

Negative Allelopathic Effects of Extract of Coptis chinensis Hair Root on Inorganic Phosphorus-Dissolving Bacteria
Fund Project:

National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2013CB127405)

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    黄连(Coptis chinensis)是我国人工栽培的传统大宗中药材,种植面积大,连作障碍严重,了解黄连对土壤微生物的化感效应,有益于揭示黄连连作障碍的发生机理,为减轻连作障碍提供科学依据。试验利用固、液培养技术,以3株能溶解无机磷的伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burkholderia Yabunchi B05、B07和B09)为材料,研究了黄连须根浸提液(Extracts of fibrous roots of Coptis chinensis,ERC)对其生长繁殖和溶磷的化感作用。结果表明,在固体培养时,随ERC浓度提高,无机磷细菌(Inorganic phosphorus-dissolving bacteria,iPDB)的菌落直径、溶磷圈直径和溶磷指数降低。在液体培养基中,ERC不同程度地抑制iPDB繁殖生长,数量减少35.98%~52.98%。供试菌株均能分泌氢离子、草酸和柠檬酸,B05和B09还能分别分泌乙酸和苹果酸,B07能分泌乙酸和丁二酸,三株iPDB溶磷量平均值(mg L-1)分别为228.31(B05)、311.64(B07)和174.89(B09)。有机酸和氢离子分泌总量分别与溶磷量呈显著正相关,相关系数依次为0.877和0.604(p0.05,n=12)。在ERC抑制iPDB分泌有机酸和氢离子的同时,溶磷量降低21.68%~60.55%。因此,在集约化种植黄连的土壤中,其根系分泌的化感物质可能影响iPDB的种群结构和生理生态功能,降低土壤无机磷的生物有效性,可视为发生连作障碍的潜在原因之一。


    【Objective】Coptis chinensis is a medicinal herb traditionally cultivated and used for many centuries in China. As it is now cultivated extensively in large areas and often continuously for years in a row, sustainable development of the industry has come across serious obstacles caused by mono-cropping. it is, therefore, essential to explore allelopathic effects of this medicinal plant on soil microorganisms, in order to understand mechanisms of the occurrence of obstacles in the mono-cropping and provide certain scientific basis for lifting the obstacles. Method】To that end, an indoor experiment was carried out culturing three strains of inorganic phosphorus dissolving bacteria, B05, B07 and B09 of Burkholderia Yabunchi bacteria, using the solid and liquid culturing techniqu, During the experiment, extract of fibrous roots of C. chinensis (ERC) was spiked to explore allelopathic effects of the extract on growth, reproduction, and tricalcium phosphate dissolving capacity of the three strains. Fresh C. chinensis roots were soaked in deionized water at 251 C for 24 h to extract active components, and then the solution was filtrated through a 50 mol L-1 filter, and diluted to ERC 0.1 g L-1. For spiking of the extract, the experiment was designed to have four treatments, i.e. 0 (CK), 500 (low concentration), 1 000 (middle concentration), and 2 000 mg L-1 (high concentration). 【Result】Results show that the higher the concentration of the ERC, the smaller the size of bacterial colonies, the diameter of P-dissolving halos and the lower the P-dissolving index on the solid culture medium. ERC also inhibited the growth and reproduction of iPDB in variable degrees, reducing the population of iPDB by 35.98%~52.98% in the liquid culture medium as compared with the blank control (without ERC). All the three strains of bacteria tested in the liquid culture released protons, oxalate, and citrate into the solution. Besides, acetate was found in the culture solution with B05, malate with B09, and acetate and succinate with B07. In addition, iPDB varied greatly in tricalcium phosphate dissolving capacity in the culture solution. The mean amount of P dissolved was 228.31 mg L-1 for B05, 311.64 mg L-1 for B07, and 174.89 mg L-1 for B09. Inorganic P dissolution by these bacteria was positively related to efflux of proton (r= 0.877, p 0.05, n= 12) and organic acids (r= 0.604, p 0.05, n= 12). When ERC inhibited efflux of protons and organic acids in culture solutions, it reduced P dissolution by 21.68%~60.55%. 【Conclusion】 During the growing period, C. chinensis roots released allelopathic chemicals, which affected adversely community structure and physiological and ecological functions of the iPDB, thus reducing bio-availability of inorganic P in the soil, which could be one of the possible reasons why obstacles occur in mono-cropping of C. chinensis.


王玉书,刘 海,李 佳,魏立本,彭丽媛,黄建国.黄连须根浸提液对无机磷细菌的负化感效应[J].土壤学报,2018,55(4):977-986. DOI:10.11766/trxb201712250571 WANG Yushu, LIU Hai, LI Jia, WEI L iben, PENG Liyuan, HUANG Jianguo. Negative Allelopathic Effects of Extract of Coptis chinensis Hair Root on Inorganic Phosphorus-Dissolving Bacteria[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2018,55(4):977-986.

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  • 收稿日期:2017-11-30
  • 最后修改日期:2018-02-06
  • 录用日期:2018-03-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2018-04-24