource. This paper was oriented to characterize spatio-temporal variation of SOC, including density and storage, in the farmland of Anhui during the 30 years after the Second National Soil Survey in the 1980s and to explore relationships between agricultural management and changes in SOC, and expected to be able to provide certain data and support for decision making related to improvement of soil quality and soil C sequestration potential in the East China. 【Method】In this paper, Anhui Province in East China, was selected as a case for the study. Comparative study was done of the data obtained during the Second National Soil Survey and the data derived from the soil profiles collected from the farmland in 2010 and 2011, analyzing changes in soil organic carbon density (SOCD) in the surface layer (0 ~ 20 cm) and total layers (0 ~ 100 cm) of the farmland by means of statistics. Spatio-temporal change of soil organic carbon density and storage in the different layers during 1980 and 2010 was analyzed using the pedological professional knowledge-based (PKB) method and GIS spatial analysis technique. And then relationships between agricultural management and changes in SOC were discussed. 【Result】Results are shown as follows: (1) from 1980 to 2010, the mean of SOCD in the farmland increased by 0.28 kg m-2 in the surface layer, but decreased by 0.42 kg m-2 in the 0 ~ 100 cm layer in throughout the province. The increment of SOCD was higher in upland in paddy field. (2)Spatially, SOCD in the surface layer increased in the northern part, but decreased in the southern part of Anhui Province during the 30-year periods, and the increment declined from north to south within the province. SOCD in the 0 ~ 100 cm soil layer increased in the middle part and decreased in the southern part of the Province. About 68% of the farmland increased in SOCD, and the farmlands were distributed mainly in the Huaibei Plain and Jianghuai hilly downland. (3) The storage of SOC in the surface layer of the farmland of the province as a whole increased by 35.30 × 109 kg and that in the 0 ~ 100 cm soil layer did 18.12 × 109 kg. The storage of SOC in the farmland increased mainly in the Huaibei Plain and Jianghuai hilly downland, while it went reversely in the other geographical areas. 【Conclusion】Fertilizer application rate and straw return are the two main factors significantly influencing variation of SOC in the farmland. In this study, it was found that variation of SOC storage was significantly and positively related to organic matter content in crop roots, and that the application of large volumes of chemical fertilizers increased organic matter content in straw and roots of the crop, thus increasing the input of organic matter into the soil and contributing to accumulation of SOC in the farmland.


赵明松,李德成.近30年安徽省耕地土壤有机碳变化及影响因素[J].土壤学报,2018,55(3):595-605. DOI:10.11766/trxb201708240323 ZHAO Mingsong, LI Decheng. Variation of Soil Organic Carbon in Farmland of Anhui and Its Influencing Factors in The 30 Years from 1980 to 2010[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(3):595-605.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-07-23
  • 最后修改日期:2017-12-04
  • 录用日期:2018-01-03
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-03-01