
国家自然基金面上项目(31570606)和福建省自然科学基金面上项目(2019J01282, 2015J01120)

Effects of Soil Warming and Nitrogen Addition on Soil Dissolved Organic Matter of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations in Subtropical China
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31570606) and the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province, China (Nos. 2019J01282, 2015J01120)

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    受人类活动的影响,1880—2012年,全球地表平均温度约提高0.85 °C;同时,1980—2010年间我国大气氮沉降以0.41 kg•hm-2的速率逐年增加。全球变暖和大气氮沉降将通过影响环境因子变化进而影响土壤可溶性有机质(DOM,Dissolved organic matter)。为探究增温和施氮对DOM数量及其结构的影响,选取我国中亚热带杉木人工林土壤进行增温以及施氮试验,试验设对照(CT,0 kg•hm-2•a-1)、增温(W,+5 ℃,0 kg•hm-2•a-1)、高氮(HN,80 kg•hm-2•a-1)、低氮(LN,40 kg•hm-2•a-1)、增温×高氮(WHN,+5 ℃,80 kg•hm-2•a-1)、增温×低氮(WLN,+5 ℃,40 kg•hm-2•a-1)6种处理。结果表明,与CT相比,W处理的土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC,Dissolved organic carbon)和可溶性有机氮(DON,Dissolved organic nitrogen)增加,但其芳香性指数和腐殖化程度低,这很可能是由于增温促进了土壤有机质(SOM,Soil organic matter)向DOM的转化。季节通过影响土壤环境,对施氮后的土壤DOM结构有不同影响:干季(2015年1月)时,施氮使DOM含量增加,其芳香性指数显著升高;雨季(2015年4月)时,施氮处理的土壤DOM含量升高,但其芳香性指数和腐殖化程度呈下降趋势。在增温和施氮的交互作用下DOM含量达到最高,其结构相对简单。除了温度和氮含量的直接影响外,RDA(冗余分析)表明,土壤含水量和pH也是决定土壤DOM变化的重要因子。增温和施氮均可以降低土壤pH,使得SOM更容易向DOM转化。增温会加速植物残体和SOM向DOM的溶解过程;施氮会通过促进植物生长,增加土壤DOM的含量。 过去有研究表明[6],土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC,Dissolved organic carbon)的含量与温度呈正比,这可能是因为温度升高,微生物活性增强,促进了土壤有机质的周转,从而使DOM含量增加[7]。然而,MacDonald等[8]发现增温对土壤DOC含量没有影响。Camino-Serrano等[9]却发现增温后DOM整体呈下降趋势,此结果与温度高的热带地区DOM含量低于温带和寒带的现象相似,其原因在于热带地区的高分解高消耗。氮沉降与DOM含量的关系亦不确定。如,在美国科罗拉多研究发现氮添加促进土壤DOC含量增加,这可能是因为长期施高量化肥会促进土壤有机质储量的增加,进而增加土壤DOC含量[10]。Rappe-George等[11]研究发现施氮对土壤DOM无显著影响。而Zak等[12]认为氮添加能够抑制微生物及酶的活性,从而导致DOM含量的减少。 近些年来光谱学研究方法的引入加深了对DOM组成和结构的认识。来自紫外可见光谱的芳香性指数(Aromaticity Index,AI)是指DOM在254 nm处的吸光值与DOM含量的比值。AI可以表示DOM中芳香化合物的含量,它与由核磁共振得到的芳香碳的含量呈极强的正相关[13]。来自荧光光谱的同步腐殖化指数(Humification index,synchronous mode,HIXsyn)可以指示DOM中分子的缩合程度,HIXsyn越大,表明DOM中分子构成越复杂,微生物分解产物的含量越高[14]。有研究表明[15],增温会使土壤微生物分解速率加快,增加土壤腐殖质成分和高芳香碳化合物。Nguyen等[16]研究发现氮添加对土壤DOM腐殖化指数影响不明显,常单娜等[17]认为施氮肥会使土壤DOM芳香化指数和腐殖化指数升高,而Hagedorn等[18]却发现氮添加会使土壤DOM中芳香化合物减少。显然,增温和氮添加对土壤DOM的影响十分复杂,其影响机制还不甚清楚,仍需要更多的探索。尤其是鲜有研究从DOM的结构入手分析DOM的来源和分解状态,并以此来解释DOM的含量。 我国亚热带被称为“回归带上的绿洲”,森林生物资源丰富,自然条件优越。由于南方山地开发和商品林基地建设,大面积的常绿阔叶林被改造成杉木人工林,约占我国南方森林面积的三分之一[19]。现有的增温和氮沉降开展的相关控制试验多集中于中高纬度温带地区[20-22],亚热带地区高温、高湿,有机质周转速度快,DOM在土壤中迁移较为迅速,增大了淋溶和损失的风险,亚热带森林对气候的响应可能比温带森林更加脆弱。因此,在亚热带森林开展增温和氮添加对了解全球气候变化背景下该地区森林生态系统结构和功能的变化具有极大的理论和现实意义。本研究在杉木幼林设置增温和氮添加多因子试验平台,以土壤DOM为对象,结合紫外-可见光谱(UV-Vis)、荧光光谱(FS)等技术,探讨DOM的含量以及化学结构对增温和氮添加的响应,以期深入了解全球气候变化对森林生态系统碳、氮循环的影响。


