



Effects of Ozone Pollution and Ethylenediurea Spraying on the Rhizospheric Bacterial Community of Wheat Plant
Fund Project:

Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42130714), General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 42377307), the Startup Foundation for Introducing Talent of NUIST (No. 003342)

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    为揭示臭氧(O3)浓度升高、亚乙基二脲(Ethylenediurea,EDU)喷施及其交互作用对小麦根际细菌群落多样性与结构的影响,利用完全开放式熏蒸系统(Free-Air Concentration Enrichment,FACE)对“农麦88”进行环境O3浓度(A处理)和1.5倍环境O3浓度(E处理)熏蒸,同时设置叶面喷施6次450 mg·L-1 EDU或等量清水的处理。结果表明,EDU喷施使小麦根系生物量上升8%~58%、土壤pH下降4%~10%,且A处理下均达到显著水平。O3浓度升高、EDU处理及其交互作用对细菌群落alpha多样性没有显著影响。O3浓度升高改变了细菌群落结构,而E处理下EDU对细菌群落的影响较A处理更为显著。所有处理根际土中Proteobacteria(相对丰度占比28%~39%)、Bacteroidota(11%~20%)、Acidobacteria(7%~11%)为最优势菌门。E处理和EDU处理均显著降低了Alphaproteobacteria的相对丰度,但提高了Chloroflexi的相对丰度。E处理使Nitrospirota菌门的相对丰度提高了71%~164%,EDU处理使Planctomycetota菌门的相对丰度提高了23%~70%。Spearman相关性分析结果表明,土壤速效钾含量与Chloroflexi和Nitrospirota菌门的相对丰度呈显著负相关(r = -0.846~-0.586),而与Alphaproteobacteria菌门的相对丰度呈显著正相关(r = 0.604)。综上,小麦可能通过降低富营养菌群和提高贫营养菌群相对丰度来提高自身对O3浓度升高的适应性,而叶面喷施EDU可能也通过该途径来缓解小麦的O3胁迫。


    【Objtctive】 Tropospheric ozone (O3) is one of the most severe plant toxic air pollutants, it poses a serious threat to food production and security. Ethylenediurea (EDU) can effectively mitigate O3-induced crop yield loss. However the effects of elevated O3, EDU, and their interaction on the rhizospheric bacterial community of wheat plant remains unclear.【Method】 Triticum aestivum L. Nongmai88 was grown in China O3 Free-Air Concentration Enrichment (O3-FACE) platform under either ambient atmospheric O3 (A treatment) or 1.5 times ambient atmospheric O3 (E treatment), and the foliage sprayed with 450 mg·L-1 EDU or equal mount of water every ten days. The rhizospheric bacterial communitites under different treatments were analyzed by MiSeq sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes in combination with redundancy analysis (RDA).【Result】 It was found that EDU increased wheat root biomass by 8%-58% and decreased soil pH by 4%-10%, both of which reached significant levels under A treatment. The elevated O3, EDU foliar spray, and their interaction did not significantly affect the alpha diversity indices of rhizospheric bacterial communities, but the elevated O3 caused significant variation in the whole bacterial community structure. In addition, the effect of EDU on the structure of the bacterial community in A treatment was more significant than that under E treatment. Proteobacteria (with a relative abundance ratio of 28%-39%), Bacteroidota (11%-20%), and Acidobacteriota (7%-11%) were the most dominant phyla in all treatments of the rhizosphere soil. Both the elevated O3 and EDU foliar spray significantly reduced the relative abundance of Alphaproteobacteria but increased the relative abundance of Chloroflexi. E treatment increased the relative abundance of Nitrospirota by 71% to 164%, while EDU treatment increased the relative abundance of Planctomycota by 23% to 70%. Based on the results of RDA, it was found that the content of available postassium (AK) and pH were the main drivers, explaining 21% and 16% of the variation in bacterial community structure, respectively (P<0.005). Furthermore, the Spearman correlation analysis results showed that the content of AK in rhizospheric soil was significantly negatively correlated with the relative abundance of the Chloroflexi and Nitrospirota phyla(r=-0.846 - -0.586), while it was significantly positively correlated with the relative abundance of the Alphaproteobacteria subphyla (r=0.604).【Conclusion】 In summary, wheat may improve its adaptability to increased O3 concentration by reducing the abundance of copiotrophic bacteria and increasing the relative abundance of oligotrophic bacteria, while foliar spraying with EDU may also alleviate wheat O3 stress in wheat through this way.


张浩然,施羽,刘园园,程诚,王琪,徐彦森,冯兆忠.臭氧污染和亚乙基二脲喷施对小麦根际细菌群落的影响[J].土壤学报,2024,61(6):1694-1702. DOI:10.11766/trxb202307010254 ZHANG Haoran, SHI Yu, LIU Yuanyuan, CHENG Cheng, WANG Qi, XU Yansen, FENG Zhaozhong. Effects of Ozone Pollution and Ethylenediurea Spraying on the Rhizospheric Bacterial Community of Wheat Plant[J]. Acta Pedologica Sinica,2024,61(6):1694-1702.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-07-01
  • 最后修改日期:2023-10-03
  • 录用日期:2023-11-17
  • 在线发布日期: 2024-01-15