



Problem Diagnosis and Geographic Optimization for Fertilization of Wheat in Henan Province Based on Spatial Analysis

1.School of Agricultural Science, Zhengzhou University;2.Station of Soil and Fertilizer Extension Service, Henan Province;3.School of Public Management, Zhengzhou University;4.Station of Soil and Fertilizer Extension Service,Henan Province

Fund Project:

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.40801080, 41601210 and 40971128)

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    基于河南小麦主产区82个县2277个样点的“不施肥、习惯施肥、推荐施肥”对照试验数据,在绘制小麦产量图、施肥量图、土壤养分图、肥料农学效率图基础上,采用地图对比法揭示了该区域氮磷钾分配的主要问题;采用随机森林法分析了土壤养分、施肥量、地理要素(气候和土壤类型)对小麦产量变异的影响力;综合对照试验数据和多源文献,确定该区适宜的小麦氮磷钾施用范围,并按“以产定肥”、“因土施肥”原则进行施肥量地理优化。结果表明:该区农民习惯施氮、磷量普遍偏大,钾用量局部不足;推荐方案中氮、磷用量未明显降低,而钾普遍增加。两类施肥方式的共同问题是氮磷钾用量与小麦产量、土壤养分的空间匹配性欠佳。小麦产量变异的主导因素是土壤和气候资源的地理差异,施肥的影响次之,土壤养分的影响最低;小麦增产量变异同时受地理因素和施肥因素的影响,而与土壤养分丰缺无关;施肥水平高是土壤养分丰缺与小麦产量关系较弱的主要原因。根据小麦产量和土壤养分丰缺,确定氮磷钾优化施用量变化范围分别为120~210 kg·hm-2、45~105 kg·hm-2和45~120 kg·hm-2 ;按区域总量计,氮磷钾优化施用量较地方专家推荐量分别节约 14.2%、40.0%和39.5%,较农民习惯用量分别节约20.9%、41.1%和17.5%。


    【Objective】Variable rate fertilizing is an important way to improve fertilization economic efficiency and reduce adverse environmental effect. The objective of this paper is to make a diagnosis of the fertilization of wheat in Henan in an attempt to find out problems and to optimize application rates of NPK fertilizers in line with geographical change of wheat potential yield and soil properties.. Henan Province is a major wheat cultivation area of China, contributing 25% of the total wheat production of the country.【Method】Funded by the formula fertilization project of the Ministry of Agriculture of China, the province launched extensively Three-Zone Comparison Experiments (TCE) during the years of 2007—2009. TCE had experimental sites set up all over the province. Each site was designed to have three adjoining plots, randomly selected and laid out for wheat cultivation under CK (no fertilization), CF (local farmer customary fertilization) and RF (fertilization recommended by local agricultural experts), separately. In this paper, data were collected from a total of 2277 TCE sites in 82 counties for comparison analysis. Before seeding of wheat, a soil sample was collected from the cultivated-layer of each plot, and then the samples from the three adjoining plots were mixed into one as soil sample of the site for analysis of OM, pH, total N, Olsen-P and readily available K. Wheat yield, NPK application rates of each plot and soil properties and accumulated sunshine hour, accumulated precipitation, accumulated evaporation, accumulated temperature above 0°C and that above 10 °C of each TCE site, during the wheat growth period were all recorded separately for comprehensive analysis following the steps below. 1) mapping wheat yield, N, P, K application rate, contents of total N, available P and readily available K in soil with the aid of kriging interpolation, and comparing the maps to identify problems in application of N, P and K fertilizers in this area; 2) adopting the Random Forest(RF)method to assess relative contribution of soil properties of the cultivated soil layer, fertilization rate and geographical variation of soil type and climate to variation of wheat yield; and 3) superimposing the wheat potential yield map, soil total N map, soil available P map and soil readily available K map acquired in the research and referring to the research on soil nutrient sufficiency standard and recommendation of NPK application rates for targeted wheat yield to optimize fertilization recommendation geographically in line with the principles of “yield-targeted fertilization” and “soil-oriented fertilization” for the province. 【Result】Results show that the customary application rates of N and P tended generally to be higher, while that of K to be lower in some areas. However, most of the fertilization recommendations failed to reduce the rates of N and P. but generally raise the rate of K application. The two fertilization schemes, customary and recommended, are found to share a common problem, i.e. N, P, and K application rates mismatched targeted wheat yield and soil fertility in spatial distribution. Random forest analysis shows that geographic variations of soil, type and climate were the dominant factors of the spatial variation of wheat yield, and fertilization followed the next and soil nutrients the last in effect, while variations of geographical factors and fertilization were the ones determining spatial variation of wheat yield increment, which had nothing to do with soil nutrients. High fertilization rates were the major reason explaining the weak relationship between soil nutrient status and wheat yield.【Conclusion】On the background of high nutrient and water supply, physical geographical distributions of soil type and climate now are the key factors determining spatial variation of wheat yield at a provincial scale. Owing to the hardness of breaking through the obstacle of soil type and the limitation of climate conditions, it is almost infeasible to alter the rule of spatial distribution significantly within next few years. Based on the spatial variations of potential wheat yield and soil nutrient level, the recommended N, P2O5 and K2O application rate should be in the range of 120~210 kg·hm-2, 45~105 kg·hm-2 and 45~120 kg·hm-2, respectively. It is estimated that geographic optimization may save N, P and K fertilizer by 14.2%, 40.0% and 39.5% over the fertilization schemes recommended by local experts and by 20.9%, 41.1% and 17.5% over the customary application rate of the local farmers.


赵彦锋,程道全,巫振富,陈 杰,孙笑梅,闫军营,梁思源.基于空间分析的河南省小麦施肥问题诊断与地理优化[J].土壤学报,2020,57(5):1206-1218. DOI:10.11766/trxb201906250273 ZHAO Yanfeng, CHENG Daoquan, WU Zhenfu, CHEN Jie, SUN Xiaomei, YAN Junying, LIANG Siyuan. Problem Diagnosis and Geographic Optimization for Fertilization of Wheat in Henan Province Based on Spatial Analysis[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2020,57(5):1206-1218.

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  • 收稿日期:2019-05-17
  • 最后修改日期:2019-09-03
  • 录用日期:2019-11-04
  • 在线发布日期: 2020-06-30