
国家自然基金项目 (41671490) 和福建农林大学国际合作项目 (KXB16016A)

Effects of Various Influencing Factors of Soil Soluble Organic Nitrogen Components under Different Long-term Fertilization Treatments in Paddy Soil
Fund Project:

the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41671490)and the International Cooperative Research Program at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (No.KXB16016A)

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    可溶性有机氮(Soluble Organic Nitrogen, SON)在研究土壤供氮能力方面至关重要,而目前关于水田生态系统SON组成及其影响因素尚不清楚。运用红外光谱和氨基酸自动分析仪研究了长期 (33年) 不同施肥处理对水稻土SON含量、组分的影响及其主控因子。结果表明:单施化肥、化肥+牛粪、化肥+稻草处理土壤SON较不施肥处理提高23.49%、58.70%和106.30%,游离氨基酸氮提高32.27%、84.42%和95.21%,可溶性蛋白氮提高20.83%、70.00%和95.83%;不同施肥处理土壤游离氨基酸组成均以中性氨基酸占优势;土壤可溶性氮官能团组成均具有酰胺类化合物的红外特征吸收峰;RDA结果表明,土壤SON含量和组成差异明显,CK和NPK处理主要受土壤容重影响,而NPKM和NPKS则主要受有机质、全氮、微生物量氮、蛋白酶和谷氨酰胺酶影响。因此,SON含量和组分变化与施肥处理密切相关,长期添加有机肥能够显著增加土壤SON及其组分的含量,提高土壤供氮潜力。


    【Objective】 This paper was oriented to study changes in content and composition of soil soluble organic nitrogen (SON) and their influencing factors in paddy field under long-term fertilization varying in scheme, in an attempt to provide certain scientific bases for revealing chemical essence and ecological functions of SON in paddy soil and rationalizing fertilization schemes. 【Method】A 33-year long-term fertilization experiment, designed to have four treatments: CK (no fertilizer), NPK (chemical fertilizer), NPKM (chemical fertilizer + cattle manure) and NPKS (chemical fertilizer + straw) was selected as object of the study. With the aid of automatic amino acid analysis and Fourier infrared spectrum analyzer coupled with redundancy analysis (RDA) method, effects of the long-term fertilization treatments on content and composition of SON and main influencing factors in the paddy soil were explored. Soil SON was extracted with hot water. Portions of soil samples from the treatments, 5.0 g each, were put into flasks with stopper, separately, with 25 ml of deionized water each, incubated at 70 ℃ for 18 h, shaken for 5 min on a shaker, and filtered through a 0.45 um filter membrane. The extracts were analyzed for total soluble N (TSN) with the high-temperature catalytic oxidation method and a TOC analyzer (Shimadzu, Japan) and for concentrations of soil inorganic nitrogen (SIN) (NH4+–N, NO3-–N and NO2-–N) with a continuous-flow analyzer (Systea, Italy). The concentration of SON was calculated as the difference between TSN and the sum of SIN in the extracts. 【Result】Long-term fertilization significantly affected content and composition of the SON in the paddy soil relative to treatment. SON in the treatments accounted for 46.16%~62.45% of the TSN in the paddy soil under the long-term fertilization , making up an important component of the soil soluble nitrogen storage in the paddy field. The content of soil SON in Treatment NPK, NPKM and NPKS was 23.49%, 58.70% and 106.30% respectively higher than that in CK, which indicates that Treatment NPKS, long-term application of chemical fertilizer plus straw is more conducive to accumulation of SON in the paddy soil under the premise that the same amount of NPK is applied. The content of free amino acid nitrogen in Treatment NPK, NPKM and NPKS was 32.27%, 84.42% and 95.21% respectively higher than that in CK, accounting for 31.94%~39.23% of that of the total SON, separately. The free amino acids in the treatment exhibited a decreasing order of neutral amino acids > acidic amino acids > basic amino acids in content, and were dominantly composed of threonine, serine, sarcosine, glycine, alanine and isoleucine. The contents of acidic and basic free amino acid nitrogen were significantly increased in Treatments NPKM and NPKS. The content of soluble protein nitrogen in Treatment NPK, NPKM and NPKS was 20.83%, 70.00% and 95.83% respectively higher than that in CK, accounting for 4.72%~5.32% of that of the total SON, separately, which indicates that application of chemical fertilizer in combination with organic manure or straw, especially Treatment NPKS, can significantly increase the content of soil soluble protein nitrogen. Functional groups of the soil soluble nitrogen in Treatments NPKM and NPKS, especially in the latter, are reflected as amide compound featured infrared absorption peak at 3 400, 1 630~1 650, 1 400~1 460 and 1 310 cm-1 along the spectrum. RDA results show that SON varied significantly with treatment in content and composition. SON in Treatments CK and NPK was mainly affected by soil bulk density, while that in Treatments NPKM and NPKS was by organic matter, total nitrogen, microbial biomass nitrogen, protease and glutaminase.【Conclusion】 SON is closely related to fertilization treatment in content and composition, and addition of organic manure can significantly increase the contents of soil SON, acid and alkaline free amino acids and soluble protein nitrogen. The increased SON in Treatments NPKM and NPKS is mainly small molecule easily mineralized nitrogen and large molecule nitrogen of unknown forms. Free amino acids, amides and soluble proteins are the main components of SON in paddy soil. Bulk density, organic matter, total nitrogen, microbial biomass nitrogen, protease and glutaminase are the main factors affecting content and composition of SON in paddy field, but vary in degree with treatment.


杨 静,聂三安,杨文浩,陈成榕,张黎明,周碧青,邢世和.不同施肥水稻土可溶性有机氮组分差异及影响因素[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):955-966. DOI:10.11766/trxb201712180415 YANG Jing, NIE Sanan, YANG Wenhao, CHEN Chengrong, ZHANG Liming, ZHOU Biqing, XING Shihe. Effects of Various Influencing Factors of Soil Soluble Organic Nitrogen Components under Different Long-term Fertilization Treatments in Paddy Soil[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):955-966.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-09-11
  • 最后修改日期:2018-02-11
  • 录用日期:2018-03-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-24