基于Web of Science对土传病害研究现状和趋势的计量分析




Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature and Research Trend of Soil-borne Diseases Based on Web of Science Database

1.Institute of Soil and Water Resources and Environmental Science,Zhejiang University;2.Key Laboratory of Vector Biology and Pathogen Control of Zhejiang Province, College of Life Sciences, Huzhou University

Fund Project:

National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFD0800207)

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    土传病害是限制我国作物产量和品质的重要因素,同时土传病害的田间蔓延也使得作物产量对农药依赖程度越来越大,造成环境污染问题。为了了解土传病害国内外的研究状况,本文利用CiteSpace知识图谱分析工具、VOSviewer可视化分析软件与HistCite引文图谱分析工具,对Web of Science核心合集数据库中土传病害研究领域的发文数量与学科分布、发文的主要国家(地区)与机构、发文的主要学术期刊、主要研究学者、主要研究热点及其变化趋势等进行计量分析。结果表明:(1)土传病害相关研究受到的重视程度越来越高,进一步支持土壤科学工作者对土传病害的研究将有重要意义。(2)美国、中国、澳大利亚、法国等国家在该领域发文较多,且国家之间合作密切。(3)土传病害研究领域的本地引用次数列前二的期刊为PhytopathologyPlant Disease,其中5年影响因子较高的主要发文期刊有:Soil Biology & Biochemistry Plant DiseasePlant and Soil以及Applied Soil Ecology等。(4)土传病害领域高产学者有Shen Qirong(沈其荣)、Gilligan Christopher A、Mazzola Mark、Weller David M、Cao Aocheng(曹坳程)和Cai Zucong(蔡祖聪)等。(5)生物防控是土传病害的一个研究热点,典型的病原微生物有立枯丝核菌、大丽轮枝菌、尖孢镰刀菌、青枯雷尔氏菌等。(6)土传病害未来研究趋势主要集中于土壤微生物多样性与土传病害间的关系、寄主植物与病原微生物间的关系及土传病害防控机制与技术等方面。


    【Objective】Soil-borne diseases are important factors affecting yield and quality of crops. In order to understand the current research status and trends of soil-borne diseases, we conducted a bibliometric analysis. 【Method】Based on the core collection database of the Web of Science, bibliometric analysis was conducted using the CiteSpace knowledge map analysis tool, VOSviewer visual analysis software and HistCite Citation Analysis Tool, for number of publications and their distributions in disciplines, contributor countries (regions) and institutions, carrier journals, authors and main scholars involved, hotspots and trends in the field of soil-borne crop diseases.【Result】(1) During the period between 1990 and 2018, the number of research papers addressing the topic of soil-borne disease increased. It is important to continue supporting soil scientists in their research on soil-borne diseases; (2) The United States, China, Australia and France are the major contributors of academic articles in this field, and have established close cooperation relationships with each other in recent years; (3) “Phytopathology” and “Plant Disease” are the top two journals in local citation frequency. “Soil Biology & Biochemistry”, “Plant Disease”, “Plant and Soil”, and “Applied Soil Ecology ” are the main journals that have high impacts in the field of soil-borne diseases in the recent 5 years; (4) Qirong Shen, Christopher A Gilligan, Mark Mazzola, David M Weller, Aocheng Cao, and Zucong Cai are the most productive scholars in this field; (5) Biocontrol is a research hotspot in this field. The most typical soil-borne pathogenic microorganisms studied are Rhizoctonia solani , Verticillium dahliae, Fusarium oxysporum , and Ralstonia solanacearum; (6) The research in this field tends in future to focus mainly on relationships between soil microbial diversity and soil-borne diseases and between host plants and pathogenic microorganisms, and development of management practices effective to prevent and control those soil-borne diseases.【Conclusion】This paper is based on bibliometric data of the researches in the field of soil-borne disease. In recent years, intensive studies have been conducted on soil-borne diseases. With the aid of the high-throughput sequencing technology, the knowledge of soil microbial communities and rhizosphere microorganisms has been greatly expanded. Application of the next generation sequencing technology to the study of soil-borne diseases will help us explore interactions between pathogenic microorganisms and soil microbial communities, and develop more effective methods to control soil-borne diseases.

    发 布

严 康,汪海珍,楼 骏,徐建明.基于Web of Science对土传病害研究现状和趋势的计量分析[J].土壤学报,2020,57(3):680-690. DOI:10.11766/trxb201908190236 YAN Kang, WANG Haizhen, LOU Jun, XU Jianming. Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature and Research Trend of Soil-borne Diseases Based on Web of Science Database[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2020,57(3):680-690.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-05-02
  • 最后修改日期:2019-11-22
  • 录用日期:2020-01-17
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-03-02