    【Objective】 As affected by anthropogenic activities, such as greenhouse agriculture that emits greenhouse gases, the global mean surface temperature rose by about 0.85 °C over the period of 1880—2012; and nitrogen deposition in China increased significantly by 0.41 kg•hm-2 with each passing year over the period from 1980 to 2010. In the context of global warming, soil dissolved organic matter (DOM) attracts more and more attention due to its important role affecting global carbon and nitrogen balance, which is of great significance to the ecological environment. This study aims to investigate effects of soil warming and nitrogen addition on content and structure of soil DOM in the soil of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in subtropical China. 【Method】 In 2014—2015, a mesocosm field experiment was carried out in a Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in subtropical China. The experiment was designed to have six treatments, that is, (1) CT (no warming and 0 kg•hm -2•a-1); (2) W (+5 ℃, 0 kg•hm -2•a-1); (3) HN (no warming and 80 kg•hm -2•a-1); (4) LN (no warming and 40 kg•hm-2•a-1); (5) WHN (+5 ℃ and 80 kg•hm -2•a-1); and (6) WLN, (+5 ℃ and 40 kg•hm-2•a-1). Soil samples were collected in January 2015 (dry season) and April 2015 (rainy season), separately for analysis of DOM. 【Result】Results show that soil warming increased the content of DOM, but decreased its aromaticity index and humification index, which might be attributed to the effect of high temperature promoting conversion of SOM (soil organic matter) into DOM. The impact of nitrogen addition on DOM structure showed a seasonal pattern. In the dry season, addition of nitrogen increased both the content and aromaticity index of DOM, while in the rainy season, it increased the content of DOM, but reduced its aromaticity and humification index significantly. Under the joint effect of high temperature and nitrogen addition, the DOM peaked in content and got simpler in structure. Besides the direct impacts of temperature and nitrogen content, soil moisture and pH were also key factors cotrolling DOM dynamics as revealed by RDA (redundancy analysis). 【Conclusion】Based on the findings of the experiment, it could be concluded that 1) Both warming and application of nitrogen affect soil pH, thus making it easier for SOM to convert into DOM. Since the dissolution of organic matter in soil solution is mostly endothermic, warming accelerates the dissolution of plant residues and SOM into DOM; while nitrogen addition can also increase soil DOM content by promoting plant growth. 2)The effects of warming and nitrogen addition on soil DOM show a strong seasonal pattern, indicating that the influences of future global warming and nitrogen deposition will vary with environment conditions from region to region. Hence, more experiments should be done to further explore impacts of warming, nitrogen addition and their interaction on soil DOM, and some other environmenatl variables should be taken into account to attain a more profound comprehension of carbon and nitrogen cycling under a changing global climate.


焦宏哲,李 欢,陈 惠,鲍 勇,孙 颖,杨玉盛,司友涛.增温、施氮对中亚热带杉木林土壤可溶性有机质的影响[J].土壤学报,2020,57(5):1249-1258. DOI:10.11766/trxb201904160078 JIAO Hongzhe, LI Huan, CHEN Hui, BAO Yong, SUN Ying, YANG Yusheng, SI Youtao. Effects of Soil Warming and Nitrogen Addition on Soil Dissolved Organic Matter of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantations in Subtropical China[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2020,57(5):1249-1258.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-02-10
  • 最后修改日期:2019-06-19
  • 录用日期:2019-09-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-06-30