



Spatial Distribution of Shajiang Content in Shajiang Black Soil of Huaibei Plain and Its Influencing Factors
Fund Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 41930753; 41725004), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2016YFD0300809), and the Primary Research & Development Plan of Jiangsu Province of China (No. BE2017385)

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    砂姜黑土的典型特征就是土体内含有“砂姜”。本论文基于经典统计学及地统计学方法,研究了淮北平原砂姜黑土区东西(河南上蔡到安徽泗县)及南北(河南鹿邑到安徽怀远)两条典型样带0~100 cm土层内砂姜含量分布及0~20 cm土壤性质、地形因子和气候特征。结果表明:(1)东西样带内从西向东、南北样带内从北向南,砂姜含量逐渐增多,埋深也逐渐变浅;(2)两条样带砂姜含量随土层的加深呈增加的趋势,而极大值出现在20~60 cm土层,砂姜以2~5 mm粒级的占比最大(40%~44%);(3)相关分析表明砂姜含量与蒙脱石组成比例(r=0.321,P < 0.01)、年均降水量(r=0.416,P < 0.01)、年均温度(r=0.369,P < 0.01)呈正相关,而与土壤全钙(r=-0.279,P < 0.05)、高程(r=-0.387,P < 0.01)、年均蒸发量(r=-0.392,P < 0.01)呈负相关。可见,淮北平原砂姜含量受地形、气候条件和土壤性质等因素的共同作用,形成了“西低东高,北低南高”空间分布格局。


    [Objective] Shajiang black soil (Vertisol), one of the major soil types in China with low or medium productivity, is mainly distributed in the Huaibei plain. As the name suggests, in soil configuration, the soil is composed of a black soil layer and a Shajiang layer, with the former overlaid with the latter. Although the black soil layer is dark in color, it is very low in organic matter content (< 1%). "Shajiang", a special kind of calcareous concretion, is a major component and a typical feature of Shajiang black soil. The presence of Shajiang leads to high heterogeneity of the soil and significantly influences physical and chemical properties of the soil, thus restraining root growth and crop yield. Shajiang is a byproduct of soil-forming process, and shows high spatial variability. However, little is yet known about spatial distribution of Shajiang and its driving factors in the Huaibei Plain. The objective of this study was to investigate spatial distribution of Shajiang its driving factors in the Plain.[Method] Based on the classical statistics and geo-statistics, this study selected two bands of Shajiang black soil, typical of the area, extending from west to east and from north to south in the plain for investigation of contents of Shajiang in the 0~100 cm soil layer, therein. Meanwhile, soils in the 0~20 cm soil layer were sampled for analysis of physico-chemical properties. Besides, topographic and climate data of the sampling sites were collected too. The west-east band extended from Shangcai County in Henan Province to Sixian County in Anhui Province (360 km long, and a total of 35 samples collected), and the north-south band did from Luyi County in Henan Province to Huaiyuan County in Anhui Province (195 km long and a total of 29 samples collected).[Result] (1) the two bands showed a general increasing trend from west to east and from north to south, separately in Shajiang content, but a decreasing one in depth of their burial; (2) Shajiang content increased with soil depth in both bands, and peaked in the 20~60 cm soil layer. The analysis of particle size composition of Shajiang shows that the 2~5 mm fraction of Shajiang accounted for 40%~44% of the total; (3) Similar to Shajiang content in variation trend, increasing from west to east and from north to south in the two bands, the proportion of montmorillonite, MAT and MAP increased too, but MAE and elevation did reversely. However, the content of total calcium only showed a decreasing trend from north to south in the north-south band; and (4) Pearson correlation analysis shows that Shajiang content was positively related to montmorillonite content (r=0.321, P < 0.01), MAP (r=0.416, P < 0.01), and MAT (r=0.369, P < 0.01), but negatively to total calcium content (r=-0.279, P < 0.05), elevation (r=-0.387, P < 0.01), and MEA (r=-0.392, P < 0.01). Principal component analysis shows that topography (37.4%) and climate conditions (38.4%) were factors more important than soil properties affecting Shajiang content (24.1%).[Conclusion] Therefore, it can be concluded that Shajiang content in the Huaibei Plain is mainly regulated by topography, climate conditions and soil properties together, thus forming a spatial distribution pattern of "low in the northwest, and high in the southeast".

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    发 布

陈月明,高磊,张中彬,郭自春,邵芳荣,彭新华.淮北平原砂姜黑土区砂姜的空间分布及其驱动因素[J].土壤学报,2022,59(1):148-160. DOI:10.11766/trxb202004280202 CHEN Yueming, GAO Lei, ZHANG Zhongbin, GUO Zichun, SHAO Fangrong, PENG Xinhua. Spatial Distribution of Shajiang Content in Shajiang Black Soil of Huaibei Plain and Its Influencing Factors[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2022,59(1):148-160.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-04-28
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  • 在线发布日期: 2020-12-08
  • 出版日期: 2022-01-11